#!/usr/bin/env ruby require 'qcmd' require 'trollop' VERSION_STRING = "qcmd #{ Qcmd::VERSION } (c) 2012 Figure 53, Baltimore, MD." opts = Trollop::options do version VERSION_STRING opt :verbose, 'Use verbose mode', :default => false opt :debug, "Show full debug output, don't make changes to workspaces", :default => false end if opts[:verbose] Qcmd.log_level = :debug end if opts[:debug] Qcmd.log_level = :debug Qcmd.debug_mode = true end # browse local network and check for qlab + qlab workspaces Qcmd.ascii_qlab Qcmd.print Qcmd.print Qcmd.centered_text(VERSION_STRING) Qcmd::Network.browse_and_display Qcmd::CLI.launch opts