--- # # site.data.base.navbar_absolute - Control top navigation bar using absolute # links for both internal and external resources. Useful when you build the # navigation bar for sites other than "www.centos.org" website and you want to # keep references to "www.centos.org." # - name: "Download" icon: "fas fa-download" link: "https://www.centos.org/download" menu: [] visible_on: ["navbar"] - name: "About" icon: "fas fa-info-circle" link: "#" menu: - name: "About CentOS" link: "https://www.centos.org/about" - name: "Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)" link: "https://wiki.centos.org/FAQ" - name: "Special Interest Groups (SIGs)" link: "https://wiki.centos.org/SpecialInterestGroups" - name: "CentOS Variants" link: "https://www.centos.org/variants" - name: "Governance" link: "https://www.centos.org/about/governance" visible_on: ["navbar", "footer"] - name: "Community" icon: "fas fa-users" link: "#" menu: - name: "Contribute" link: "https://wiki.centos.org/Contribute" icon: "fas fa-hands-helping" - name: "Forums" link: "https://www.centos.org/forums/" icon: "fas fa-comments" - name: "Mailing Lists" link: "https://wiki.centos.org/GettingHelp/ListInfo" icon: "fas fa-envelope" - name: "IRC" link: "https://wiki.centos.org/irc" icon: "fas fa-hashtag" - name: "Calendar & IRC Meeting List" link: "https://www.centos.org/community/calendar/" icon: "fas fa-calendar-alt" - name: "Planet" link: "http://planet.centos.org/" icon: "fas fa-newspaper" - name: "Submit Bug" link: "https://bugs.centos.org/" icon: "fas fa-bug" visible_on: ["navbar", "footer"] - name: "Documentation" icon: "fas fa-book" link: "#" menu: - name: "Wiki" link: "https://wiki.centos.org/" - name: "Manuals" link: "https://docs.centos.org/" - name: "GPG Key Info" link: "https://www.centos.org/keys" visible_on: ["navbar", "footer"] - name: "Help" icon: "fas fa-life-ring" link: "https://wiki.centos.org/Documentation?action=show&redirect=GettingHelp" menu: [] visible_on: ["navbar"] - name: "Search" icon: "fas fa-search" link: "https://www.centos.org/search" menu: [] visible_on: []