require "bundler/gem_tasks" require "rake/testtask" do |t| t.libs << "test" t.libs << "lib" t.test_files = FileList["test/**/*_test.rb"] end task :default => :test namespace :docker do task :build do sh 'docker', 'build', '-t', 'sider/goodcheck:dev', '.' end end namespace :docs do desc "Install dependencies for the documentation website" task :install_deps do on_docs_dir do sh "yarn", "install" end end desc "Build the documentation website" task :build => [:install_deps] do on_docs_dir do sh "yarn", "run", "build" end end desc "Update the version of the documentation website" task :update_version => [:install_deps] do on_docs_dir do sh "yarn", "run", "version", Goodcheck::VERSION end end desc "Publish the documentation website" task :publish => [:build] do on_docs_dir do sh "yarn", "run", "publish-gh-pages" end end def on_docs_dir(&block) Dir.chdir "docusaurus/website", &block end end namespace :benchmark do desc "Run benchmark" task :run, [:n] do |_task, args| require "benchmark" require "net/http" require "tempfile" require_relative "lib/goodcheck" require_relative "lib/goodcheck/cli" content = Net::HTTP.get(URI("")) target_file ="goodcheck-benchmark-") target_file.write content target_file = target_file.path n = Integer(args[:n] || 1000) puts "n = #{n}" do |x| do n.times { STDOUT, stderr: STDERR).run(["check", target_file]) } end end end end