# Rollbar notifier for Ruby [](https://travis-ci.org/rollbar/rollbar-gem/branches) <!-- RemoveNext --> Ruby gem for reporting exceptions, errors, and log messages to [Rollbar](https://rollbar.com). <!-- Sub:[TOC] --> ## Installation Add this line to your application's Gemfile: gem 'rollbar', '~> 1.2.11' And then execute: ```bash $ bundle install # Or if you don't use bundler: $ gem install rollbar ``` ### If using Rails Run the following command from your Rails root: ```bash $ rails generate rollbar POST_SERVER_ITEM_ACCESS_TOKEN ``` <!-- RemoveNextIfProject --> Be sure to replace ```POST_SERVER_ITEM_ACCESS_TOKEN``` with your project's ```post_server_item``` access token, which you can find in the Rollbar.com interface. That's all you need to use Rollbar with Rails. That will create the file ```config/initializers/rollbar.rb```, which holds the configuration values (currently just your access token). If you want to store your access token outside of your repo, run the same command without arguments, and create an environment variable ```ROLLBAR_ACCESS_TOKEN``` that holds your server-side access token: ```bash $ rails generate rollbar $ export ROLLBAR_ACCESS_TOKEN=POST_SERVER_ITEM_ACCESS_TOKEN ``` For Heroku users: If you're on Heroku, you can store the access token in your Heroku config: ```bash $ heroku config:add ROLLBAR_ACCESS_TOKEN=POST_SERVER_ITEM_ACCESS_TOKEN ``` That's all you need to use Rollbar with Rails. ### If using Rack Be sure to initialize Rollbar with your access token somewhere during startup: ```ruby Rollbar.configure do |config| config.access_token = 'POST_SERVER_ITEM_ACCESS_TOKEN' # other configuration settings # ... end ``` <!-- RemoveNextIfProject --> Be sure to replace ```POST_SERVER_ITEM_ACCESS_TOKEN``` with your project's ```post_server_item``` access token, which you can find in the Rollbar.com interface. This monkey patches `Rack::Builder` to work with Rollbar automatically. For more control, disable the monkey patch in the rollbar configuration: ```ruby Rollbar.configure do |config| config.disable_monkey_patch = true # other configuration settings # ... end ``` Then mount the middleware in your app, like: ```ruby class MyApp < Sinatra::Base use Rollbar::Middleware::Sinatra # other middleware/etc # ... end ``` ## Test your installation To confirm that it worked, run: ```bash $ rake rollbar:test ``` This will raise an exception within a test request; if it works, you'll see a stacktrace in the console, and the exception will appear in the Rollbar dashboard. ## Usage ### Uncaught exceptions Uncaught exceptions in Rails controllers will be automatically reported to Rollbar. ### Caught exceptions and messages You can use one of `Rollbar.log(level, ...)`, `Rollbar.debug()`, `Rollbar.info()`, `Rollbar.warning()`, `Rollbar.error()` and `Rollbar.critical()` to report exceptions and messages. The methods take in any number of arguments, but the last exception is used as the reported exception, the last string is used as the message/description, and the last hash is used as the extra data. For example: ```ruby begin result = user_info[:key1][:key2][:key3] rescue NoMethodError => e # simple exception report (level can be 'debug', 'info', 'warning', 'error' and 'critical') Rollbar.log('error', e) # same functionality as above Rollbar.error(e) # with a description Rollbar.error(e, 'The user info hash doesn\'t contain the correct data') # with extra data giving more insight about the exception Rollbar.error(e, :user_info => user_info, :job_id => job_id) end ``` You can also log individual messages: ```ruby Rollbar.warning('Unexpected input') # can also include extra data Rollbar.info("Login successful", :username => @username) Rollbar.log('debug', 'Settings saved', :account_id => account.id) ``` ### Reporting form validation errors To get form validation errors automatically reported to Rollbar just add the following ```after_validation``` callback to your models: ```ruby after_validation :report_validation_errors_to_rollbar ``` ### Advanced usage You can use `Rollbar.scope()` to copy a notifier instance and customize the payload data for one-off reporting. The hash argument to `scope()` will be merged into the copied notifier's "payload options", a hash that will be merged into the final payload just before it is reported to Rollbar. For example: ```ruby while job user = job.user # Overwrites any existing person data notifier = Rollbar.scope({ :person => {:id => user.id, :username => user.username, :email => user.email} }) begin job.do_work rescue => e # Sends a report with the above person data notifier.critical(e) end job = next_job end # Wipe person data notifier = notifier.scope({ :person => nil }) # No associated person data notifier.info('Jobs processed') ``` If you don't want to work with a new `Notifier` instance `#scoped` will do it for you: ```ruby while job user = job.user # Overwrites any existing person data scope = { :person => {:id => user.id, :username => user.username, :email => user.email} } Rollbar.scoped(scope) do begin job.do_work rescue => e # Sends a report with the above person data Rollbar.critical(e) end end job = next_job end ``` ## Person tracking Rollbar will send information about the current user (called a "person" in Rollbar parlance) along with each error report, when available. This works by calling the ```current_user``` controller method. The return value should be an object with an ```id``` method and, optionally, ```username``` and ```email``` methods. This will happen automatically for uncaught Rails exceptions and for any manual exception or log reporting done within a Rails request. If the gem should call a controller method besides ```current_user```, add the following in ```config/initializers/rollbar.rb```: ```ruby Rollbar.configure do |config| config.person_method = "my_current_user" end ``` If the methods to extract the ```id```, ```username```, and ```email``` from the object returned by the ```person_method``` have other names, configure like so in ```config/initializers/rollbar.rb```: ```ruby Rollbar.configure do |config| config.person_id_method = "user_id" # default is "id" config.person_username_method = "user_name" # default is "username" config.person_email_method = "email_address" # default is "email" end ``` ## Special note about reporting within a request The gem instantiates one `Notifier` instance on initialization, which will be the base notifier that is used for all reporting (via a `method_missing` proxy in the `Rollbar` module). Calling `Rollbar.configure()` will configure this base notifier that will be used globally in a ruby app. However, the Rails middleware will actually scope this base notifier for use within a request by storing it in thread-local storage (see [here](https://github.com/rollbar/rollbar-gem/blob/5f4e6135f0e61148672b0190c88767aa52e5cdb3/lib/rollbar/middleware/rails/rollbar.rb#L35-L39)). This is done to make any manual logging within a request automatically contain request and person data. Calling `Rollbar.configure()` therefore will only affect the notifier for the duration of the request, and not the base notifier used globally. ## Data sanitization (scrubbing) By default, the notifier will "scrub" the following fields from payloads before sending to Rollbar - ```:passwd``` - ```:password``` - ```:password_confirmation``` - ```:secret``` - ```:confirm_password``` - ```:password_confirmation``` - ```:secret_token``` And the following http header - ```"Authorization"``` If a request contains one of these fields, the value will be replaced with a ```"*"``` before being sent. Additional fields can be scrubbed by updating ```Rollbar.configuration.scrub_fields```: ```ruby # scrub out the "user_password" field Rollbar.configuration.scrub_fields |= [:user_password] ``` And ```Rollbar.configuration.scrub_headers```: ```ruby # scrub out the "X-Access-Token" http header Rollbar.configuration.scrub_headers |= ["X-Access-Token"] ``` ## Including additional runtime data You can provide a callable that will be called for each exception or message report. ```custom_data_method``` should be a lambda that takes no arguments and returns a hash. Add the following in ```config/initializers/rollbar.rb```: ```ruby config.custom_data_method = lambda { { :some_key => :some_value, :complex_key => {:a => 1, :b => [2, 3, 4]} } } ``` This data will appear in the Occurrences tab and on the Occurrence Detail pages in the Rollbar interface. ## Exception level filters By default, all uncaught exceptions are reported at the "error" level, except for the following, which are reported at "warning" level: - ```ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound``` - ```AbstractController::ActionNotFound``` - ```ActionController::RoutingError``` If you'd like to customize this list, see the example code in ```config/initializers/rollbar.rb```. Supported levels: "critical", "error", "warning", "info", "debug", "ignore". Set to "ignore" to cause the exception not to be reported at all. ## Silencing exceptions at runtime If you just want to disable exception reporting for a single block, use ```Rollbar.silenced```: ```ruby Rollbar.silenced { foo = bar # will not be reported } ``` ## Delayed::Job integration If `delayed_job` is defined, Rollbar will automatically install a plugin that reports any uncaught exceptions that occur in jobs. By default, the job's data will be included in the report. If you want to disable this functionality to prevent sensitive data from possibly being sent, use the following configuration option: ```ruby config.report_dj_data = false # default is true ``` You can also change the threshold of job retries that must occur before a job is reported to Rollbar: ```ruby config.dj_threshold = 2 # default is 0 ``` If you use [custom jobs](https://github.com/collectiveidea/delayed_job#custom-jobs) that define their own hooks to report exceptions, please consider disabling our plugin. Not doing so will result in duplicate exceptions being reported as well as lack of control when exceptions should be reported. To disable our Delayed::Job plugin, add the following line after the `Rollbar.configure` block. ```ruby config.delayed_job_enabled = false ``` ## Asynchronous reporting By default, all messages are reported synchronously. You can enable asynchronous reporting with [girl_friday](https://github.com/mperham/girl_friday), [sucker_punch](https://github.com/brandonhilkert/sucker_punch), [Sidekiq](https://github.com/mperham/sidekiq), [Resque](https://github.com/resque/resque) or using threading. ### Using girl_friday Add the following in ```config/initializers/rollbar.rb```: ```ruby config.use_async = true ``` Asynchronous reporting falls back to Threading if girl_friday is not installed. ### Using sucker_punch Add the following in ```config/initializers/rollbar.rb```: ```ruby config.use_sucker_punch ``` ### Using Sidekiq Add the following in ```config/initializers/rollbar.rb```: ```ruby config.use_sidekiq ``` You can also supply custom Sidekiq options: ```ruby config.use_sidekiq 'queue' => 'my_queue' ``` Start the redis server: ```bash $ redis-server ``` Start Sidekiq from the root directory of your Rails app and declare the name of your queue. Unless you've configured otherwise, the queue name is "rollbar": ```bash $ bundle exec sidekiq -q rollbar ``` ### Using Resque Add the following in ```config/initializers/rollbar.rb```: ```ruby config.use_resque ``` You can also supply a custom Resque queue: ```ruby config.use_resque :queue => 'my_queue' ``` Now you can just start a new Resque worker processing jobs in that queue: ```bash $ QUEUE=my_queue bundle exec resque:work ``` ### Using threading Add the following in ```config/initializers/rollbar.rb```: ```ruby config.use_thread ``` ### Using another handler You can supply your own handler using ```config.async_handler```. The object to set for `async_handler` should respond to `#call` and receive the payload. The handler should schedule the payload for later processing (i.e. with a delayed_job, in a resque queue, etc.) and should itself return immediately. For example: ```ruby config.use_async config.async_handler = Proc.new { |payload| Thread.new { Rollbar.process_payload(payload) } } ``` Make sure you pass ```payload``` to ```Rollbar.process_payload``` in your own implementation. ## Failover handlers If you are using `async_handler` to process asynchronous the error it's possible that the handler fails before it calls `Rollbar.process_payload`. For example, for the Resque handler, the Redis connection could fail so the job is finally not processed. To ensure that the error is sent you can define a chain of failover handlers that Rollbar will use to send the payload in case that the primary handler fails. The failover handlers, as for `async_handler`, are just objects responding to `#call`. To configure the failover handlers you can add the following: ```ruby config.use_resque config.failover_handlers = [Rollbar::Delay::GirlFriday, Rollbar::Delay::Thread] ``` With the configuration above Resque will be your primary asynchronous handler but if it fails queueing the job Rollbar will use GirlFriday at first, and just a thread in case that GirlFriday fails too. ## Using with rollbar-agent For even more asynchrony, you can configure the gem to write to a file instead of sending the payload to Rollbar servers directly. [rollbar-agent](https://github.com/rollbar/rollbar-agent) can then be hooked up to this file to actually send the payload across. To enable, add the following in ```config/initializers/rollbar.rb```: ```ruby config.write_to_file = true # optional, defaults to "#{AppName}.rollbar" config.filepath = '/path/to/file.rollbar' #should end in '.rollbar' for use with rollbar-agent ``` For this to work, you'll also need to set up rollbar-agent--see its docs for details. ## Deploy Tracking with Capistrano ### Capistrano 3 Add to your `Capfile`: ```ruby require 'rollbar/capistrano3' ``` And then, to your `deploy.rb`: ```ruby set :rollbar_token, 'POST_SERVER_ITEM_ACCESS_TOKEN' set :rollbar_env, Proc.new { fetch :stage } set :rollbar_role, Proc.new { :app } ``` ### Capistrano 2 Add the following to ```deploy.rb```: ```ruby require 'rollbar/capistrano' set :rollbar_token, 'POST_SERVER_ITEM_ACCESS_TOKEN' ``` Available options: <dl> <dt>rollbar_token</dt> <dd>The same project access token as you used for the ```rails generate rollbar``` command; find it in ```config/initializers/rollbar.rb```. (It's repeated here for performance reasons, so the rails environment doesn't have to be initialized.) </dd> <dt>rollbar_env</dt> <dd>Deploy environment name Default: ```rails_env``` </dd> </dl> For ```capistrano/multistage```, try: ```ruby set(:rollbar_env) { stage } ``` ## Counting specific gems as in-project code In the Rollbar interface, stacktraces are shown with in-project code expanded and other code collapsed. Stack frames are counted as in-project if they occur in a file that is inside of the `configuration.root` (automatically set to ```Rails.root``` if you're using Rails). The collapsed sections can be expanded by clicking on them. If you want code from some specific gems to start expanded as well, you can configure this in ```config/initializers/rollbar.rb```: ```ruby Rollbar.configure do |config | config.access_token = '...' config.project_gems = ['my_custom_gem', 'my_other_gem'] end ``` ## Using with Goalie If you're using [Goalie](https://github.com/obvio171/goalie) for custom error pages, you may need to explicitly add ```require 'goalie'``` to ```config/application.rb``` (in addition to ```require 'goalie/rails'```) so that the monkeypatch will work. (This will be obvious if it is needed because your app won't start up: you'll see a cryptic error message about ```Goalie::CustomErrorPages.render_exception``` not being defined.) ## Using with Resque Check out [resque-rollbar](https://github.com/dimko/resque-rollbar) for using Rollbar as a failure backend for Resque. ## Using with Zeus Some users have reported problems with Zeus when ```rake``` was not explicitly included in their Gemfile. If the zeus server fails to start after installing the rollbar gem, try explicitly adding ```gem 'rake'``` to your ```Gemfile```. See [this thread](https://github.com/rollbar/rollbar-gem/issues/30) for more information. ## Backwards Compatibility You can find upgrading notes in [UPGRADING.md](UPGRADING.md). ## Issues We've received some issues from users having problems when they use [Oj](https://github.com/ohler55/oj) as the JSON serialization library with [MultiJson](https://github.com/intridea/multi_json). To avoid these problems, we recommend upgrading to Oj version 2.11.0: ```ruby gem 'oj', '~> 2.11.0' ``` If you are using Oj but cannot upgrade, you can work around this with: ```ruby require 'json' MultiJson.use(:json_common) ``` ## Help / Support If you run into any issues, please email us at [support@rollbar.com](mailto:support@rollbar.com) You can also find us in IRC: [#rollbar on chat.freenode.net](irc://chat.freenode.net/rollbar) For bug reports, please [open an issue on GitHub](https://github.com/rollbar/rollbar-gem/issues/new). ## Contributing 1. Fork it 2. Create your feature branch (```git checkout -b my-new-feature```). 3. Commit your changes (```git commit -am 'Added some feature'```) 4. Push to the branch (```git push origin my-new-feature```) 5. Create new Pull Request We're using RSpec for testing. Run the test suite with ```rake spec```. Tests for pull requests are appreciated but not required. (If you don't include a test, we'll write one before merging.)