data: - { _id: 1, x: 11 } - { _id: 2, x: 22 } - { _id: 3, x: 33 } - { _id: 4, x: 44 } - { _id: 5, x: 55 } collection_name: &collection_name "test" database_name: &database_name "ruby-driver" namespace: &namespace "ruby-driver.test" tests: - description: "A successful find event with no options" operation: name: "find" arguments: filter: { _id: 1 } expectations: - command_started_event: command: find: *collection_name filter: { _id: 1 } command_name: "find" database_name: *database_name - command_succeeded_event: reply: ok: 1.0 cursor: id: { $numberLong: "0" } ns: *namespace firstBatch: - { _id: 1, x: 11 } command_name: "find" - description: "A successful find event with options" operation: name: "find" read_preference: { mode: "primaryPreferred" } arguments: filter: { _id: { $gt: 1 } } sort: { _id: 1 } skip: 2 modifiers: $comment: "test" $hint: { _id: 1 } $max: { _id: 6 } $maxScan: 5000 $maxTimeMS: 6000 $min: { _id: 0 } $returnKey: false $showDiskLoc: false $snapshot: false expectations: - command_started_event: command: find: *collection_name filter: { _id: { $gt: 1 } } sort: { _id: 1 } skip: 2 comment: "test" hint: { _id: 1 } max: { _id: 6 } maxScan: 5000 maxTimeMS: 6000 min: { _id: 0 } returnKey: false showRecordId: false snapshot: false command_name: "find" database_name: *database_name - command_succeeded_event: reply: ok: 1.0 cursor: id: { $numberLong: "0" } ns: *namespace firstBatch: - { _id: 4, x: 44 } - { _id: 5, x: 55 } command_name: "find" - description: "A successful find event with a getmore" operation: name: "find" arguments: filter: { _id: { $gte: 1 }} sort: { _id: 1 } batchSize: 3 expectations: - command_started_event: command: find: *collection_name filter: { _id: { $gte : 1 }} sort: { _id: 1 } batchSize: 3 command_name: "find" database_name: *database_name - command_succeeded_event: reply: ok: 1.0 cursor: id: { $numberLong: "42" } ns: *namespace firstBatch: - { _id: 1, x: 11 } - { _id: 2, x: 22 } - { _id: 3, x: 33 } command_name: "find" - command_started_event: command: getMore: { $numberLong: "42" } collection: *collection_name batchSize: 3 command_name: "getMore" database_name: *database_name - command_succeeded_event: reply: ok: 1.0 cursor: id: { $numberLong: "0" } ns: *namespace nextBatch: - { _id: 4, x: 44 } - { _id: 5, x: 55 } command_name: "getMore" - description: "A successful find event with a getmore and killcursors" ignore_if_server_version_greater_than: "3.0" operation: name: "find" arguments: filter: { _id: { $gte: 1 }} sort: { _id: 1 } batchSize: 3 limit: 4 expectations: - command_started_event: command: find: *collection_name filter: { _id: { $gte : 1 }} sort: { _id: 1 } batchSize: 3 limit: 4 command_name: "find" database_name: *database_name - command_succeeded_event: reply: ok: 1.0 cursor: id: { $numberLong: "42" } ns: *namespace firstBatch: - { _id: 1, x: 11 } - { _id: 2, x: 22 } - { _id: 3, x: 33 } command_name: "find" - command_started_event: command: getMore: { $numberLong: "42" } collection: *collection_name batchSize: 1 command_name: "getMore" database_name: *database_name - command_succeeded_event: reply: ok: 1.0 cursor: id: { $numberLong: "42" } ns: *namespace nextBatch: - { _id: 4, x: 44 } command_name: "getMore" - command_started_event: command: killCursors: *collection_name cursors: - { $numberLong: "42" } command_name: "killCursors" database_name: *database_name - command_succeeded_event: reply: ok: 1.0 cursorsUnknown: - { $numberLong: "42" } command_name: "killCursors" - description: "A successful find event with a getmore and the server kills the cursor" ignore_if_server_version_less_than: "3.1" operation: name: "find" arguments: filter: { _id: { $gte: 1 }} sort: { _id: 1 } batchSize: 3 limit: 4 expectations: - command_started_event: command: find: *collection_name filter: { _id: { $gte : 1 }} sort: { _id: 1 } batchSize: 3 limit: 4 command_name: "find" database_name: *database_name - command_succeeded_event: reply: ok: 1.0 cursor: id: { $numberLong: "42" } ns: *namespace firstBatch: - { _id: 1, x: 11 } - { _id: 2, x: 22 } - { _id: 3, x: 33 } command_name: "find" - command_started_event: command: getMore: { $numberLong: "42" } collection: *collection_name batchSize: 3 command_name: "getMore" database_name: *database_name - command_succeeded_event: reply: ok: 1.0 cursor: id: { $numberLong: "0" } ns: *namespace nextBatch: - { _id: 4, x: 44 } command_name: "getMore" - description: "A failed find event" operation: name: "find" arguments: filter: { $or: true } expectations: - command_started_event: command: find: *collection_name filter: { $or: true } command_name: "find" database_name: *database_name - command_failed_event: command_name: "find"