=== 2.0.51 2012-06-20 Added cont_viruses database === 2.0.50 2012-06-13 Added classification plugin === 2.0.49 2012-05-24 Updated gem dependencies === 2.0.48 2012-05-16 Select biggest sequence on cluster === 2.0.47 2012-05-14 Added option for illumina qualities based on phred+64 scores === 2.0.46 2012-04-13 Checkpointing activated. Jobs can be restarted where stopped. === 2.0.45 2012-03-05 Improved LowComplexity plugin to ignore low complexity regions inside low qual regions === 2.0.44 2012-02-23 Skip output === 2.0.43 2012-02-22 Lower logger levels === 2.0.42 2012-02-01 Added custom cd-hit cmd parameters === 2.0.41 2011-11-04 Added extra adapters plugin for transcriptomics === 2.0.40 2011-10-27 -Support Relative paths in user DB -Can mix relative and absolute paths in user DB -Custom linkers database === 2.0.39 2011-07-07 Fixed database list option === 2.0.38 2011-07-07 Optional Initial Stats generation in templates === 2.0.37 2011-07-07 Added option to skip initial stats === 2.0.36 2011-06-24 Added clustered installation documentation === 2.0.35 2011-06-22 FarAdapters improvement === 2.0.34 2011-06-21 Added some additional FAR AB_ADAPTER restrictions === 2.0.33 2011-06-17 Added SEQTRIMNEXT_INIT environment variable === 2.0.32 2011-06-15 Minor adjustements to work with INGEBIOL === 2.0.31 2011-06-14 Added option to not fail without gnuplot === 2.0.30 2011-06-14 Removed gnuplot as a prerequisite === 2.0.29 2011-06-06 * Initial public release on rubygems