require 'rmagick' require 'paperclip' def attach_array c= self.content !c || c =~ /^\s* e "attachment_format issue: #{e.message}" nil end # FIXME: test extension matches content type def attachment_symlink_to(prior_action_id) # create filesystem links to files from prior action styles = case type_code when :file; [''] when :image; STYLES end if styles and prior_action_id != last_action_id save_action_id = selected_action_id links = {} self.selected_action_id = prior_action_id styles.each { |style| links[style] = ::File.basename(attach.path(style)) } self.selected_action_id = last_action_id styles.each { |style| ::File.symlink links[style], attach.path(style) } self.selected_action_id = save_action_id end end def before_post_attach # "bpa called for #{name}" at=self.attach at.instance_write :file_name, at.original_filename Card::ImageID == (type_id || Card.fetch_id( @type_args[:type] || @type_args[:type_code]) ) # returning true enables thumnail creation end def self.included(base) base.class_eval do include Paperclip::Glue Paperclip::Attachment.default_options[:use_timestamp] = false # the need for this seems related to moving the initializer code here (line above comment) # this isn't quite right, but without it, we see logging to STDOUT Paperclip.options[:log] = false has_attached_file :attach, :preserve_files=>true, :default_url => "missing", :url => ":web_dir/:basename-:size:action_id.:extension", :path => ":system_path.:extension", :styles => { :icon => '16x16#', :small => '75x75', :medium => '200x200>', :large => '500x500>' } before_post_process :before_post_attach validates_each :attach do |rec, attr, value| if [Card::FileID, Card::ImageID].member? rec.type_id max_size = (max = Card['*upload max']) ? max.db_content.to_i : 5 if value.size.to_i > max_size.megabytes rec.errors.add :file_size, "File cannot be larger than #{max_size} megabytes" end end end end end module Paperclip::Interpolations extend Card::Format::Location def system_path at, style card = at.instance if mod = at.instance.attach_mod # generalize this to work with any mod (needs design) codecard = card.cardname.junction? ? card.left : card "#{ Cardio.gem_root}/mod/#{mod}/file/#{codecard.codename}/#{size at, style}#{card.type_code}" else "#{ Card.paths['files'].existent.first }/#{}/#{size at, style}#{action_id at, style}" end end def web_dir at, style_name card_path Card.config.files_web_path end def basename at, style_name end def size(at, style_name) at.instance.type_id==Card::FileID || style_name.blank? ? '' : "#{style_name}-" end def action_id(at, style_name) at.instance.selected_content_action_id end end