require 'generators/hobo_support/thor_shell' module Hobo class SetupWizardGenerator < Rails::Generators::Base source_root File.expand_path('../templates', __FILE__) include Generators::HoboSupport::ThorShell include Generators::Hobo::InviteOnly include Generators::Hobo::ActivationEmail include Generators::Hobo::TestOptions include Generators::Hobo::Taglib def self.banner "rails generate hobo:setup_wizard [options]" end class_option :main_title, :type => :boolean, :desc => "Shows the main title", :default => true class_option :wizard, :type => :boolean, :desc => "Ask instead using options", :default => true class_option :front_controller_name, :type => :string, :desc => "Front Controller Name", :default => 'front' class_option :admin_subsite_name, :type => :string, :desc => "Admin Subsite Name", :default => 'admin' class_option :private_site, :type => :boolean, :desc => "Make the site unaccessible to non-members" class_option :migration_generate, :type => :boolean, :desc => "Generate migration only" class_option :migration_migrate, :type => :boolean, :desc => "Generate migration and migrate" class_option :default_locale, :type => :string, :desc => "Sets the default locale" class_option :locales, :type => :array, :desc => "Choose the locales", :default => %w[en] class_option :git_repo, :type => :boolean, :desc => "Create the git repository with the initial commit" def startup if wizard? say_title options[:main_title] ? 'Hobo Setup Wizard' : 'Startup' say 'Installing basic Hobo Files...' end invoke 'hobo:basic' end def choose_test_framework if wizard? say_title 'Test Framework' return unless yes_no? "Do you want to customize the test_framework?" require 'generators/hobo/test_framework/test_framework_generator' f = Hobo::TestFrameworkGenerator::FRAMEWORKS * '|' test_framework = choose("Choose your preferred test framework: [=#{f}]:", /^(#{f})$/, 'test_unit') fixtures = yes_no?("Do you want the test framework to generate the fixtures?") fixture_replacement = ask("Type your preferred fixture replacement or for no replacement:") else # return if it is all default so no invoke is needed return if (options[:test_framework].to_s == 'test_unit' && options[:fixtures] && options[:fixture_replacement].blank?) test_framework = options[:test_framework] fixtures = options[:fixtures] fixture_replacement = options[:fixture_replacement] end invoke 'hobo:test_framework', [test_framework], :fixture_replacement => fixture_replacement, :fixtures => fixtures, :update => true end def invite_only_option if wizard? say_title 'Invite Only Option' return unless (@invite_only = yes_no?("Do you want to add the features for an invite only website?")) private_site = yes_no?("Do you want to prevent all access to the site to non-members?") say %( If you wish to prevent all access to some controller to non-members, add 'before_filter :login_required' to the relevant controllers: include Hobo::Controller::AuthenticationSupport before_filter :login_required (note that the include statement is not required for hobo_controllers) NOTE: You might want to sign up as the administrator before adding this! ), Color::YELLOW else @invite_only = invite_only? private_site = options[:private_site] end inject_into_file 'app/controllers/application_controller.rb', < "protect_from_forgery\n" if private_site include Hobo::Controller::AuthenticationSupport before_filter :except => :login do login_required unless User.count == 0 end EOI end def rapid if wizard? say_title 'Hobo Rapid' say 'Installing Hobo Rapid and default theme...' end invoke 'hobo:rapid' end def user_resource if wizard? say_title 'User Resource' @user_resource_name = ask("Choose a name for the user resource [=user|]:", 'user') @activation_email = @invite_only ? false : yes_no?("Do you want to send an activation email to activate the user?") else @user_resource_name = options[:user_resource_name] @activation_email = options[:activation_email] end end def front_controller if wizard? say_title 'Front Controller' front_controller_name = ask("Choose a name for the front controller [=front|]:", 'front') say "Installing #{front_controller_name} controller..." else front_controller_name = options[:front_controller_name] end invoke 'hobo:front_controller', [front_controller_name], :user_resource_name => @user_resource_name, :invite_only => @invite_only end def admin_subsite return unless @invite_only if wizard? say_title 'Admin Subsite' @admin_subsite_name = ask("Choose a name for the admin subsite [=admin|]:", 'admin') else @admin_subsite_name = options[:admin_subsite_name] end end def invoking_user_and_admin say "Installing '#{@user_resource_name}' resources..." invoke 'hobo:user_resource', [@user_resource_name], :invite_only => @invite_only, :activation_email => @activation_email, :admin_subsite_name => @admin_subsite_name say "Installing admin subsite..." invoke 'hobo:admin_subsite', [@admin_subsite_name], :user_resource_name => @user_resource_name, :invite_only => @invite_only end def migration if wizard? say_title 'DB Migration' action = choose('Initial Migration: [s]kip, [g]enerate migration file only, generate and [m]igrate [s|g|m]:', /^(s|g|m)$/) opt = case action when 's' return say('Migration skipped!') when 'g' {:generate => true} when 'm' {:migrate => true} end say action == 'g' ? 'Generating Migration...' : 'Migrating...' else return if options[:migration_generate].blank? && options[:migration_migrate].blank? opt = options[:migration_migrate].blank? ? {:generate => true} : {:migrate => true} end rake 'db:setup' invoke 'hobo:migration', ['initial_migration'], opt end def i18n if wizard? say_title 'I18n' i18n_templates = File.expand_path('../../i18n/templates', __FILE__) supported_locales = Dir.glob("#{i18n_templates}/hobo.*.yml").map do |l| l =~ /([^\/.]+)\.yml$/ $1 end say "The Hobo supported locales are #{supported_locales * ' '} (please, contribute to more translations)" locales = ask "Type the locales (space separated) you want to add to your application or for 'en':", 'en' unless locales == 'en' default_locale = ask "Do you want to set a default locale? Type the locale or to skip:" end else default_locale = options[:default_locale] locales = options[:locales] end unless default_locale.blank? default_locale.gsub!(/\:/, '') environment "config.i18n.default_locale = #{default_locale.to_sym.inspect}" end invoke 'hobo:i18n', locales.split say( "NOTICE: You should manually install in 'config/locales' also the official Rails locale file(s) that your application will use.", Color::YELLOW) unless locales == 'en' end def git_repo if wizard? say_title 'Git Repository' return unless yes_no?("Do you want to initialize a git repository now?") say 'Initializing git repository...' else return unless options[:git_repo] end hobo_routes_rel_path = Hobo::Engine.config.hobo.routes_path.relative_path_from Rails.root append_file '.gitignore', "app/views/taglibs/auto/**/*\n#{hobo_routes_rel_path}\n" git :init git :add => '.' git :commit => '-m "initial commit"' say "NOTICE: If you change the config.hobo.routes_path, you should update the .gitignore file accordingly.", Color::YELLOW end def finalize return unless wizard? say_title 'Process completed!' say %(You can start your application with `rails server` (run with --help for options). Then point your browser to http://localhost:3000/ Follow the guidelines to start developing your application. You can find the following resources handy: * The Getting Started Guide: * Ruby on Rails Tutorial Book: ) end private def wizard? options[:wizard] end end end