// Landing page with 768 breakpoint // Structurally we have one div, .landing-wrapper, wrapping 2 others, .landing__clinician and .landing__pwp @mixin reveal-landing-strap height: 30vh padding: 0 3rem // Using Custom Properties to scale properly inside mobile viewports // Fallback for browsers that do not support Custom Properties $landing-height: 100vh .landing__page display: flex flex-direction: column height: $landing-height height: calc(var(--vh, 1vh) * 100) .page__half display: flex align-items: flex-end height: 50vh width: 100vw .env__text display: flex flex-direction: column color: $white .landing__strap display: none .landing__link text-decoration: none color: $white .landing__title font-size: $font-size text-align: center width: 100vw padding: 2rem 0 .hero__overlay position: absolute width: 100% height: 50% z-index: -1 .hero__image height: 100% width: 100% object-fit: cover opacity: .7 filter: grayscale(.2) contrast(.2) brightness(1.6) .env--pwp background-color: $opd-orange-confidence .env--clinician background-color: $opd-blue-confidence @media screen and ( min-width: 768px ) .landing__page flex-direction: row .page__half display: block height: 100vh width: 50vw .env__text flex-direction: column position: absolute top: 50vh transition: .6s ease-in-out &:focus-within > .landing__strap @include reveal-landing-strap &:hover > .landing__strap @include reveal-landing-strap .landing__strap display: flex flex-direction: column justify-content: space-around height: 0 overflow: hidden transition: .2s ease-in-out width: 40vw max-width: 400px .landing__cta display: flex flex-direction: row justify-content: space-between > a transition: .3s ease-in-out width: 40% padding: 1rem 0 border-radius: 6px text-decoration: none text-align: center align-self: center box-shadow: 0 20px 30px -15px rgba($pure-black, .6) .primary__cta background-color: $opd-blue-trust border: solid 1px $opd-blue-trust color: $opd-blue-confidence &:hover color: $opd-blue-trust background-color: transparent box-shadow: 0 10px 15px -5px rgba($pure-black, .5) .secondary__cta background-color: none border: solid 1px $white color: $white &:hover color: $opd-blue-confidence background-color: $white box-shadow: 0 10px 15px -5px rgba($pure-black, .5) .env__text.env--pwp border-radius: 6px 0 0 6px box-shadow: -12px 10px 10px -10px $grey right: 50% transform: translateX(0) animation: .8s cubic-bezier(.75,.86,.88,.62) 0s 1 slide-from-left &:hover box-shadow: -20px 20px 20px -10px $grey .env__text.env--clinician border-radius: 0 6px 6px 0 box-shadow: 12px 10px 10px -10px $grey left: 50% transform: translateX(0) animation: .8s cubic-bezier(.75,.86,.88,.62) 0s 1 slide-from-right &:hover box-shadow: 20px 20px 20px -10px $grey .landing__title width: auto padding: 3rem 2rem .hero__overlay width: 50% height: 100% top: 0 .env--pwp .landing__title text-align: right .env--clinician .landing__title text-align: left @keyframes slide-from-right 0% transform: translateX(50vw) opacity: 0 100% transform: translateX(0) opacity: 1 @keyframes slide-from-left 0% transform: translateX(-50vw) opacity: 0 100% transform: translateX(0) opacity: 1