import Ajv from ''; class BrandRemoteSource { constructor() { } async createNewBrandConfogurations() { const configurations_template = ` [ { "key": "theme.json", "name": "Theme Configuration", "inputType": "color", "content": { "colors": { "primary": "#CAAC16", "secondary": "#5AC8FA", "background": "#FFFFFF", "surface": "#F2F2F7", "error": "#FF3B30", "onPrimary": "#FFFFFF", "onSecondary": "#000000", "onBackground": "#000000", "onSurface": "#000000", "onError": "#FFFFFF" }, "typography": { "fontFamily": { "regular": "", "medium": "", "bold": "" }, "fontSize": { "small": 12, "medium": 16, "large": 20, "extraLarge": 24 } }, "spacing": { "small": 8, "medium": 16, "large": 24, "extraLarge": 32 }, "borderRadius": { "small": 4, "medium": 8, "large": 12 }, "elevation": { "none": 0, "low": 2, "medium": 4, "high": 8 } } }, { "key": "brand_config.json", "name": "Brand Configuration", "inputType": "text", "content": {} }, { "key": "android_config.json", "name": "Android Platform Configuration", "inputType": "text", "content": { "applicationId": "", "versionName": "1.0.0", "versionCode": 1, "sourceSets": [] } }, { "key": "android_signing.json", "name": "Android Signing", "inputType": "text", "content": { "storeFile": "", "keyAlias": "", "storePassword": "", "keyPassword": "" } }, { "key": "ios_config.json", "name": "iOS Platform Configuration", "inputType": "text", "content": { "PRODUCT_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER": "", "MARKETING_VERSION": "1.0.0", "BUNDLE_VERSION": 1, "APL_MRCH_ID": "" } }, { "key": "ios_signing.json", "name": "iOS Signing", "inputType": "text", "content": { "CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY": "", "DEVELOPMENT_TEAM": "", "PROVISIONING_PROFILE_SPECIFIER": "", "CODE_SIGN_STYLE": "Automatic", "CODE_SIGN_ENTITLEMENTS": "" } }, { "key": "ios_signing.json", "name": "iOS Signing", "inputType": "text", "content": { "CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY": "", "DEVELOPMENT_TEAM": "", "PROVISIONING_PROFILE_SPECIFIER": "", "CODE_SIGN_STYLE": "Automatic", "CODE_SIGN_ENTITLEMENTS": "" } } ] `; return JSON.parse(configurations_template); } async getBrandConfigurationsJsonFromDirectory(dirHandle) { const schema = await this.fetchBrandConfigurationsSchema(); const ajv = new Ajv(); const validate = ajv.compile(schema); const text = await dirHandle.text(); let json; try { json = JSON.parse(text); } catch (e) { console.error("Invalid JSON:", e); return null; } const valid = validate(json); if (valid) { return json; } else { console.error("Schema validation failed:", validate.errors); const errorMessages = => `${error.instancePath}: ${error.message}`).join(', '); alert(`The selected JSON file is not a valid configuration for Solara brands. Errors: ${errorMessages}`); } return null; } async fetchBrandConfigurationsSchema() { const url = ""; try { const response = await fetch(url); if (!response.ok) { throw new Error('Network response was not ok: ' + response.statusText); } const data = await response.json(); console.log(data); return data; // Return the data instead of null } catch (error) { console.error('There was a problem with the fetch operation:', error); return null; // Return null in case of error } } async createBrandConfigurationsFromDirectory(dirHandle) { const configList = []; const expectedFiles = [ { key: 'theme.json', name: 'Theme Configuration', input_type: 'color' }, { key: 'brand_config.json', name: 'Brand Configuration', input_type: 'text' }, { key: 'android_config.json', name: 'Android Platform Configuration', input_type: 'text' }, { key: 'android_signing.json', name: 'Android Signing', input_type: 'text' }, { key: 'ios_config.json', name: 'iOS Platform Configuration', input_type: 'text' }, { key: 'ios_signing.json', name: 'iOS Signing', input_type: 'text' } ]; for (const file of expectedFiles) { try { const fileContent = await this.findAndReadFile(dirHandle, file.key); if (fileContent) { configList.push({ key: file.key, name:, inputType: file.input_type, content: JSON.parse(fileContent) }); } } catch (error) { console.warn(`File not found or invalid JSON: ${file.key}`); } } return configList; } async findAndReadFile(dirHandle, filename) { const queue = [dirHandle]; while (queue.length > 0) { const currentHandle = queue.shift(); for await (const entry of currentHandle.values()) { if (entry.kind === 'file' && === filename) { const file = await entry.getFile(); return await file.text(); } else if (entry.kind === 'directory') { queue.push(entry); } } } return null; } } export default BrandRemoteSource;