use :node; var parser = module.require('./parser'), escodegen = require('escodegen'), ast = module.require('./ast'), traceur = require("traceur"), chalk = require("chalk"), transfer = require("multi-stage-sourcemap").transfer; /** * Compiles Spider code to JavaScript. * * @param {string} options.text * @param {string} options.fileName * @param {string} * @param {boolean} [options.verbose] * @param {boolean} [options.generateSourceMap] * @param {boolean} [options.iifi] * @param {boolean} [options.useStrict] */ exports.compile = fn (options) { var result = { errors: [], result: null, sourceMap: null }; options.fileName = options.fileName ?? "tmp"; var outFileNameWithoutExtension = options.fileName.substring(0, options.fileName.lastIndexOf('.')); var outFileName = outFileNameWithoutExtension + ".js"; var mapFileName = outFileNameWithoutExtension + ".map"; ::resetVariableNames(); ast.Node.setErrorManager(new ::ErrorManager(result.errors)); var parsed; try { parsed = parser.parse(options.text); } catch e { result.errors.push(::getParsingError(e)); } if not parsed { return result; } var tree = parsed.codegen(); if != "ES5" { tree = ::wrapCode(tree, options.useStrict ?? true, options.iifi ?? true); } var output = escodegen.generate(tree, { sourceMap: options.fileName if options.generateSourceMap else null, sourceMapWithCode: options.generateSourceMap, format: { quotes: 'double' } }); if options.generateSourceMap { result.result = output.code; result.sourceMap =; } else { result.result = output; } if == "ES5" { var traceurCompiler = new traceur.NodeCompiler({ sourceMaps: options.generateSourceMap, asyncFunctions: true }); result.result = traceurCompiler.compile(result.result, options.fileName, outFileName); if options.generateSourceMap { result.sourceMap = transfer({ toSourceMap: result.sourceMap, fromSourceMap: traceurCompiler.getSourceMap().toString() }); } } else if options.generateSourceMap { result.result = result.result + "\n\n//# sourceMappingURL=" + mapFileName; } if options.verbose { console.log(JSON.stringify(parsed, null, 4)); console.log(result.result); } return result; }; /** * Format errors array with colors */ exports.formatErrors = fn (fileName, content, errors) { var output = []; var maxCol = 0; var maxLine = 0; output.push(chalk.white(fileName), "\n"); var lines = content.split("\n"); var tabCharacter = "__SPIDER_TAB"; for error, errorIndex in errors { var line = error.loc.start.line; var column = error.loc.start.column + 1; var lineCharCount = line.toString().length; var columnCharCount = column.toString().length; maxCol = Math.max(maxCol, columnCharCount); maxLine = Math.max(maxCol, lineCharCount); output.push(tabCharacter); output.push(chalk.gray("line", line)); output.push(tabCharacter, lineCharCount); output.push(chalk.gray("col", column)); output.push(tabCharacter, columnCharCount); output.push(, "\n"); if error.loc?.start { var start = error.loc.start; var end = error.loc.end; if 0 < start.line <= lines.length { output.push(tabCharacter, tabCharacter, tabCharacter); output.push([start.line - 1].replace(/(\r\n|\n|\r)/gm, ""), "\n", tabCharacter, tabCharacter)); output.push(, end.column - 1 if end else 0))); } } output.push("\n"); } var str = output.join(""); var tabLength = Math.max(maxLine, maxCol); for var i = 1; i <= tabLength; i++ { var regex = new RegExp(tabCharacter + i, "g"); str = str.replace(regex, ::generateSpace(Math.max(2 + tabLength - i, 2))); } return str.replace(new RegExp(tabCharacter, "g"), ::generateSpace(2)); }; fn ErrorManager(errors) { this.errors = errors; } ErrorManager.prototype.error = (e) -> { this.errors.push(e); }; fn getParsingError(e) { var message; if e.expected { if e.found { message = "unexpected " + e.found; } else { message = "unexpected end of input"; } } else { message = e.message; } return { type: "SyntaxError", message: message, loc: { start: { line: e.line, column: e.column - 1 } } }; } fn resetVariableNames() { ast.NullPropagatingExpression.resetVariableNames(); ast.NullCoalescingExpression.resetVariableNames(); ast.NullCheckCallExpression.resetVariableNames(); ast.ExistentialExpression.resetVariableNames(); ast.FunctionExpression.resetVariableNames(); ast.ForOfStatement.resetVariableNames(); ast.ForInExpression.resetVariableNames(); ast.FallthroughStatement.resetVariableNames(); ast.SwitchStatement.resetVariableNames(); } fn wrapCode(tree, useStrict = false, iifi = false) { if iifi or useStrict { var body = []; if useStrict { body.push({ "type": "ExpressionStatement", "expression": { "type": "Literal", "value": "use strict" } }); } // Add (function () { ... })() if iifi { body.push({ "type": "ExpressionStatement", "expression": { "type": "CallExpression", "callee": { "type": "FunctionExpression", "id": null, "params": [], "defaults": [], "body": { "type": "BlockStatement", "body": tree.body }, "rest": null, "generator": false, "expression": false }, "arguments": [] } }); } tree = { "type": "Program", "body": body }; } return tree; } fn generateSpace(len) { var chars = []; for var i = 0; i < len; i++ { chars.push(' '); } return chars.join(''); } fn generateErrorColumnString(errorStartIndex, errorEndIndex) { var chars = []; var i = 0; if (!errorEndIndex) { errorEndIndex = errorStartIndex; } for ; i < errorStartIndex; i++ { chars.push(' '); } for i = errorStartIndex; i <= errorEndIndex; i++ { chars.push('^'); } return chars.join(''); }