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?ǁC? ?ƁC\wHELG;LltDžXOEF D$M $` t&F D$E$H tvP$5|$P$#E L[^_ỦT$|$MЉ $$ D$M؉L$&O$Q7M\Q<'D$EԉD$O$WQrM؉L$L$m+UȉT$+EȉD$ZO$JSǂJSǀ5Sǁ Sǂ SǀSǁ%@ %D %H %L %P %T %X %\ %` %d %h %l %p %t %x %| % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % %!%!%!% !h % hhh#h8hPhdhxhhhhh|hrhhh^hThJh$@h26h?,hM"h[hshhhhhhhhhhh!h0h@hMh]xhlnh{dhZhPhFh %s Error: Couldn't rename '%s' to '%s' Possible new names for for '%s' already exist Error: Time '%s': cannot convert to Unix time -te-dc-de-di-dx-du-purejpg-ce-cs-ci-cl-zt-mkexif-hJhead is a program for manipulating settings and thumbnails in Exif jpeg headers used by most Digital Cameras. v3.00 Matthias Wandel, Jan 30 2013. http://www.sentex.net/~mwandel/jhead Usage: %s [options] files Where: files path/filenames with or without wildcards [options] are: GENERAL METADATA: -te Transfer exif header from another image file Uses same name mangling as '-st' option -dc Delete comment field (as left by progs like Photoshop & Compupic) -de Strip Exif section (smaller JPEG file, but lose digicam info) -di Delete IPTC section (from Photoshop, or Picasa) -dx Deletex XMP section -du Delete non image sections except for Exif and comment sections -purejpg Strip all unnecessary data from jpeg (combines -dc -de and -du) -mkexif Create new minimal exif section (overwrites pre-existing exif) -ce Edit comment field. Uses environment variable 'editor' to determine which editor to use. If editor not set, uses VI under Unix and notepad with windows -cs Save comment section to a file -ci Insert comment section from a file. -cs and -ci use same naming scheme as used by the -st option -cl string Insert literal comment string -zt Trim exif header trailing zeroes (Nikon 1 wastes 30k that way) DATE / TIME MANIPULATION: -ft Set file modification time to Exif time -dsft Set Exif time to file modification time -n[format-string] Rename files according to date. Uses exif date if present, file date otherwise. If the optional format-string is not supplied, the format is mmdd-hhmmss. If a format-string is given, it is is passed to the 'strftime' function for formatting %%d Day of month %%H Hour (24-hour) %%m Month number %%M Minute %%S Second %%y Year (2 digit 00 - 99) %%Y Year (4 digit 1980-2036) For more arguments, look up the 'strftime' function. In addition to strftime format codes: '%%f' as part of the string will include the original file name '%%i' will include a sequence number, starting from 1. You can You can specify '%%03i' for example to get leading zeros. This feature is useful for ordering files from multiple digicams to sequence of taking. Only renames files whose names are mostly numerical (as assigned by digicam) The '.jpg' is automatically added to the end of the name. If the destination name already exists, a letter or digit is added to the end of the name to make it unique. The new name may include a path as part of the name. If this path does not exist, it will be created -a (Windows only) Rename files with same name but different extension Use together with -n to rename .AVI files from exif in .THM files for example -ta<+|->h[:mm[:ss]] Adjust time by h:mm forwards or backwards. Useful when having taken pictures with the wrong time set on the camera, such as when traveling across time zones or DST changes. Dates can be adjusted by offsetting by 24 hours or more. For large date adjustments, use the -da option -da- Adjust date by large amounts. This is used to fix photos from cameras where the date got set back to the default camera date by accident or battery removal. To deal with different months and years having different numbers of days, a simple date-month-year offset would result in unexpected results. Instead, the difference is specified as desired date minus original date. Date is specified as yyyy:mm:dd or as date and time in the format yyyy:mm:dd/hh:mm:ss -ts