require 'capybara' require 'capybara/cucumber' require 'capybara/mechanize' require 'selenium-webdriver' require 'extensions/capybara-extensions' require 'extensions/capybara-mechanize-extensions' class CapybaraSetup attr_reader :driver def initialize http_proxy = ENV['HTTP_PROXY'] || ENV['http_proxy'] browser_cli_args = ENV['BROWSER_CLI_ARGS'].split(/\s+/).compact if ENV['BROWSER_CLI_ARGS'] capybara_opts = {:environment => ENV['ENVIRONMENT'], :http_proxy => http_proxy, :profile => ENV['FIREFOX_PROFILE'], :browser => ENV['BROWSER'], :webdriver_proxy_on => ENV['PROXY_ON'], :url => ENV['REMOTE_URL'], :chrome_switches => ENV['CHROME_SWITCHES'], :firefox_prefs => ENV['FIREFOX_PREFS'], :args => browser_cli_args } selenium_remote_opts = {:os => ENV['PLATFORM'], :os_version => ENV['PLATFORM_VERSION'], :browser_name => ENV['REMOTE_BROWSER'], :browser_version => ENV['REMOTE_BROWSER_VERSION'], :url => ENV['REMOTE_URL'] } custom_opts = {:job_name => ENV['SAUCE_JOB_NAME'], :max_duration => ENV['SAUCE_MAX_DURATION'], :firefox_cert_path => ENV['FIREFOX_CERT_PATH'], :firefox_cert_prefix => ENV['FIREFOX_CERT_PREFIX'], :browserstack_build => ENV['BS_BUILD'], :browserstack_debug => ENV['BS_DEBUG'] || 'true', # BrowserStack debug mode on by default :browserstack_device => ENV['BS_DEVICE'], :browserstack_device_orientation => ENV['BS_DEVICE_ORIENTATION'], :browserstack_project => ENV['BS_PROJECT'], :browserstack_resolution => ENV['BS_RESOLUTION'] } validate_env_vars(capybara_opts.merge(selenium_remote_opts)) #validate environment variables set using cucumber.yml or passed via command line if(capybara_opts[:http_proxy]) proxy_uri = URI(capybara_opts[:http_proxy]) @proxy_host = @proxy_port = proxy_uri.port end capybara_opts[:browser] = capybara_opts[:browser].intern #update :browser value to be a symbol, required for Selenium selenium_remote_opts[:browser_name] = selenium_remote_opts[:browser_name].intern if selenium_remote_opts[:browser_name]#update :browser value to be a symbol, required for Selenium Capybara.run_server = false #Disable rack server Capybara.ignore_hidden_elements = false [capybara_opts, selenium_remote_opts, custom_opts].each do |opts| #delete nil options and environment (which is only used for validation) opts.delete_if {|k,v| (v.nil? or k == :environment)} end case capybara_opts[:browser] when :mechanize then @driver = register_mechanize_driver(capybara_opts) else @driver = register_selenium_driver(capybara_opts, selenium_remote_opts, custom_opts) end Capybara.default_driver = @driver end private def validate_env_vars(opts) msg1 = 'Please ensure following environment variables are set ENVIRONMENT [int|test|stage|live], BROWSER[headless|ie|chrome|firefox] and HTTP_PROXY (if required)' msg2 = 'Please ensure the following environment variables are set PLATFORM, REMOTE_URL, REMOTE_BROWSER (browser to use on remote machine), HTTP_PROXY (if required), REMOTE_BROWSER_PROXY (if required) and BROWSER_VERSION (if required)' [:environment, :browser].each do |item| !opts.has_key?(item) or opts[item]==nil ? raise(msg1) : '' end if opts[:browser]=='remote' [:url, :browser_name].each do |item| !opts.has_key?(item) or opts[item]==nil ? raise(msg2) : '' end end end # WARNING: This modifies the Firefox profile passed in the parameters def update_firefox_profile_with_certificates(profile, certificate_path, certificate_prefix = '') profile_path = profile.layout_on_disk # Create links to the certificate files in the profile directory ['cert8.db', 'key3.db', 'secmod.db'].each do |cert_file| source_file = "#{certificate_prefix}#{cert_file}" source_path = "#{certificate_path}" + File::SEPARATOR + source_file dest_path = profile_path + File::SEPARATOR + cert_file if(! File.exist?(source_path)) raise "Firefox cert db file #{source_path} does not exist." end FileUtils.cp(source_path, dest_path) end # Force the certificates to get pulled into the profile profile = # Avoid Firefox certificate alerts profile["security.default_personal_cert"] = 'Select Automatically' return profile end def register_selenium_driver(opts,remote_opts,custom_opts) Capybara.register_driver :selenium do |app| if opts[:firefox_prefs] || opts[:profile] opts[:profile] = create_profile(opts[:profile], opts[:firefox_prefs]) if custom_opts[:firefox_cert_path] opts[:profile] = update_firefox_profile_with_certificates(opts[:profile], custom_opts[:firefox_cert_path], custom_opts[:firefox_cert_prefix]) end end opts[:switches] = [opts.delete(:chrome_switches)] if(opts[:chrome_switches]) if opts[:browser] == :remote client = client.proxy = set_client_proxy(opts) remote_opts[:firefox_profile] = opts.delete :profile if opts[:profile] remote_opts['chrome.switches'] = opts.delete :switches if opts[:switches] caps = add_custom_caps(caps, custom_opts) if remote_opts[:url].include? 'saucelabs' #set sauce specific parameters - will this scupper other on sauce remote jobs? add_browserstack_caps(caps, custom_opts) if remote_opts[:url].include? 'browserstack' #set browserstack specific parameters opts[:desired_capabilities] = caps opts[:http_client] = client end clean_opts(opts, :http_proxy, :webdriver_proxy_on, :firefox_prefs),opts) end :selenium end def add_custom_caps(caps, custom_opts) sauce_time_limit = custom_opts.delete(:max_duration).to_i #note nil.to_i == 0 # This no longer works with the latest selenium-webdriver release #caps.custom_capabilities({:'job-name' => (custom_opts[:job_name] or 'frameworks-unamed-job'), :'max-duration' => ((sauce_time_limit if sauce_time_limit != 0) or 1800)}) end def add_browserstack_caps(caps, custom_opts) caps[:'build'] = custom_opts[:browserstack_build] if custom_opts[:browserstack_build] caps[:'browserstack.debug'] = custom_opts[:browserstack_debug] if custom_opts[:browserstack_debug] caps[:'device'] = custom_opts[:browserstack_device] if custom_opts[:browserstack_device] caps[:'deviceOrientation'] = custom_opts[:browserstack_device_orientation] if custom_opts[:browserstack_device_orientation] caps[:'project'] = custom_opts[:browserstack_project] if custom_opts[:browserstack_project] caps[:'resolution'] = custom_opts[:browserstack_resolution] if custom_opts[:browserstack_resolution] end def set_client_proxy(opts) => opts[:http_proxy]) if opts[:http_proxy] && opts[:webdriver_proxy_on] != 'false' #set proxy on client connection if required, note you may use ENV['HTTP_PROXY'] for setting in browser (ff profile) but not for client conection, hence allow for PROXY_ON=false end def create_profile(profile_name = nil, additional_prefs = nil) additional_prefs = JSON.parse(additional_prefs) if additional_prefs if(additional_prefs && !profile_name) profile = profile.native_events = true elsif(profile_name == 'BBC_INTERNAL') profile = if(@proxy_host && @proxy_port) profile["network.proxy.type"] = 1 profile["network.proxy.no_proxies_on"] = "*,*" profile["network.proxy.http"] = @proxy_host profile["network.proxy.ssl"] = @proxy_host profile["network.proxy.http_port"] = @proxy_port profile["network.proxy.ssl_port"] = @proxy_port end profile.native_events = true else profile = Selenium::WebDriver::Firefox::Profile.from_name profile_name profile.native_events = true end if additional_prefs additional_prefs.each do |k, v| profile[k] = v end end profile end def register_mechanize_driver(opts) # Mechanize needs a Rack application: create a dummy one app = do |env| ['200', {'Content-Type' => 'text/html'}, ['A barebones rack app.']] end = app Capybara.run_server = false Capybara.register_driver :mechanize do |app| Capybara.app_host = "" end :mechanize end def clean_opts(opts, *args) args.each do |arg| opts.delete arg end end end