module Deliver # Helps new user quickly adopt Deliver class DeliverfileCreator # This method will ask the user what he wants to do # @param deliver_path (String) The path in which the Deliverfile should be created # @param project_name (String) The default name of the project, which is used in the generated Deliverfile def self.create(deliver_path, project_name = nil) deliver_file_path = [deliver_path, Deliver::Deliverfile::Deliverfile::FILE_NAME].join("/") raise "Deliverfile already exists at path '#{deliver_file_path}'. Run 'deliver' to use Deliver.".red if File.exists?(deliver_file_path) project_name ||= Dir.pwd.split("/").last if agree("Do you want Deliver to automatically create the Deliverfile for you based " + "on your current app? (y/n)", true) puts "\n\nFirst, you need to login with your iTunesConnect credentials. ".yellow + "\nThis is necessary to fetch the latest metadata from your app and use it to create a Deliverfile for you." + "\nIf you have previously entered your credentials already, you will not be asked again." if Deliver::PasswordManager.shared_manager.username and Deliver::PasswordManager.shared_manager.password identifier = '' while identifier.length < 3 identifier = ask("\nApp Identifier of your app (e.g. at.felixkrause.app_name): ") end self.create_based_on_identifier(deliver_path, identifier, project_name) else self.create_example_deliver_file(deliver_file_path, project_name) end else self.create_example_deliver_file(deliver_file_path, project_name) end end # This method is used, when the user does not want to automatically create the Deliverfile # @param path (String) The exact path (including the file name) in which the Deliverfile should be created # @param project_name (String) The default name of the project, which is used in the generated Deliverfile def self.create_example_deliver_file(path, project_name) example ="#{gem_path}/lib/assets/DeliverfileExample") example.gsub!("[[APP_NAME]]", project_name) File.write(path, example) FileUtils.mkdir_p './screenshots/' puts "Successfully created new Deliverfile at '#{path}'".green end # This will download all the app metadata and store its data into JSON files # @param deliver_path (String) The directory in which the Deliverfile should be created # @param identifier (String) The app identifier we want to create Deliverfile based on # @param project_name (String) The default name of the project, which is used in the generated Deliverfile def self.create_based_on_identifier(deliver_path, identifier, project_name) app = identifier) app.set_metadata_directory("/tmp") # we don't want to pollute the current folder app.metadata # this will download the latest app metadata file_path = [deliver_path, Deliver::Deliverfile::Deliverfile::FILE_NAME].join('/') json = generate_deliver_file(app, deliver_path, project_name) File.write(file_path, json) puts "Successfully created new Deliverfile at '#{file_path}'".green end private def self.gem_path if not Helper.is_test? and Gem::Specification::find_all_by_name('deliver').any? return Gem::Specification.find_by_name('deliver').gem_dir else return './' end end # This method takes care of creating a new 'deliver' folder, containg the app metadata # and screenshots folders def self.generate_deliver_file(app, path, project_name) metadata_path = "#{path}/deliver/" FileUtils.mkdir_p metadata_path json = create_json_based_on_xml(app, metadata_path) meta_path = "#{metadata_path}metadata.json" File.write(meta_path, JSON.pretty_generate(json)) puts "Successfully created new metadata JSON file at '#{meta_path}'".green # Add a README to the screenshots folder File.write("#{metadata_path}screenshots/README.txt","#{gem_path}/lib/assets/ScreenshotsHelp")) # Generate the final Deliverfile here deliver ="#{gem_path}/lib/assets/DeliverfileDefault") deliver.gsub!("[[APP_IDENTIFIER]]", app.app_identifier) deliver.gsub!("[[APP_NAME]]", project_name) deliver.gsub!("[[APPLE_ID]]", app.apple_id.to_s) deliver.gsub!("[[EMAIL]]", PasswordManager.shared_manager.username) return deliver end # Access the app metadata and use them to create a finished Deliverfile def self.create_json_based_on_xml(app, path) json = {} # Access the app metadata and use them to create a finished Deliverfile app_name = app.metadata.information.each do |locale, current| current.each do |key, value| if value and value.kind_of?Hash # that does not apply for screenshots, which is an array current[key] = value[:value] else current.delete(key) end end json[locale] = current # Create an empty folder for the screenshots too FileUtils.mkdir_p "#{path}screenshots/#{locale}/" end return json end end end