require 'dasht' application = ARGV[0] dasht do |d| # Consume Heroku logs. d.start "heroku logs --tail --app #{application}" do |l| # Track some metrics. l.count :lines, /.+/ l.count :bytes, /.+/ do |match| match[0].length end l.append :visitors, /Started GET .* for (\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+) at/ do |matches| matches[1] end end counter = 0 d.interval :counter do sleep 1 counter += 1 end # Publish a board. d.board do |b| :visitors, :title => "Visitors", :width => 8, :height => 12 b.value :counter, :title => "Counter", :width => 4 b.value :lines, :title => "Number of Lines", :width => 4 b.value :bytes, :title => "Number of Bytes", :width => 4 b.chart :bytes, :title => "Chart of Bytes", :periods => 10, :width => 4 end end