require "simple_taggable/version" require 'tag_list' require 'tag' require 'tagging' module SimpleTaggable end module ActiveRecord module Acts module Taggable module ActMacro def acts_as_taggable(options = {}) return if acts_as_taggable? include ActiveRecord::Acts::Taggable::InstanceMethods extend ActiveRecord::Acts::Taggable::ClassMethods has_many :taggings, -> { includes(:tag) }, as: :taggable, dependent: :destroy has_many :tags, :through => :taggings before_save :cache_tag_list after_save :save_tags prepend { def reload(*) @tag_list = nil super end } end def acts_as_taggable? included_modules.include?(ActiveRecord::Acts::Taggable::InstanceMethods) end end module ClassMethods def tag_counts(*args) options = args.extract_options! options.assert_valid_keys :conditions, :at_least, :at_most, :order, :limit conditions = ["taggings.taggable_type = '#{}'"] conditions << options.delete(:conditions) if options[:conditions] conditions << type_condition unless descends_from_active_record? joins = [] joins << "INNER JOIN taggings ON = taggings.tag_id" joins << "INNER JOIN #{table_name} ON #{table_name}.id = taggings.taggable_id" at_least = sanitize_sql(['COUNT(*) >= ?', options.delete(:at_least)]) if options.key?(:at_least) at_most = sanitize_sql(['COUNT(*) <= ?', options.delete(:at_most)]) if options.key?(:at_most) having = [at_least, at_most].compact.join(' AND ') group_by = ", HAVING count(*) > 0" group_by << " AND #{having}" unless having.blank? options.merge! :select => "tags.*, COUNT(*) AS count", :conditions => conditions.compact.join(' AND '), :joins => joins.compact.join(' '), :group => group_by[:select]) .where(options[:conditions]) .joins(options[:joins]) .group(options[:group]) .order(options[:order]) .limit(options[:limit]) end def tagged *tags options = tags.extract_options! tags = TagList.from(tags) tags.cover_pluralities! except = TagList.from(options[:except]) if options[:except] conditions = Array(options[:conditions]) conditions << tags_condition(tags) conditions << except_condition(except) if options[:except] conditions << match_all_condition(tags) if options.delete(:match_all) select("DISTINCT #{table_name}.*") .joins("INNER JOIN taggings ON taggings.taggable_id = #{table_name}.id AND taggings.taggable_type = '#{}' " + "INNER JOIN tags ON = taggings.tag_id") .where(conditions.join(" AND ")) end def tags_condition(tags) # FIXME how to directly return an empty array from a named scope? tags.empty? ? '0 = 1' : '(' + { |t| sanitize_sql([' LIKE ?', t]) } * ' OR ' + ')' end def match_all_condition(tags) %((SELECT COUNT(*) FROM taggings INNER JOIN tags ON taggings.tag_id = WHERE taggings.taggable_type = '#{}' AND taggable_id = #{table_name}.id AND #{tags_condition(tags)}) >= #{tags.size/2}) end def except_condition(tags) %(#{table_name}.id NOT IN (SELECT taggings.taggable_id FROM taggings INNER JOIN tags ON taggings.tag_id = WHERE #{tags_condition(tags)} AND taggings.taggable_type = '#{}') ) end end module InstanceMethods def tag_list_add *args tag_list @tag_list.add *args end def tag_list_remove *args tag_list @tag_list.remove *args end def tag_list @tag_list ||= cached_tag_list.nil? ?* : TagList.from(cached_tag_list) @tag_list.to_s end def tag_list=(value) @tag_list = TagList.from(value) end def tag_counts(options = {}) tag_list self.class.tag_counts(options).where(self.class.send(:tags_condition, @tag_list)) end protected def cache_tag_list self.cached_tag_list = tag_list.to_s end def save_tags return unless @tag_list new_tag_names = @tag_list - old_tags = tags.reject { |tag| @tag_list.include?( } self.class.transaction do unless old_tags.empty? taggings.where(tag_id: old_tags).each(&:destroy) taggings.reset end new_tag_names.each { |name| tags << Tag.find_or_create_by_name(name) } duplicate_taggings = taggings.group_by(&:tag_id) { |tags| tags[1..-1] }.flatten duplicate_taggings.each(&:destroy) end end end end end end ActiveRecord::Base.send :extend, ActiveRecord::Acts::Taggable::ActMacro