# frozen_string_literal: true
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Feature factory interface
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
module RGeo
module Feature
# This is a standard interface for factories of features.
# Generally, each Feature implementation will implement these
# methods as a standard way to create features.
# If the implementation is unable to create the given feature,
# it should generally return nil. Implementations may also choose to
# raise an exception on failure.
# Some implementations may extend this interface to provide facilities
# for creating additional objects according to the capabilities
# provided by that implementation. Examples might include
# higher-dimensional coordinates or additional subclasses not
# explicitly required by the Simple Features Specification.
# Factory is defined as a module and is provided primarily for the
# sake of documentation. Implementations need not necessarily include
# this module itself. Therefore, you should not depend on the result
# of is_a?(Factory) to check type. However, to support
# testing for factory-ness, the Factory::Instance submodule
# is provided. All factory implementation classes MUST include
# Factory::Instance, and you may use it in is_a?,
# ===, and case-when constructs.
module Factory
# All factory implementations MUST include this submodule.
# This serves as a marker that may be used to test an object for
# factory-ness.
module Instance
# Returns meta-information about this factory, by key. This
# information may involve support for optional functionality,
# properties of the coordinate system, or other characteristics.
# Each property has a symbolic name. Names that have no periods are
# considered well-known names and are reserved for use by RGeo. If
# you want to define your own properties, use a name that is
# namespaced with periods, such as :'mycompany.myprop'.
# Property values are dependent on the individual property.
# Generally, properties that involve testing for functionality
# should return true if the functionality is support, or false or
# nil if not. A property value could also invlove different values
# indicating different levels of support. In any case, the factory
# should return nil for property names it does not recognize. This
# value is considered the "default" or "no value" value.
# Currently defined well-known properties are:
# [:has_z_coordinate]
# Set to true if geometries created by this factory include a Z
# coordinate, and the Point#z method is available.
# [:has_m_coordinate]
# Set to true if geometries created by this factory include a M
# coordinate, and the Point#m method is available.
# [:is_cartesian]
# Set to true if this Factory guarantees that it operates in
# Cartesian geometry. If false or nil, no such guarantee is made,
# though it is possible the geometries may still be Cartesian.
# [:is_geographic]
# Set to true if this Factory's coordinate system is meant to be
# interpreted as x=longitude and y=latitude. If false or nil, no
# information is present about whether the coordinate system is
# meant to be so interpreted.
def property(name)
# Parse the given string in well-known-text format and return the
# resulting feature. Returns nil if the string couldn't be parsed.
def parse_wkt(str)
# Parse the given string in well-known-binary format and return the
# resulting feature. Returns nil if the string couldn't be parsed.
def parse_wkb(str)
# Create a feature of type Point.
# The x and y parameters should be Float values.
# The extra parameters should be the Z and/or M coordinates, if
# supported. If both Z and M coordinates are supported, Z should
# be passed first.
def point(x, y, *extra)
# Create a feature of type LineString.
# The given points argument should be an Enumerable of Point
# objects, or objects that can be cast to Point.
# Although implementations are free to attempt to handle input
# objects that are not of this factory, strictly speaking, the
# result of building geometries from objects of the wrong factory
# is undefined.
def line_string(points)
# Create a feature of type Line.
# The given point arguments should be Point objects, or objects
# that can be cast to Point.
# Although implementations are free to attempt to handle input
# objects that are not of this factory, strictly speaking, the
# result of building geometries from objects of the wrong factory
# is undefined.
def line(start, stop)
# Create a feature of type LinearRing.
# The given points argument should be an Enumerable of Point
# objects, or objects that can be cast to Point.
# If the first and last points are not equal, the ring is
# automatically closed by appending the first point to the end of the
# string.
# Although implementations are free to attempt to handle input
# objects that are not of this factory, strictly speaking, the
# result of building geometries from objects of the wrong factory
# is undefined.
def linear_ring(points)
# Create a feature of type Polygon.
# The outer_ring should be a LinearRing, or an object that can be
# cast to LinearRing.
# The inner_rings should be a possibly empty Enumerable of
# LinearRing (or objects that can be casted to LinearRing).
# You may also pass nil to indicate no inner rings.
# Although implementations are free to attempt to handle input
# objects that are not of this factory, strictly speaking, the
# result of building geometries from objects of the wrong factory
# is undefined.
def polygon(outer_ring, inner_rings = nil)
# Create a feature of type GeometryCollection.
# The elems should be an Enumerable of Geometry objects.
# Although implementations are free to attempt to handle input
# objects that are not of this factory, strictly speaking, the
# result of building geometries from objects of the wrong factory
# is undefined.
def collection(elems)
# Create a feature of type MultiPoint.
# The elems should be an Enumerable of Point objects, or objects
# that can be cast to Point.
# Returns nil if any of the contained geometries is not a Point,
# which would break the MultiPoint contract.
# Although implementations are free to attempt to handle input
# objects that are not of this factory, strictly speaking, the
# result of building geometries from objects of the wrong factory
# is undefined.
def multi_point(elems)
# Create a feature of type MultiLineString.
# The elems should be an Enumerable of objects that are or can be
# cast to LineString or any of its subclasses.
# Returns nil if any of the contained geometries is not a
# LineString, which would break the MultiLineString contract.
# Although implementations are free to attempt to handle input
# objects that are not of this factory, strictly speaking, the
# result of building geometries from objects of the wrong factory
# is undefined.
def multi_line_string(elems)
# Create a feature of type MultiPolygon.
# The elems should be an Enumerable of objects that are or can be
# cast to Polygon or any of its subclasses.
# Returns nil if any of the contained geometries is not a Polygon,
# which would break the MultiPolygon contract.
# Also returns nil if any of the other assertions for MultiPolygon
# are not met, e.g. if any of the polygons overlap.
# Although implementations are free to attempt to handle input
# objects that are not of this factory, strictly speaking, the
# result of building geometries from objects of the wrong factory
# is undefined.
def multi_polygon(elems)
# Returns a RGeo::CoordSys::Proj4 representing the projection for
# the coordinate system of features created by this factory, or nil
# if there is no such proj4 projection.
def proj4
# Returns the coordinate system specification for the features
# created by this factory, or nil if there is no such coordinate
# system.
# NOTE: This is a required method of the factory interface, but the
# coordinate system classes themselves are not yet available, so
# implementations should just return nil for now.
def coord_sys
# This is an optional method that may be implemented to customize
# casting for this factory. Basically, RGeo defines standard ways
# to cast certain types of objects from one factory to another and
# one SFS type to another. However, a factory may choose to
# override how things are casted TO its implementation using this
# method. It can do this to optimize certain casting cases, or
# implement special cases particular to this factory.
# This method will be called (if defined) on the destination
# factory, and will be passed the original object (which may or may
# not already be created by this factory), the SFS feature type
# (which again may or may not already be the type of the original
# object), and a hash of additional flags. These flags are:
# [:keep_subtype]
# indicates whether to keep the subtype if casting to a supertype
# of the current type
# [:force_new]
# indicates whether to force the creation of a new object even if
# the original is already of the desired factory and type
# [:project]
# indicates whether to project the coordinates from the source to
# the destination proj4 coordinate system, if available
# It should return either a casted result object, false, or nil.
# A nil return value indicates that casting should be forced to
# fail (and RGeo::Feature.cast will return nil).
# A false return value indicates that this method declines to
# override the casting algorithm, and RGeo should use its default
# algorithm to cast the object. Therefore, by default, you should
# return false.
def override_cast(original, type, flags)