module Ironfan class Provider class Ec2 class SecurityGroup < Ironfan::Provider::Resource WIDE_OPEN =,65535) delegate :_dump, :authorize_group_and_owner, :authorize_port_range, :collection, :collection=, :connection, :connection=, :description, :description=, :destroy, :group_id, :group_id=, :identity, :identity=, :ip_permissions, :ip_permissions=, :name, :name=, :new_record?, :owner_id, :owner_id=, :reload, :requires, :requires_one, :revoke_group_and_owner, :revoke_port_range, :save, :symbolize_keys, :vpc_id, :vpc_id=, :wait_for, :to => :adaptee def self.shared?() true; end def self.multiple?() true; end def self.resource_type() :security_group; end def self.expected_ids(computer) return unless computer.server ec2 = { |name| group_name_with_vpc(name,ec2.vpc) }.uniq end def name() self.class.group_name_with_vpc(, adaptee.vpc_id) end # # Discovery # def self.load!(cluster=nil) Ec2.connection.security_groups.reject { |raw| raw.blank? }.each do |raw| sg = => raw) remember(sg) Chef::Log.debug("Loaded #{sg}: #{sg.inspect}") end end def receive_adaptee(obj) obj = if obj.is_a?(Hash) super end def to_s if ip_permissions.present? perm_str ={|perm| "%s:%s-%s (%s | %s)" % [ perm['ipProtocol'], perm['fromPort'], perm['toPort'], perm['groups' ].map{|el| el['groupName'] }.join(','), perm['ipRanges'].map{|el| el['cidrIp'] }.join(','), ] } return "<%-15s %-12s %-25s %s>" % [ self.class.handle, group_id, name, perm_str] else return "<%-15s %-12s %s>" % [ self.class.handle, group_id, name ] end end # # Manipulation # def self.prepare!(computers) # Create any groups that don't yet exist, and ensure any authorizations # that are required for those groups cluster_name = nil groups_to_create = [ ] authorizations_to_ensure = [ ] # First, deduce the list of all groups to which at least one instance belongs # We'll use this later to decide whether to create groups, or authorize access, # using a VPC security group or an EC2 security group. groups_that_should_exist ={|comp| expected_ids(comp) }.flatten.compact.sort.uniq groups_to_create << groups_that_should_exist { |computer| Ec2.applicable computer }.each do |computer| ensure_groups(computer) # Add facet and cluster security groups for the computer cloud = cluster_name = computer.server.cluster_name # Iterate over all of the security group information, keeping track of # any groups that must exist and any authorizations that must be ensured cloud.security_groups.values.each do |dsl_group| groups_to_create << groups_to_create << do |other_group| most_appropriate_group_name(other_group, cloud.vpc, groups_that_should_exist) end groups_to_create << do |other_group| most_appropriate_group_name(other_group, cloud.vpc, groups_that_should_exist) end authorizations_to_ensure << do |other_group| { :grantor => most_appropriate_group_name(, cloud.vpc, groups_that_should_exist), :grantee => most_appropriate_group_name(other_group, cloud.vpc, groups_that_should_exist), :grantee_type => :group, :range => WIDE_OPEN, } end authorizations_to_ensure << do |other_group| { :grantor => most_appropriate_group_name(other_group, cloud.vpc, groups_that_should_exist), :grantee => most_appropriate_group_name(, cloud.vpc, groups_that_should_exist), :grantee_type => :group, :range => WIDE_OPEN, } end authorizations_to_ensure << do |range_auth| range, cidr, protocol = range_auth { :grantor => group_name_with_vpc(, cloud.vpc), :grantee => { :cidr_ip => cidr, :ip_protocol => protocol }, :grantee_type => :cidr, :range => range, } end end end groups_to_create = groups_to_create.flatten.uniq.reject { |group| recall? group.to_s }.sort authorizations_to_ensure = authorizations_to_ensure.flatten.uniq.sort { |a,b| a[:grantor] <=> b[:grantor] } Ironfan.step(cluster_name, "creating security groups", :blue) unless groups_to_create.empty? groups_to_create.each do |group| if group =~ /\// Ironfan.step(group, " assuming that owner/group pair #{group} already exists", :blue) else Ironfan.step(group, " creating #{group} security group", :blue) begin tokens = group.to_s.split(':') group_id = tokens.pop vpc_id = tokens.pop Ec2.connection.create_security_group(group_id,"Ironfan created group #{group_id}",vpc_id) rescue Fog::Compute::AWS::Error => e # InvalidPermission.Duplicate"ignoring security group error: #{e}") end end end # Re-load everything so that we have a @@known list of security groups to manipulate load! unless groups_to_create.empty? # Now make sure that all required authorizations are present Ironfan.step(cluster_name, "ensuring security group permissions", :blue) unless authorizations_to_ensure.empty? authorizations_to_ensure.each do |auth| grantor_fog = recall(auth[:grantor]) if :group == auth[:grantee_type] if fog_grantee = recall(auth[:grantee]) options = { :group => fog_grantee.group_id } elsif auth[:grantee] =~ /\// options = { :group_alias => auth[:grantee] } else raise "Don't know what to do with authorization grantee #{auth[:grantee]}" end message = " ensuring access from #{auth[:grantee]} to #{auth[:grantor]}" else options = auth[:grantee] message = " ensuring #{auth[:grantee][:ip_protocol]} access from #{auth[:grantee][:cidr_ip]} to #{auth[:range]}" end Ironfan.step(auth[:grantor], message, :blue) safely_authorize(grantor_fog, auth[:range], options) end end def self.group_name_with_vpc(name,vpc_id=nil) vpc_id.nil? ? name.to_s : "#{vpc_id}:#{name.to_s}" end def self.most_appropriate_group_name(group, vpc_id, all_valid_groups) all_valid_groups.include?(group_name_with_vpc(group, vpc_id)) ? group_name_with_vpc(group, vpc_id) : group end # # Utility # def self.ensure_groups(computer) return unless Ec2.applicable computer # Ensure the security_groups include those for cluster & facet # FIXME: This violates the DSL's immutability; it should be # something calculated from within the DSL construction Ironfan.todo("CODE SMELL: violation of DSL immutability: #{caller}") cloud = c_group = cloud.security_group(computer.server.cluster_name) c_group.authorized_by_group( facet_name = "#{computer.server.cluster_name}-#{computer.server.facet_name}" cloud.security_group(facet_name) end # Try an authorization, ignoring duplicates (this is easier than correlating). # Do so for both TCP and UDP, unless only one is specified def self.safely_authorize(fog_group,range,options) if options[:group_alias] owner, group = options[:group_alias].split(/\//) self.patiently(, Fog::Compute::AWS::Error, :ignore => { |e| e.message =~ /InvalidPermission\.Duplicate/ }) do Ec2.connection.authorize_security_group_ingress( 'GroupName' =>, 'SourceSecurityGroupName' => group, 'SourceSecurityGroupOwnerId' => owner ) end elsif options[:ip_protocol] self.patiently(, Fog::Compute::AWS::Error, :ignore => { |e| e.message =~ /InvalidPermission\.Duplicate/ }) do fog_group.authorize_port_range(range,options) end else safely_authorize(fog_group,range,options.merge(:ip_protocol => 'tcp')) safely_authorize(fog_group,range,options.merge(:ip_protocol => 'udp')) safely_authorize(fog_group,,-1),options.merge(:ip_protocol => 'icmp')) if(range == WIDE_OPEN) return end end end end end end