class Spork::AppFramework::Rails < Spork::AppFramework # TODO - subclass this out to handle different versions of rails # Also... this is the nastiest duck punch ever. Clean this up. # module NinjaPatcher # def self.included(klass) # klass.class_eval do # unless method_defined?(:load_environment_without_spork) # alias :load_environment_without_spork :load_environment # alias :load_environment :load_environment_with_spork # end # # def self.run_with_spork(*args, &block) # it's all fun and games until someone gets an eye poked out # if ENV['RAILS_ENV'] # Object.send(:remove_const, :RAILS_ENV) # Object.const_set(:RAILS_ENV, ENV['RAILS_ENV'].dup) # end # run_without_spork(*args, &block) # end # # class << self # unless method_defined?(:run_without_spork) # alias :run_without_spork :run # alias :run :run_with_spork # end # end # end # end # # def load_environment_with_spork # result = load_environment_without_spork # install_hooks # result # end # # def install_hooks # auto_reestablish_db_connection # delay_observer_loading # delay_app_preload # delay_application_controller_loading # delay_route_loading # delay_eager_view_loading # end # # def reset_rails_env # return unless ENV['RAILS_ENV'] # Object.send(:remove_const, :RAILS_ENV) # Object.const_set(:RAILS_ENV, ENV['RAILS_ENV'].dup) # end # # def delay_observer_loading # if # Spork.trap_method(::Rails::Initializer, :load_observers) # end # if Object.const_defined?(:ActionController) # require "action_controller/dispatcher.rb" # Spork.trap_class_method(::ActionController::Dispatcher, :define_dispatcher_callbacks) if ActionController::Dispatcher.respond_to?(:define_dispatcher_callbacks) # end # end # # def delay_app_preload # if # Spork.trap_method(::Rails::Initializer, :load_application_classes) # end # end # # def delay_application_controller_loading # if application_controller_source = ["#{Dir.pwd}/app/controllers/application.rb", "#{Dir.pwd}/app/controllers/application_controller.rb"].find { |f| File.exist?(f) } # application_helper_source = "#{Dir.pwd}/app/helpers/application_helper.rb" # load_paths = (::ActiveSupport.const_defined?(:Dependencies) ? ::ActiveSupport::Dependencies : ::Dependencies).load_paths # load_paths.unshift(File.expand_path('rails_stub_files', File.dirname(__FILE__))) # Spork.each_run do # require application_controller_source # require application_helper_source if File.exist?(application_helper_source) # # update the rails magic to refresh the module # ApplicationController.send(:helper, ApplicationHelper) # end # end # end # # def auto_reestablish_db_connection # if Object.const_defined?(:ActiveRecord) # Spork.each_run do # # rails lib/test_help.rb is very aggressive about overriding RAILS_ENV and will switch it back to test after the cucumber env was loaded # reset_rails_env # ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection # end # end # end # # def delay_route_loading # require 'ruby-debug'; require "/Users/timcharper/Library/Application Support/TextMate/Bundles/RubyAMP.tmbundle/Support/ext/debugger_extension.rb"; Debugger.start; Debugger.start_control; debugger # # if # Spork.trap_method(::Rails::Initializer, :initialize_routing) # end # end # # def delay_eager_view_loading # # So, in testing mode it seems it would be optimal to not eager load # # views (as your may only run a test that uses one or two views). # # However, I decided to delay eager loading rather than force it to # # disable because you may wish to eager load your views (I.E. you're # # testing concurrency) # # # Rails 2.3.x + # if defined?(::ActionView::Template::EagerPath) # Spork.trap_method(::ActionView::Template::EagerPath, :load!) # else # raise "NOCOMMIT" # end # end # end def preload(&block) STDERR.puts "Preloading Rails environment" STDERR.flush ENV["RAILS_ENV"] ||= 'test' preload_rails yield end def entry_point @entry_point ||= File.expand_path("config/environment.rb", Dir.pwd) end alias :environment_file :entry_point def boot_file @boot_file ||= File.join(File.dirname(environment_file), 'boot') end def application_file @application_file ||= File.join(File.dirname(environment_file), 'application') end def environment_contents @environment_contents ||= end def vendor @vendor ||= File.expand_path("vendor/rails", Dir.pwd) end def deprecated_version @version ||= ( if /^[^#]*RAILS_GEM_VERSION\s*=\s*["']([!~<>=]*\s*[\d.]+)["']/.match(environment_contents) $1 else nil end ) end def preload_rails if deprecated_version && (not deprecated_version.match?(/^3/)) puts "This version of spork only supports Rails 3.0. To use spork with rails 2.3.x, downgrade to spork 0.8.x." exit 1 end require application_file ::Rails.application # ::Rails::Initializer.send(:include, Spork::AppFramework::Rails::NinjaPatcher) 1 end end