# Fluent::Plugin::Cloudwatch Transform fluent-plugin-cloudwatch-transform is an output plug-in for [Fluentd](http://fluentd.org) ## Installation These instructions assume you already have fluentd installed. If you don't, please run through [quick start for fluentd] (https://github.com/fluent/fluentd#quick-start) Now after you have fluentd installed you can follow either of the steps below: //not available yet: Add this line to your application's Gemfile: $ gem 'fluent-plugin-cloudwatch-transform' Or install it yourself as: $ gem install fluent-plugin-cloudwatch-transform //for current version: just download or clone this repository in the folder of this repository: $ gem build fluent-plugin-cloudwatch-transform.gemspec $ sudo gem install ./fluent-plugin-cloudwatch-transform-0.0.1.gem ## Usage ### fluent configure require fluent-plugin-cloudwatch for input. Add the following into your fluentd config. type cloudwatch tag #tag with application name, like: alert.cloudwatch.raw.Form & Printing Services (FPS) aws_key_id #your id aws_sec_key #your key cw_endpoint #your endpoint interval #frequency to pull data namespace #AWS namepace metric_name #selected metric name, like: HealthyHostCount dimensions_name #dimensions name dimensions_value # dimensions value type cloudwatch_transform tag alert.cloudwatch.out type stdout ### input example { "HealthyHostCount": 6 } ### output examle { "event_name": "HealthyHostCount", "value": "6.0", "raw": { "HealthyHostCount": 6 }, "receive_time_input": "1426189324", "application_name": "Form & Printing Services (FPS)", "intermediary_source": "cloudwatch", "tag": "alert.cloudwatch.out" } ## To DO need to write the test not push to fluent.org yet