module HQMF2 # Contains extraction methods which are self-contained (rely only on the xml and an xpath, no other instance # variables) class DataCriteriaBaseExtractions include HQMF2::Utilities CONJUNCTION_CODE_TO_DERIVATION_OP = { 'OR' => 'UNION', 'AND' => 'XPRODUCT' } def initialize(entry) @entry = entry end # Extract the local variable name (held in the value of the localVariableName element) def extract_local_variable_name lvn = @entry.at_xpath('./cda:localVariableName') lvn['value'] if lvn end # Generate a list of child criterias def extract_child_criteria @entry.xpath("./*/cda:outboundRelationship[@typeCode='COMP']/cda:criteriaReference/cda:id", HQMF2::Document::NAMESPACES).collect do |ref| end.compact end # Extracts the derivation operator to be used by the data criteria, and fails out if it finds more than one (should # not be valid) def extract_derivation_operator codes = @entry.xpath("./*/cda:outboundRelationship[@typeCode='COMP']/cda:conjunctionCode/@code", HQMF2::Document::NAMESPACES) codes.inject(nil) do |d_op, code| if d_op && d_op != CONJUNCTION_CODE_TO_DERIVATION_OP[code.value] fail 'More than one derivation operator in data criteria' end CONJUNCTION_CODE_TO_DERIVATION_OP[code.value] end end def extract_temporal_references @entry.xpath('./*/cda:temporallyRelatedInformation', HQMF2::Document::NAMESPACES).collect do |temporal_reference| end end # Filters all the subset operators to only include the ones of type 'UNION' and 'XPRODUCT' def extract_subset_operators do |operator| operator.type != 'UNION' && operator.type != 'XPRODUCT' end end # Extracts all subset operators contained in the entry xml def all_subset_operators @entry.xpath('./*/cda:excerpt', HQMF2::Document::NAMESPACES).collect do |subset_operator| end end def extract_template_ids @entry.xpath('./*/cda:templateId/cda:item', HQMF2::Document::NAMESPACES).collect do |template_def| HQMF2::Utilities.attr_val(template_def, '@root') end end # Extract the negation (and the negation_code_list_id if appropriate) def extract_negation negation = (attr_val('./*/@actionNegationInd').to_s.downcase == 'true') negation_code_list_id = nil if negation res = @entry.at_xpath('./*/cda:outboundRelationship/*/cda:code[@code="410666004"]/../cda:value/@valueSet', HQMF2::Document::NAMESPACES) negation_code_list_id = res.value if res end [negation, negation_code_list_id] end end end