#!/usr/local/bin/ruby require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../config/environments/production' require 'generator' unless ARGV.empty? rails_root = File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/..' name = ARGV.shift actions = ARGV Generator::Model.new(rails_root, name).generate Generator::Controller.new(rails_root, name, actions, :scaffold => true).generate else puts <<-END_HELP NAME new_crud - create a model and a controller scaffold SYNOPSIS new_crud ModelName [action ...] DESCRIPTION The new_crud generator takes the name of the new model as the first argument and an optional list of controller actions as the subsequent arguments. All actions may be omitted since the controller will have scaffolding automatically set up for this model. EXAMPLE new_crud Account This will generate an Account model and controller with scaffolding. Now create the accounts table in your database and browse to http://localhost/account/ -- voila, you're on Rails! END_HELP end