require 'ad_licenselint' require 'cocoapods' module Danger # Lint license from pods in your Podfile # This is done using the gem ad_licenselint # # You should replace these comments with a public description of your library. # # @example Specifying options # # ad_licenselint.lint_licenses(inline_mode: true) # # @see fabernovel/danger-ad_licenselint # @tags license, lint, podfile, cocoapods, ad_licenselint # class DangerAdLicenselint < Plugin # Provides additional logging diagnostic information # # @return [Boolean] attr_accessor :verbose # Lints licenses from pods in Podfile. # Generates a `markdown` list of warnings either inline or globally. # # @param [Boolean] inline_mode # Create a review on the Podfile directly if set to true # @return [void] # def lint_licenses(inline_mode: false) return if podfile_path.nil? || lockfile_path.nil? runner ={ format: ADLicenseLint::Constant::MARKDOWN_FORMAT_OPTION, path: ".", all: false, only: get_modified_pods_from_diff }) report = runner.create_report if inline_mode post_inline_messages(report) else post_global_message(runner.format(report)) end end private def podfile_path git.modified_files.grep(/Podfile\z/).first end def lockfile_path git.modified_files.grep(/Podfile.lock\z/).first end def write_to_file(content) result = nil Tempfile.create { |f| f.write(content) f.rewind result = yield(f.path) } result end def line_for_content(subcontent, full_content) lines = full_content.split("\n") matching_line = nil lines.each_with_index { |line_content, index| matching_line = index if line_content.include?(subcontent) } matching_line + 1 end def comment_for_report(report) comment = [] comment << "*License linter*" comment << "" comment << "The license `#{report.license_name}` for the pod [#{report.pod_name}](#{report.source_url}) has not been automatically validated." comment << "Verify license below:" comment << "
" comment << "License" comment << "" comment << "```" comment << report.license_content comment << "```" comment << "
" comment.join("\n") end def get_modified_pods_from_diff after_podfile = write_to_file(git.info_for_file(podfile_path)[:after]) { |path| Pod::Podfile.from_file path } before_lockfile = write_to_file(git.info_for_file(lockfile_path)[:before]) { |path| Pod::Lockfile.from_file(Pathname(path)) } changes = before_lockfile.detect_changes_with_podfile(after_podfile) changes[:added] + changes[:changed] end def post_inline_messages(report) podfile_content = git.info_for_file(podfile_path)[:after] report .entries .each { |pod_report| line = line_for_content(pod_report.pod_name, podfile_content) warn( comment_for_report(pod_report), file: podfile_path, line: line ) } end def post_global_message(message) markdown(message) end def log(text) puts(text) if @verbose end end end