#! /usr/bin/env ruby require 'spec_helper' provider_class = Puppet::Type.type(:package).provider(:gem) context 'installing myresource' do describe provider_class do let(:resource) do Puppet::Type.type(:package).new( :name => 'myresource', :ensure => :installed ) end let(:provider) do provider = provider_class.new provider.resource = resource provider end before :each do resource.provider = provider end describe "when installing" do it "should use the path to the gem" do provider_class.stubs(:command).with(:gemcmd).returns "/my/gem" provider.expects(:execute).with { |args| args[0] == "/my/gem" }.returns "" provider.install end it "should specify that the gem is being installed" do provider.expects(:execute).with { |args| args[1] == "install" }.returns "" provider.install end it "should specify that documentation should not be included" do provider.expects(:execute).with { |args| args[2] == "--no-rdoc" }.returns "" provider.install end it "should specify that RI should not be included" do provider.expects(:execute).with { |args| args[3] == "--no-ri" }.returns "" provider.install end it "should specify the package name" do provider.expects(:execute).with { |args| args[4] == "myresource" }.returns "" provider.install end it "should not append install_options by default" do provider.expects(:execute).with { |args| args.length == 5 }.returns "" provider.install end it "should allow setting an install_options parameter" do resource[:install_options] = [ '--force', {'--bindir' => '/usr/bin' } ] provider.expects(:execute).with { |args| args[5] == '--force' && args[6] == '--bindir=/usr/bin' }.returns '' provider.install end describe "when a source is specified" do describe "as a normal file" do it "should use the file name instead of the gem name" do resource[:source] = "/my/file" provider.expects(:execute).with { |args| args[2] == "/my/file" }.returns "" provider.install end end describe "as a file url" do it "should use the file name instead of the gem name" do resource[:source] = "file:///my/file" provider.expects(:execute).with { |args| args[2] == "/my/file" }.returns "" provider.install end end describe "as a puppet url" do it "should fail" do resource[:source] = "puppet://my/file" expect { provider.install }.to raise_error(Puppet::Error) end end describe "as a non-file and non-puppet url" do it "should treat the source as a gem repository" do resource[:source] = "http://host/my/file" provider.expects(:execute).with { |args| args[2..4] == ["--source", "http://host/my/file", "myresource"] }.returns "" provider.install end end describe "with an invalid uri" do it "should fail" do URI.expects(:parse).raises(ArgumentError) resource[:source] = "http:::::uppet:/:/my/file" expect { provider.install }.to raise_error(Puppet::Error) end end end end describe "#latest" do it "should return a single value for 'latest'" do #gemlist is used for retrieving both local and remote version numbers, and there are cases # (particularly local) where it makes sense for it to return an array. That doesn't make # sense for '#latest', though. provider.class.expects(:gemlist).with({ :justme => 'myresource'}).returns({ :name => 'myresource', :ensure => ["3.0"], :provider => :gem, }) expect(provider.latest).to eq("3.0") end it "should list from the specified source repository" do resource[:source] = "http://foo.bar.baz/gems" provider.class.expects(:gemlist). with({:justme => 'myresource', :source => "http://foo.bar.baz/gems"}). returns({ :name => 'myresource', :ensure => ["3.0"], :provider => :gem, }) expect(provider.latest).to eq("3.0") end end describe "#instances" do before do provider_class.stubs(:command).with(:gemcmd).returns "/my/gem" end it "should return an empty array when no gems installed" do provider_class.expects(:execute).with(%w{/my/gem list --local}).returns("\n") expect(provider_class.instances).to eq([]) end it "should return ensure values as an array of installed versions" do provider_class.expects(:execute).with(%w{/my/gem list --local}).returns <<-HEREDOC.gsub(/ /, '') systemu (1.2.0) vagrant (0.8.7, 0.6.9) HEREDOC expect(provider_class.instances.map {|p| p.properties}).to eq([ {:ensure => ["1.2.0"], :provider => :gem, :name => 'systemu'}, {:ensure => ["0.8.7", "0.6.9"], :provider => :gem, :name => 'vagrant'} ]) end it "should ignore platform specifications" do provider_class.expects(:execute).with(%w{/my/gem list --local}).returns <<-HEREDOC.gsub(/ /, '') systemu (1.2.0) nokogiri (1.6.1 ruby java x86-mingw32 x86-mswin32-60, x86-mswin32) HEREDOC expect(provider_class.instances.map {|p| p.properties}).to eq([ {:ensure => ["1.2.0"], :provider => :gem, :name => 'systemu'}, {:ensure => ["1.6.1", ""], :provider => :gem, :name => 'nokogiri'} ]) end it "should not fail when an unmatched line is returned" do provider_class.expects(:execute).with(%w{/my/gem list --local}). returns(File.read(my_fixture('line-with-1.8.5-warning'))) expect(provider_class.instances.map {|p| p.properties}). to eq([{:provider=>:gem, :ensure=>["0.3.2"], :name=>"columnize"}, {:provider=>:gem, :ensure=>["1.1.3"], :name=>"diff-lcs"}, {:provider=>:gem, :ensure=>["0.0.1"], :name=>"metaclass"}, {:provider=>:gem, :ensure=>["0.10.5"], :name=>"mocha"}, {:provider=>:gem, :ensure=>["0.8.7"], :name=>"rake"}, {:provider=>:gem, :ensure=>["2.9.0"], :name=>"rspec-core"}, {:provider=>:gem, :ensure=>["2.9.1"], :name=>"rspec-expectations"}, {:provider=>:gem, :ensure=>["2.9.0"], :name=>"rspec-mocks"}, {:provider=>:gem, :ensure=>["0.9.0"], :name=>"rubygems-bundler"}, {:provider=>:gem, :ensure=>[""], :name=>"rvm"}]) end end describe "listing gems" do describe "searching for a single package" do it "searches for an exact match" do provider_class.expects(:execute).with(includes('^bundler$')).returns(File.read(my_fixture('gem-list-single-package'))) expected = {:name => 'bundler', :ensure => %w[1.6.2], :provider => :gem} expect(provider_class.gemlist({:justme => 'bundler'})).to eq(expected) end end end end end context 'uninstalling myresource' do describe provider_class do let(:resource) do Puppet::Type.type(:package).new( :name => 'myresource', :ensure => :absent ) end let(:provider) do provider = provider_class.new provider.resource = resource provider end before :each do resource.provider = provider end describe "when uninstalling" do it "should use the path to the gem" do provider_class.stubs(:command).with(:gemcmd).returns "/my/gem" provider.expects(:execute).with { |args| args[0] == "/my/gem" }.returns "" provider.uninstall end it "should specify that the gem is being uninstalled" do provider.expects(:execute).with { |args| args[1] == "uninstall" }.returns "" provider.uninstall end it "should specify that the relevant executables should be removed without confirmation" do provider.expects(:execute).with { |args| args[2] == "--executables" }.returns "" provider.uninstall end it "should specify that all the matching versions should be removed" do provider.expects(:execute).with { |args| args[3] == "--all" }.returns "" provider.uninstall end it "should specify the package name" do provider.expects(:execute).with { |args| args[4] == "myresource" }.returns "" provider.uninstall end it "should not append uninstall_options by default" do provider.expects(:execute).with { |args| args.length == 5 }.returns "" provider.uninstall end it "should allow setting an uninstall_options parameter" do resource[:uninstall_options] = [ '--ignore-dependencies', {'--version' => '0.1.1' } ] provider.expects(:execute).with { |args| args[5] == '--ignore-dependencies' && args[6] == '--version=0.1.1' }.returns '' provider.uninstall end end end end