require "puppet/util/plugins" module Puppet module Util class CommandLine LegacyName ={|h,k| k}.update( 'agent' => 'puppetd', 'cert' => 'puppetca', 'doc' => 'puppetdoc', 'filebucket' => 'filebucket', 'apply' => 'puppet', 'describe' => 'pi', 'queue' => 'puppetqd', 'resource' => 'ralsh', 'kick' => 'puppetrun', 'master' => 'puppetmasterd', 'device' => 'puppetdevice' ) def initialize(zero = $0, argv = ARGV, stdin = STDIN) @zero = zero @argv = argv.dup @stdin = stdin @subcommand_name, @args = subcommand_and_args(@zero, @argv, @stdin) Puppet::Plugins.on_commandline_initialization(:command_line_object => self) end attr :subcommand_name attr :args def appdir File.join('puppet', 'application') end def self.available_subcommands absolute_appdirs = $LOAD_PATH.collect do |x| File.join(x,'puppet','application'){ |x| } absolute_appdirs.inject([]) do |commands, dir| commands + Dir[File.join(dir, '*.rb')].map{|fn| File.basename(fn, '.rb')} end.uniq end # available_subcommands was previously an instance method, not a class # method, and we have an unknown number of user-implemented applications # that depend on that behaviour. Forwarding allows us to preserve a # backward compatible API. --daniel 2011-04-11 def available_subcommands self.class.available_subcommands end def require_application(application) require File.join(appdir, application) end def execute if subcommand_name and available_subcommands.include?(subcommand_name) then require_application subcommand_name app = Puppet::Application.find(subcommand_name).new(self) Puppet::Plugins.on_application_initialization(:appliation_object => self) # See the note in 'warn_later' down below. --daniel 2011-06-01 if $delayed_deprecation_warning_for_p_u_cl.is_a? String then Puppet.deprecation_warning($delayed_deprecation_warning_for_p_u_cl) $delayed_deprecation_warning_for_p_u_cl = true end elsif execute_external_subcommand then # Logically, we shouldn't get here, but we do, so whatever. We just # return to the caller. How strange we are. --daniel 2011-04-11 else unless subcommand_name.nil? then puts "Error: Unknown Puppet subcommand '#{subcommand_name}'" end puts "See 'puppet help' for help on available puppet subcommands" end end def execute_external_subcommand external_command = "puppet-#{subcommand_name}" require 'puppet/util' path_to_subcommand = Puppet::Util.which(external_command) return false unless path_to_subcommand system(path_to_subcommand, *args) true end def legacy_executable_name LegacyName[ subcommand_name ] end private def subcommand_and_args(zero, argv, stdin) zero = File.basename(zero, '.rb') if zero == 'puppet' case argv.first when nil then if stdin.tty? then [nil, argv] # ttys get usage info else # Killed for 2.7.0 --daniel 2011-06-01 warn_later <