window.Embeditor = { Adapters : {} DefaultAdapters : 'youtube' : 'Embedly' 'vimeo' : 'Embedly' 'brightcove' : 'Brightcove' 'ustream' : 'Embedly' 'livestream' : 'Embedly' 'vine' : 'Embedly' 'googlemaps' : 'Embedly' 'scribd' : 'Embedly' # 'documentcloud' : 'DocumentCloud' 'polldaddy' : 'Polldaddy' 'facebook' : 'Embedly' 'storify' : 'Storify' 'coveritlive' : 'CoverItLive' 'rebelmouse' : 'RebelMouse' 'firetracker' : 'FireTracker' 'twitter' : 'Twitter' 'instagram' : 'Instagram' 'soundcloud' : 'Embedly' 'spotify' : 'Embedly' 'other' : 'Embedly' TemplatePath : 'embeditor/templates/' Template : (template) -> JST[@TemplatePath + template] DefaultOptions : defaultAdapter : 'Embedly' # Adapter that gets used when the service isn't recognized defaultService : 'other' # Service that gets used when the `data-service` attribute is missing placeholderClass : "embed-placeholder" # The class that the embed placeholders have wrapperClass : "embed-wrapper" # The class the embed's wrapper should be given } class Embeditor.Base constructor: (options={}, adapters={}) -> @options = _.defaults(options, Embeditor.DefaultOptions) @adapters = _.defaults(adapters, Embeditor.DefaultAdapters) @placeholders = [] @links = $(@_classify @options.placeholderClass) @findEmbeds() swap: -> placeholder.swap() for placeholder in @placeholders findEmbeds: -> for link in @links link = $(link) # If "service" is blank in the CKEditor dialog, then it will # omit that data-attribute from the tag, and therefore # be undefined. In this scenario, we want to use the default # service as a fallback. # # If "service" is present but has no match in the Adapters object, # then we want to use the default handler as a fallback. service ='service') || @options.defaultService adapterName = @adapters[service] || @options.defaultAdapter adapter = Embeditor.Adapters[adapterName] return if not adapter placeholder = new adapter(link, @options) @placeholders.push(placeholder) _classify: (str) -> "." + str