# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- require 'spec_helper' $:.unshift File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/../lib/" require 'rdf' require 'rdf/spec/repository' require 'rdf/marmotta' describe RDF::Marmotta do let(:port) { '8983' } let(:base_url) { "http://localhost:#{port}/marmotta/" } let(:opts) { {} } let(:statement) { RDF::Statement(RDF::URI('http://api.dp.la/example/item/1234'), RDF::Vocab::DC.title, 'Moomin') } let(:statements) { nodes = [RDF::Node.new, RDF::Node.new, RDF::Node.new] [ RDF::Statement(RDF::URI('http://dbpedia.org/resource/Moomin'), RDF::URI('http://dbpedia.org/ontology/author'), RDF::URI('http://dbpedia.org/resource/Tove_Jansson')), RDF::Statement(RDF::URI('http://dbpedia.org/resource/Moomin'), RDF::URI('http://dbpedia.org/ontology/country'), RDF::URI('http://dbpedia.org/resource/Finland')), RDF::Statement(RDF::URI('http://dbpedia.org/resource/Moomin'), RDF::URI('http://dbpedia.org/ontology/country'), RDF::URI('http://dbpedia.org/resource/Finland')), RDF::Statement(RDF::URI('http://dbpedia.org/resource/Moomin'), RDF::URI('http://dbpedia.org/ontology/illustrator'), RDF::URI('http://dbpedia.org/resource/Tove_Jansson')), RDF::Statement(RDF::URI('http://dbpedia.org/resource/Moomin'), RDF::URI('http://dbpedia.org/ontology/abstract'), RDF::Literal.new("Muminki (szw. Mumintroll, fiń. Muumi) – fikcyjne istoty o antropomorficznej budowie ciała (nieco podobne do hipopotamów, ale dwunożne), zamieszkujące pewną dolinę gdzieś w Finlandii, bohaterowie cyklu dziewięciu książek fińskiej (piszącej po szwedzku) pisarki Tove Jansson. Są one odmianą trolli. Pierwsza książka o Muminkach, Małe trolle i duża powódź, została opublikowana przez Tove Jansson w 1945 (pierwsza wersja powstała już zimą 1939 roku).Wszystkie książki o Muminkach odniosły sukces: zostały przełożone na ponad trzydzieści języków. Muminki doczekały się też swojej wersji teatralnej, filmowej (między innymi serial zrealizowany w Polsce w Studio Małych Form Filmowych Se-ma-for), radiowej, telewizyjnej i komiksowej. Świat, w którym żyją Muminki, pełen jest rozmaitych stworzeń – żyją w nim Paszczaki, Hatifnatowie, Mimble – każde z nich ma swój punkt widzenia na świat, swój charakter i temperament.W Tampere, trzecim co do wielkości fińskim mieście, mieści się Muzeum „Dolina Muminków”. Natomiast w Naantali, miejscowości położonej niedaleko Turku, powstał park rozrywki \"Dolina Muminków\".", :language => 'pl')), RDF::Statement(RDF::URI('http://dbpedia.org/resource/Moomin'), RDF::Vocab::DC.relation, nodes[0]), RDF::Statement(nodes[0], RDF::Vocab::DC.title, "Comet in Moominland"), RDF::Statement(nodes[0], RDF::Vocab::DC.subject, nodes[1]), RDF::Statement(nodes[1], RDF::Vocab::SKOS.prefLabel, 'Moomin Valley'), RDF::Statement(nodes[0], RDF::Vocab::DC.subject, nodes[2]), RDF::Statement(nodes[2], RDF::Vocab::SKOS.prefLabel, 'Astronomical Events (apocryphal)') ] } subject { RDF::Marmotta.new(base_url, opts) } after do subject.clear end describe 'initializing' do describe 'webservice endpoints' do it 'has sparql endpoint' do expect(subject.query_client).to be_a SPARQL::Client expect(subject.update_client).to be_a SPARQL::Client end end end ## # We probably want to pursue skolemization and/or talk to Marmotta # folks about how they currently/should handle bnodes. describe 'bnode handling' do let(:node_triple) { RDF::Statement(RDF::Node.new, RDF::Vocab::DC.title, 'Moomin') } xit 'deletes only the relevant bnode' do subject << node_triple subject << [RDF::Node.new, RDF::Vocab::DC.title, 'Moomin'] subject << [RDF::Node.new, RDF::Vocab::DC.title, 'Moomin'] subject.delete_statement(node_triple) expect(subject.count).to eq 2 # returns 0 end it 'identifies triples with bnodes as existing' do subject << node_triple expect(subject).to have_triple node_triple # returns false end end describe 'inserting' do before do subject << statement end it 'writes values' do expect(subject.count).to eq 1 end it 'writes correct values' do expect(subject).to have_triple statement end ## # This tests an issue that may be an upstream Marmotta problem it 'handles large inserts (marmotta)' do expect { subject.insert(*statements) }.not_to raise_error end it 'handles requests that are too big for a GET url' do expect(subject.update_client.request(large_insert)).to be_kind_of Net::HTTPOK end ## # This tests an issue that may be an upstream RDF.rb problem it 'handles large inserts (rdf.rb)' do expect { subject.insert(*statements) }.not_to raise_error end end describe 'deleting' do it 'delete triples' do subject.delete(statement) expect(subject.count).to eq 0 end ## # This tests an issue that may be an upstream Marmotta problem. # It may be the same issue as above. Could be same issue as above, # or at least related. xit 'deletes triples even when some are not in store' do statement.object = RDF::Literal('Moominpapa') subject << statement subject.delete(*statements) expect(subject.count).to eq 0 end end # describe 'Repository' do # after { repository.clear } # let(:repository) { RDF::Marmotta.new(base_url, opts) } # it_behaves_like 'an RDF::Repository' # end end def large_insert < . _:b0 . _:b0 "2008-03-05T05:30:10"^^ . _:b0 . _:b0 "revised" . _:b1 . _:b1 "new" . _:b1 "1988-04-25T00:00:00"^^ . _:b1 . _:b1 . . . . "n 87914041" . "oca02258986" . _:b20 . _:b0 . "American Film Manufacturing Company"@en . _:b13 . . _:b10 . _:b17 . _:b18 . _:b12 . _:b4 . _:b8 . _:b21 . _:b2 . . . . "American Film Company"@en . "North American Film Corporation"@en . "Flying A Studio"@en . _:b1 . _:b22 . . . "American Film Manufacturing Company"@en . _:b16 . _:b19 . _:b7 . _:b2 . _:b2 . _:b3 . _:b3 "American Film Company"@en . _:b4 . _:b4 . _:b4 _:b5 . _:b4 "American Film Company"@en . _:b5 _:b3 . _:b5 . _:b6 . _:b6 "North American Film Corporation"@en . _:b7 . _:b7 "Flying A Studio"@en . _:b8 . _:b8 . _:b8 _:b9 . _:b8 "North American Film Corporation"@en . _:b9 _:b6 . _:b9 . _:b10 . _:b10 "credits (American Film Manufacturing Company)"@en . _:b10 "The Rose of San Juan [MP] 1913:" . _:b10 "found" . _:b11 . _:b11 "Flying A Studio"@en . _:b12 . _:b12 "CIP galley (American Film Manufacturing Co. was popularly known as the Flying A Studio)"@en . _:b12 "Lawton, S. Santa Barbara's Flying A Studio, 1997:" . _:b12 "found" . _:b13 _:b14 . _:b13 . _:b14 . _:b14 "American Film Manufacturing Company"@en . _:b15 _:b11 . _:b15 . _:b16 . _:b16 "American Film Company"@en . _:b17 . _:b17 "(hdg.: American Film Manufacturing Company)"@en . _:b17 "LC data base, 9-16-87" . _:b17 "found" . _:b18 . _:b18 "The Great Stanley secret. Chapter 1, The gipsy's trust [MP] 1917 (produced by American Film Company; North American Film Corporation presents)" . _:b18 "found" . _:b19 . _:b19 "North American Film Corporation"@en . _:b20 . _:b20 . _:b20 "1988-04-25T00:00:00"^^ . _:b20 . _:b20 "new" . _:b21 . _:b21 . _:b21 _:b15 . _:b21 "Flying A Studio"@en . _:b22 . _:b22 "revised" . _:b22 "2008-03-05T05:30:10"^^ . _:b22 . _:b22 . } EOF end