require 'shinmun' require 'rack/mock' require 'rexml/xpath' require 'pp' describe Shinmun::Blog do TEST_DIR = File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__)) TEMPLATES_DIR = File.expand_path(TEST_DIR + '/../templates') REPO = TEST_DIR + '/test_repo' before do FileUtils.rm_rf REPO Dir.mkdir REPO Dir.chdir REPO `git init` file 'config/blog.yml', { 'title' => 'Title', 'description' => 'Description', 'language' => 'en', 'author' => 'The Author', 'url' => '', 'categories' => ['Ruby', 'Javascript'] }.to_yaml @blog = @request = file 'map.rb', + '/map.rb') Dir.mkdir 'templates' Dir[TEMPLATES_DIR + '/*'].each do |path| unless path.include?('~') file 'templates/' + File.basename(path), end end @posts = [@blog.create_post(:title => 'New post', :date => '2008-10-10', :category => 'Ruby', :body => 'Body1'), @blog.create_post(:title => 'And this', :date => '2008-10-11', :category => 'Ruby', :body => 'Body2'), @blog.create_post(:title => 'Again', :date => '2008-11-10', :category => 'Javascript', :body => 'Body3')] @pages = [@blog.create_post(:title => 'Page 1', :body => 'Body1'), @blog.create_post(:title => 'Page 2', :body => 'Body2')] end def get(*args) @request.get(*args) end def post(*args)*args) end def file(file, data) FileUtils.mkpath(File.dirname(file)) open(file, 'w') { |io| io << data } `git add #{file}` `git commit -m 'spec'` File.unlink(file) end def xpath(xml, path) REXML::XPath.match(, path) end def assert_listing(xml, list) titles = xpath(xml, "//h2/a") summaries = xpath(xml, "//p") list.each_with_index do |(title, summary), i| titles[i].text.should == title summaries[i].text.strip.should == summary end end it "should find posts for a category" do category = @blog.find_category('ruby') category[:name].should == 'Ruby' category[:posts].should include(@posts[0]) category[:posts].should include(@posts[1]) category = @blog.find_category('javascript') category[:name].should == 'Javascript' category[:posts].should include(@posts[2]) end it "should create a post" do @blog.create_post(:title => 'New post', :date => '2008-10-10') post = @blog.find_post(2008, 10, 'new-post') post.should_not be_nil post.title.should == 'New post' ==, 10, 10) == 'new-post' end it "should update a post" do post = @blog.create_post(:title => 'New post', :date => '2008-10-10') @blog.update_post(post, "---\ndate: 2008-11-11\ntitle: The title\n---") post = @blog.find_post(2008, 11, 'new-post') post.should_not be_nil post.title.should == 'The title' ==, 11, 11) == 'new-post' end it "should delete a post" do post = @blog.create_post(:title => 'New post', :date => '2008-10-10') @blog.delete_post(post) @blog.find_post(2008, 10, 'new-post').should be_nil end it "should render posts" do xml = get('/2008/10/new-post').body xpath(xml, "//h1")[0].text.should == 'New post' xpath(xml, "//p")[0].text.should == 'Body1' end it "should render categories" do get('/categories/ruby.rss')['Content-Type'].should == 'application/rss+xml' xml = get('/categories/ruby.rss').body xpath(xml, '/rss/channel/title')[0].text.should == 'Ruby' xpath(xml, '/rss/channel/item/title')[0].text.should == 'And this' xpath(xml, '/rss/channel/item/pubDate')[0].text.should == "Sat, 11 Oct 2008 00:00:00 +0000" xpath(xml, '/rss/channel/item/link')[0].text.should == "" xpath(xml, '/rss/channel/item/title')[1].text.should == 'New post' xpath(xml, '/rss/channel/item/pubDate')[1].text.should == "Fri, 10 Oct 2008 00:00:00 +0000" xpath(xml, '/rss/channel/item/link')[1].text.should == "" assert_listing(get('/categories/ruby').body, [['And this', 'Body2'], ['New post', 'Body1']]) end it "should render index and archives" do assert_listing(get('/2008/10').body, [['New post', 'Body1'], ['And this', 'Body2']]) assert_listing(get('/').body, [['Again', 'Body3'], ['And this', 'Body2'], ['New post', 'Body1']]) end it "should render pages" do xml = get('/page-1').body xpath(xml, "//h1")[0].text.should == 'Page 1' xpath(xml, "//p")[0].text.should == 'Body1' xml = get('/page-2').body xpath(xml, "//h1")[0].text.should == 'Page 2' xpath(xml, "//p")[0].text.should == 'Body2' end it "should post a comment" do post('/comments?' + Rack::Utils.build_query('path' => @posts[0].path, 'name' => 'Hans', 'website' => '', 'text' => 'Hello')) post('/comments?' + Rack::Utils.build_query('path' => @posts[0].path, 'name' => 'Peter', 'website' => '', 'text' => 'Servus')) comments = @blog.comments_for(@posts[0]) comments[0].should_not be_nil comments[0].name.should == 'Hans' comments[0].text.should == 'Hello' comments[1].should_not be_nil comments[1].name.should == 'Peter' comments[1].text.should == 'Servus' end end