# pgcli-rails [![Gem Version](https://badge.fury.io/rb/pgcli-rails.svg)](http://badge.fury.io/rb/pgcli-rails) [![Build Status](https://mattbrictson.semaphoreci.com/badges/pgcli-rails/branches/main.svg?style=shields)](https://mattbrictson.semaphoreci.com/projects/pgcli-rails) [pgcli][] is a command-line interface for PostgreSQL that offers many improvements over `psql`, like auto-completion and syntax highlighting. Wouldn't it be nice to have a convenient way to use `pgcli` with your Rails app? That's where the pgcli-rails gem comes in. It adds a `pgcli` Rake task to your Rails app. Use it in place of `rails dbconsole`. # Usage Add the gem to your Gemfile and run `bundle install`: ```ruby gem "pgcli-rails" ``` Running the `pgcli` Rake task automatically uses your `database.yml` to launch pgcli with the correct connection options: ``` $ bin/rake pgcli Version: 1.0.0 Chat: https://gitter.im/dbcli/pgcli Mail: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/pgcli Home: http://pgcli.com my_app_development> [F2] Smart Completion: ON [F3] Multiline: OFF [F4] Emacs-mode ``` Other ways to use it: ``` # Rails 5 also supports running Rake tasks via the rails command bin/rails pgcli # Connect to the test database RAILS_ENV=test bin/rake pgcli ``` ## Requirements * Rails 4.2+ using PostgreSQL * Ruby 3.0+ * [pgcli][] (`brew install pgcli` to install on macOS) ## How it works pgcli-rails is simply a Rake task that reuses the existing `Rails::DBConsole` command class provided by Rails. It subclasses DBConsole to execute `pgcli` instead of `psql`. All you need to do is require the pgcli-rails gem by placing it in your Gemfile. ## Configuration There is no configuration. Like `rails dbconsole`, it simply uses your ActiveRecord database connection as specified in `database.yml`. ## Roadmap pgcli-rails is little more than a proof-of-concept at this point. Next steps are: * Add tests * Use [Appraisal][] to test against multiple versions of Rails If you have other ideas, open an issue on GitHub! ## Contributing Code contributions are also welcome! Read [CONTRIBUTING.md](CONTRIBUTING.md) to get started. ## License The gem is available as open source under the terms of the [MIT License](http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT). [pgcli]: https://www.pgcli.com/ [Appraisal]: https://github.com/thoughtbot/appraisal