# typed: strict # frozen_string_literal: true module RubyIndexer class Index extend T::Sig class UnresolvableAliasError < StandardError; end class NonExistingNamespaceError < StandardError; end # The minimum Jaro-Winkler similarity score for an entry to be considered a match for a given fuzzy search query ENTRY_SIMILARITY_THRESHOLD = 0.7 sig { returns(Configuration) } attr_reader :configuration sig { void } def initialize # Holds all entries in the index using the following format: # { # "Foo" => [#<Entry::Class>, #<Entry::Class>], # "Foo::Bar" => [#<Entry::Class>], # } @entries = T.let({}, T::Hash[String, T::Array[Entry]]) # Holds all entries in the index using a prefix tree for searching based on prefixes to provide autocompletion @entries_tree = T.let(PrefixTree[T::Array[Entry]].new, PrefixTree[T::Array[Entry]]) # Holds references to where entries where discovered so that we can easily delete them # { # "/my/project/foo.rb" => [#<Entry::Class>, #<Entry::Class>], # "/my/project/bar.rb" => [#<Entry::Class>], # } @files_to_entries = T.let({}, T::Hash[String, T::Array[Entry]]) # Holds all require paths for every indexed item so that we can provide autocomplete for requires @require_paths_tree = T.let(PrefixTree[IndexablePath].new, PrefixTree[IndexablePath]) # Holds the linearized ancestors list for every namespace @ancestors = T.let({}, T::Hash[String, T::Array[String]]) # List of classes that are enhancing the index @enhancements = T.let([], T::Array[Enhancement]) # Map of module name to included hooks that have to be executed when we include the given module @included_hooks = T.let( {}, T::Hash[String, T::Array[T.proc.params(index: Index, base: Entry::Namespace).void]], ) @configuration = T.let(RubyIndexer::Configuration.new, Configuration) end # Register an enhancement to the index. Enhancements must conform to the `Enhancement` interface sig { params(enhancement: Enhancement).void } def register_enhancement(enhancement) @enhancements << enhancement end # Register an included `hook` that will be executed when `module_name` is included into any namespace sig { params(module_name: String, hook: T.proc.params(index: Index, base: Entry::Namespace).void).void } def register_included_hook(module_name, &hook) (@included_hooks[module_name] ||= []) << hook end sig { params(indexable: IndexablePath).void } def delete(indexable) # For each constant discovered in `path`, delete the associated entry from the index. If there are no entries # left, delete the constant from the index. @files_to_entries[indexable.full_path]&.each do |entry| name = entry.name entries = @entries[name] next unless entries # Delete the specific entry from the list for this name entries.delete(entry) # If all entries were deleted, then remove the name from the hash and from the prefix tree. Otherwise, update # the prefix tree with the current entries if entries.empty? @entries.delete(name) @entries_tree.delete(name) else @entries_tree.insert(name, entries) end end @files_to_entries.delete(indexable.full_path) require_path = indexable.require_path @require_paths_tree.delete(require_path) if require_path end sig { params(entry: Entry, skip_prefix_tree: T::Boolean).void } def add(entry, skip_prefix_tree: false) name = entry.name (@entries[name] ||= []) << entry (@files_to_entries[entry.file_path] ||= []) << entry @entries_tree.insert(name, T.must(@entries[name])) unless skip_prefix_tree end sig { params(fully_qualified_name: String).returns(T.nilable(T::Array[Entry])) } def [](fully_qualified_name) @entries[fully_qualified_name.delete_prefix("::")] end sig { params(query: String).returns(T::Array[IndexablePath]) } def search_require_paths(query) @require_paths_tree.search(query) end # Searches for a constant based on an unqualified name and returns the first possible match regardless of whether # there are more possible matching entries sig do params( name: String, ).returns(T.nilable(T::Array[T.any( Entry::Namespace, Entry::ConstantAlias, Entry::UnresolvedConstantAlias, Entry::Constant, )])) end def first_unqualified_const(name) _name, entries = @entries.find do |const_name, _entries| const_name.end_with?(name) end T.cast( entries, T.nilable(T::Array[T.any( Entry::Namespace, Entry::ConstantAlias, Entry::UnresolvedConstantAlias, Entry::Constant, )]), ) end # Searches entries in the index based on an exact prefix, intended for providing autocomplete. All possible matches # to the prefix are returned. The return is an array of arrays, where each entry is the array of entries for a given # name match. For example: # ## Example # ```ruby # # If the index has two entries for `Foo::Bar` and one for `Foo::Baz`, then: # index.prefix_search("Foo::B") # # Will return: # [ # [#<Entry::Class name="Foo::Bar">, #<Entry::Class name="Foo::Bar">], # [#<Entry::Class name="Foo::Baz">], # ] # ``` sig { params(query: String, nesting: T.nilable(T::Array[String])).returns(T::Array[T::Array[Entry]]) } def prefix_search(query, nesting = nil) unless nesting results = @entries_tree.search(query) results.uniq! return results end results = nesting.length.downto(0).flat_map do |i| prefix = T.must(nesting[0...i]).join("::") namespaced_query = prefix.empty? ? query : "#{prefix}::#{query}" @entries_tree.search(namespaced_query) end results.uniq! results end # Fuzzy searches index entries based on Jaro-Winkler similarity. If no query is provided, all entries are returned sig { params(query: T.nilable(String)).returns(T::Array[Entry]) } def fuzzy_search(query) unless query entries = @entries.filter_map do |_name, entries| next if entries.first.is_a?(Entry::SingletonClass) entries end return entries.flatten end normalized_query = query.gsub("::", "").downcase results = @entries.filter_map do |name, entries| next if entries.first.is_a?(Entry::SingletonClass) similarity = DidYouMean::JaroWinkler.distance(name.gsub("::", "").downcase, normalized_query) [entries, -similarity] if similarity > ENTRY_SIMILARITY_THRESHOLD end results.sort_by!(&:last) results.flat_map(&:first) end sig do params( name: T.nilable(String), receiver_name: String, ).returns(T::Array[T.any(Entry::Member, Entry::MethodAlias)]) end def method_completion_candidates(name, receiver_name) ancestors = linearized_ancestors_of(receiver_name) candidates = name ? prefix_search(name).flatten : @entries.values.flatten completion_items = candidates.each_with_object({}) do |entry, hash| unless entry.is_a?(Entry::Member) || entry.is_a?(Entry::MethodAlias) || entry.is_a?(Entry::UnresolvedMethodAlias) next end entry_name = entry.name ancestor_index = ancestors.index(entry.owner&.name) existing_entry, existing_entry_index = hash[entry_name] # Conditions for matching a method completion candidate: # 1. If an ancestor_index was found, it means that this method is owned by the receiver. The exact index is # where in the ancestor chain the method was found. For example, if the ancestors are ["A", "B", "C"] and we # found the method declared in `B`, then the ancestors index is 1 # # 2. We already established that this method is owned by the receiver. Now, check if we already added a # completion candidate for this method name. If not, then we just go and add it (the left hand side of the or) # # 3. If we had already found a method entry for the same name, then we need to check if the current entry that # we are comparing appears first in the hierarchy or not. For example, imagine we have the method `open` defined # in both `File` and its parent `IO`. If we first find the method `open` in `IO`, it will be inserted into the # hash. Then, when we find the entry for `open` owned by `File`, we need to replace `IO.open` by `File.open`, # since `File.open` appears first in the hierarchy chain and is therefore the correct method being invoked. The # last part of the conditional checks if the current entry was found earlier in the hierarchy chain, in which # case we must update the existing entry to avoid showing the wrong method declaration for overridden methods next unless ancestor_index && (!existing_entry || ancestor_index < existing_entry_index) if entry.is_a?(Entry::UnresolvedMethodAlias) resolved_alias = resolve_method_alias(entry, receiver_name, []) hash[entry_name] = [resolved_alias, ancestor_index] if resolved_alias.is_a?(Entry::MethodAlias) else hash[entry_name] = [entry, ancestor_index] end end completion_items.values.map!(&:first) end sig do params( name: String, nesting: T::Array[String], ).returns(T::Array[T::Array[T.any( Entry::Constant, Entry::ConstantAlias, Entry::Namespace, Entry::UnresolvedConstantAlias, )]]) end def constant_completion_candidates(name, nesting) # If we have a top level reference, then we don't need to include completions inside the current nesting if name.start_with?("::") return T.cast( @entries_tree.search(name.delete_prefix("::")), T::Array[T::Array[T.any( Entry::Constant, Entry::ConstantAlias, Entry::Namespace, Entry::UnresolvedConstantAlias, )]], ) end # Otherwise, we have to include every possible constant the user might be referring to. This is essentially the # same algorithm as resolve, but instead of returning early we concatenate all unique results # Direct constants inside this namespace entries = @entries_tree.search(nesting.any? ? "#{nesting.join("::")}::#{name}" : name) # Constants defined in enclosing scopes nesting.length.downto(1) do |i| namespace = T.must(nesting[0...i]).join("::") entries.concat(@entries_tree.search("#{namespace}::#{name}")) end # Inherited constants if name.end_with?("::") entries.concat(inherited_constant_completion_candidates(nil, nesting + [name])) else entries.concat(inherited_constant_completion_candidates(name, nesting)) end # Top level constants entries.concat(@entries_tree.search(name)) entries.uniq! T.cast( entries, T::Array[T::Array[T.any( Entry::Constant, Entry::ConstantAlias, Entry::Namespace, Entry::UnresolvedConstantAlias, )]], ) end # Resolve a constant to its declaration based on its name and the nesting where the reference was found. Parameter # documentation: # # name: the name of the reference how it was found in the source code (qualified or not) # nesting: the nesting structure where the reference was found (e.g.: ["Foo", "Bar"]) # seen_names: this parameter should not be used by consumers of the api. It is used to avoid infinite recursion when # resolving circular references sig do params( name: String, nesting: T::Array[String], seen_names: T::Array[String], ).returns(T.nilable(T::Array[T.any( Entry::Namespace, Entry::ConstantAlias, Entry::UnresolvedConstantAlias, )])) end def resolve(name, nesting, seen_names = []) # If we have a top level reference, then we just search for it straight away ignoring the nesting if name.start_with?("::") entries = direct_or_aliased_constant(name.delete_prefix("::"), seen_names) return entries if entries end # Non qualified reference path full_name = nesting.any? ? "#{nesting.join("::")}::#{name}" : name # When the name is not qualified with any namespaces, Ruby will take several steps to try to the resolve the # constant. First, it will try to find the constant in the exact namespace where the reference was found entries = direct_or_aliased_constant(full_name, seen_names) return entries if entries # If the constant is not found yet, then Ruby will try to find the constant in the enclosing lexical scopes, # unwrapping each level one by one. Important note: the top level is not included because that's the fallback of # the algorithm after every other possibility has been exhausted entries = lookup_enclosing_scopes(name, nesting, seen_names) return entries if entries # If the constant does not exist in any enclosing scopes, then Ruby will search for it in the ancestors of the # specific namespace where the reference was found entries = lookup_ancestor_chain(name, nesting, seen_names) return entries if entries # Finally, as a fallback, Ruby will search for the constant in the top level namespace direct_or_aliased_constant(name, seen_names) rescue UnresolvableAliasError nil end # Index all files for the given indexable paths, which defaults to what is configured. A block can be used to track # and control indexing progress. That block is invoked with the current progress percentage and should return `true` # to continue indexing or `false` to stop indexing. sig do params( indexable_paths: T::Array[IndexablePath], block: T.nilable(T.proc.params(progress: Integer).returns(T::Boolean)), ).void end def index_all(indexable_paths: @configuration.indexables, &block) RBSIndexer.new(self).index_ruby_core # Calculate how many paths are worth 1% of progress progress_step = (indexable_paths.length / 100.0).ceil indexable_paths.each_with_index do |path, index| if block && index % progress_step == 0 progress = (index / progress_step) + 1 break unless block.call(progress) end index_single(path, collect_comments: false) end end sig { params(indexable_path: IndexablePath, source: T.nilable(String), collect_comments: T::Boolean).void } def index_single(indexable_path, source = nil, collect_comments: true) content = source || File.read(indexable_path.full_path) dispatcher = Prism::Dispatcher.new result = Prism.parse(content) listener = DeclarationListener.new( self, dispatcher, result, indexable_path.full_path, collect_comments: collect_comments, enhancements: @enhancements, ) dispatcher.dispatch(result.value) indexing_errors = listener.indexing_errors.uniq require_path = indexable_path.require_path @require_paths_tree.insert(require_path, indexable_path) if require_path if indexing_errors.any? indexing_errors.each do |error| $stderr.puts error end end rescue Errno::EISDIR, Errno::ENOENT # If `path` is a directory, just ignore it and continue indexing. If the file doesn't exist, then we also ignore # it rescue SystemStackError => e if e.backtrace&.first&.include?("prism") $stderr.puts "Prism error indexing #{indexable_path.full_path}: #{e.message}" else raise end end # Follows aliases in a namespace. The algorithm keeps checking if the name is an alias and then recursively follows # it. The idea is that we test the name in parts starting from the complete name to the first namespace. For # `Foo::Bar::Baz`, we would test: # 1. Is `Foo::Bar::Baz` an alias? Get the target and recursively follow its target # 2. Is `Foo::Bar` an alias? Get the target and recursively follow its target # 3. Is `Foo` an alias? Get the target and recursively follow its target # # If we find an alias, then we want to follow its target. In the same example, if `Foo::Bar` is an alias to # `Something::Else`, then we first discover `Something::Else::Baz`. But `Something::Else::Baz` might contain other # aliases, so we have to invoke `follow_aliased_namespace` again to check until we only return a real name sig { params(name: String, seen_names: T::Array[String]).returns(String) } def follow_aliased_namespace(name, seen_names = []) parts = name.split("::") real_parts = [] (parts.length - 1).downto(0) do |i| current_name = T.must(parts[0..i]).join("::") entry = @entries[current_name]&.first case entry when Entry::ConstantAlias target = entry.target return follow_aliased_namespace("#{target}::#{real_parts.join("::")}", seen_names) when Entry::UnresolvedConstantAlias resolved = resolve_alias(entry, seen_names) if resolved.is_a?(Entry::UnresolvedConstantAlias) raise UnresolvableAliasError, "The constant #{resolved.name} is an alias to a non existing constant" end target = resolved.target return follow_aliased_namespace("#{target}::#{real_parts.join("::")}", seen_names) else real_parts.unshift(T.must(parts[i])) end end real_parts.join("::") end # Attempts to find methods for a resolved fully qualified receiver name. Do not provide the `seen_names` parameter # as it is used only internally to prevent infinite loops when resolving circular aliases # Returns `nil` if the method does not exist on that receiver sig do params( method_name: String, receiver_name: String, seen_names: T::Array[String], inherited_only: T::Boolean, ).returns(T.nilable(T::Array[T.any(Entry::Member, Entry::MethodAlias)])) end def resolve_method(method_name, receiver_name, seen_names = [], inherited_only: false) method_entries = self[method_name] return unless method_entries ancestors = linearized_ancestors_of(receiver_name.delete_prefix("::")) ancestors.each do |ancestor| next if inherited_only && ancestor == receiver_name found = method_entries.filter_map do |entry| case entry when Entry::Member, Entry::MethodAlias entry if entry.owner&.name == ancestor when Entry::UnresolvedMethodAlias # Resolve aliases lazily as we find them if entry.owner&.name == ancestor resolved_alias = resolve_method_alias(entry, receiver_name, seen_names) resolved_alias if resolved_alias.is_a?(Entry::MethodAlias) end end end return found if found.any? end nil rescue NonExistingNamespaceError nil end # Linearizes the ancestors for a given name, returning the order of namespaces in which Ruby will search for method # or constant declarations. # # When we add an ancestor in Ruby, that namespace might have ancestors of its own. Therefore, we need to linearize # everything recursively to ensure that we are placing ancestors in the right order. For example, if you include a # module that prepends another module, then the prepend module appears before the included module. # # The order of ancestors is [linearized_prepends, self, linearized_includes, linearized_superclass] sig { params(fully_qualified_name: String).returns(T::Array[String]) } def linearized_ancestors_of(fully_qualified_name) # If we already computed the ancestors for this namespace, return it straight away cached_ancestors = @ancestors[fully_qualified_name] return cached_ancestors if cached_ancestors parts = fully_qualified_name.split("::") singleton_levels = 0 parts.reverse_each do |part| break unless part.include?("<Class:") singleton_levels += 1 parts.pop end attached_class_name = parts.join("::") # If we don't have an entry for `name`, raise entries = self[fully_qualified_name] if singleton_levels > 0 && !entries && indexed?(attached_class_name) entries = [existing_or_new_singleton_class(attached_class_name)] end raise NonExistingNamespaceError, "No entry found for #{fully_qualified_name}" unless entries ancestors = [fully_qualified_name] # Cache the linearized ancestors array eagerly. This is important because we might have circular dependencies and # this will prevent us from falling into an infinite recursion loop. Because we mutate the ancestors array later, # the cache will reflect the final result @ancestors[fully_qualified_name] = ancestors # If none of the entries for `name` are namespaces, raise namespaces = entries.filter_map do |entry| case entry when Entry::Namespace entry when Entry::ConstantAlias self[entry.target]&.grep(Entry::Namespace) end end.flatten raise NonExistingNamespaceError, "None of the entries for #{fully_qualified_name} are modules or classes" if namespaces.empty? # The original nesting where we discovered this namespace, so that we resolve the correct names of the # included/prepended/extended modules and parent classes nesting = T.must(namespaces.first).nesting.flat_map { |n| n.split("::") } if nesting.any? singleton_levels.times do nesting << "<Class:#{T.must(nesting.last)}>" end end # We only need to run included hooks when linearizing singleton classes. Included hooks are typically used to add # new singleton methods or to extend a module through an include. There's no need to support instance methods, the # inclusion of another module or the prepending of another module, because those features are already a part of # Ruby and can be used directly without any metaprogramming run_included_hooks(attached_class_name, nesting) if singleton_levels > 0 linearize_mixins(ancestors, namespaces, nesting) linearize_superclass( ancestors, attached_class_name, fully_qualified_name, namespaces, nesting, singleton_levels, ) ancestors end # Resolves an instance variable name for a given owner name. This method will linearize the ancestors of the owner # and find inherited instance variables as well sig { params(variable_name: String, owner_name: String).returns(T.nilable(T::Array[Entry::InstanceVariable])) } def resolve_instance_variable(variable_name, owner_name) entries = T.cast(self[variable_name], T.nilable(T::Array[Entry::InstanceVariable])) return unless entries ancestors = linearized_ancestors_of(owner_name) return if ancestors.empty? entries.select { |e| ancestors.include?(e.owner&.name) } end # Returns a list of possible candidates for completion of instance variables for a given owner name. The name must # include the `@` prefix sig { params(name: String, owner_name: String).returns(T::Array[Entry::InstanceVariable]) } def instance_variable_completion_candidates(name, owner_name) entries = T.cast(prefix_search(name).flatten, T::Array[Entry::InstanceVariable]) ancestors = linearized_ancestors_of(owner_name) variables = entries.select { |e| ancestors.any?(e.owner&.name) } variables.uniq!(&:name) variables end # Synchronizes a change made to the given indexable path. This method will ensure that new declarations are indexed, # removed declarations removed and that the ancestor linearization cache is cleared if necessary sig { params(indexable: IndexablePath).void } def handle_change(indexable) original_entries = @files_to_entries[indexable.full_path] delete(indexable) index_single(indexable) updated_entries = @files_to_entries[indexable.full_path] return unless original_entries && updated_entries # A change in one ancestor may impact several different others, which could be including that ancestor through # indirect means like including a module that than includes the ancestor. Trying to figure out exactly which # ancestors need to be deleted is too expensive. Therefore, if any of the namespace entries has a change to their # ancestor hash, we clear all ancestors and start linearizing lazily again from scratch original_map = T.cast( original_entries.select { |e| e.is_a?(Entry::Namespace) }, T::Array[Entry::Namespace], ).to_h { |e| [e.name, e.ancestor_hash] } updated_map = T.cast( updated_entries.select { |e| e.is_a?(Entry::Namespace) }, T::Array[Entry::Namespace], ).to_h { |e| [e.name, e.ancestor_hash] } @ancestors.clear if original_map.any? { |name, hash| updated_map[name] != hash } end sig { returns(T::Boolean) } def empty? @entries.empty? end sig { returns(T::Array[String]) } def names @entries.keys end sig { params(name: String).returns(T::Boolean) } def indexed?(name) @entries.key?(name) end sig { returns(Integer) } def length @entries.count end sig { params(name: String).returns(Entry::SingletonClass) } def existing_or_new_singleton_class(name) *_namespace, unqualified_name = name.split("::") full_singleton_name = "#{name}::<Class:#{unqualified_name}>" singleton = T.cast(self[full_singleton_name]&.first, T.nilable(Entry::SingletonClass)) unless singleton attached_ancestor = T.must(self[name]&.first) singleton = Entry::SingletonClass.new( [full_singleton_name], attached_ancestor.file_path, attached_ancestor.location, attached_ancestor.name_location, nil, nil, ) add(singleton, skip_prefix_tree: true) end singleton end sig do type_parameters(:T).params( path: String, type: T.nilable(T::Class[T.all(T.type_parameter(:T), Entry)]), ).returns(T.nilable(T.any(T::Array[Entry], T::Array[T.type_parameter(:T)]))) end def entries_for(path, type = nil) entries = @files_to_entries[path] return entries unless type entries&.grep(type) end private # Runs the registered included hooks sig { params(fully_qualified_name: String, nesting: T::Array[String]).void } def run_included_hooks(fully_qualified_name, nesting) return if @included_hooks.empty? namespaces = self[fully_qualified_name]&.grep(Entry::Namespace) return unless namespaces namespaces.each do |namespace| namespace.mixin_operations.each do |operation| next unless operation.is_a?(Entry::Include) # First we resolve the include name, so that we know the actual module being referred to in the include resolved_modules = resolve(operation.module_name, nesting) next unless resolved_modules module_name = T.must(resolved_modules.first).name # Then we grab any hooks registered for that module hooks = @included_hooks[module_name] next unless hooks # We invoke the hooks with the index and the namespace that included the module hooks.each { |hook| hook.call(self, namespace) } end end end # Linearize mixins for an array of namespace entries. This method will mutate the `ancestors` array with the # linearized ancestors of the mixins sig do params( ancestors: T::Array[String], namespace_entries: T::Array[Entry::Namespace], nesting: T::Array[String], ).void end def linearize_mixins(ancestors, namespace_entries, nesting) mixin_operations = namespace_entries.flat_map(&:mixin_operations) main_namespace_index = 0 mixin_operations.each do |operation| resolved_module = resolve(operation.module_name, nesting) next unless resolved_module module_fully_qualified_name = T.must(resolved_module.first).name case operation when Entry::Prepend # When a module is prepended, Ruby checks if it hasn't been prepended already to prevent adding it in front of # the actual namespace twice. However, it does not check if it has been included because you are allowed to # prepend the same module after it has already been included linearized_prepends = linearized_ancestors_of(module_fully_qualified_name) # When there are duplicate prepended modules, we have to insert the new prepends after the existing ones. For # example, if the current ancestors are `["A", "Foo"]` and we try to prepend `["A", "B"]`, then `"B"` has to # be inserted after `"A` uniq_prepends = linearized_prepends - T.must(ancestors[0...main_namespace_index]) insert_position = linearized_prepends.length - uniq_prepends.length T.unsafe(ancestors).insert( insert_position, *(linearized_prepends - T.must(ancestors[0...main_namespace_index])), ) main_namespace_index += linearized_prepends.length when Entry::Include # When including a module, Ruby will always prevent duplicate entries in case the module has already been # prepended or included linearized_includes = linearized_ancestors_of(module_fully_qualified_name) T.unsafe(ancestors).insert(main_namespace_index + 1, *(linearized_includes - ancestors)) end end end # Linearize the superclass of a given namespace (including modules with the implicit `Module` superclass). This # method will mutate the `ancestors` array with the linearized ancestors of the superclass sig do params( ancestors: T::Array[String], attached_class_name: String, fully_qualified_name: String, namespace_entries: T::Array[Entry::Namespace], nesting: T::Array[String], singleton_levels: Integer, ).void end def linearize_superclass( # rubocop:disable Metrics/ParameterLists ancestors, attached_class_name, fully_qualified_name, namespace_entries, nesting, singleton_levels ) # Find the first class entry that has a parent class. Notice that if the developer makes a mistake and inherits # from two diffent classes in different files, we simply ignore it superclass = T.cast( if singleton_levels > 0 self[attached_class_name]&.find { |n| n.is_a?(Entry::Class) && n.parent_class } else namespace_entries.find { |n| n.is_a?(Entry::Class) && n.parent_class } end, T.nilable(Entry::Class), ) if superclass # If the user makes a mistake and creates a class that inherits from itself, this method would throw a stack # error. We need to ensure that this isn't the case parent_class = T.must(superclass.parent_class) resolved_parent_class = resolve(parent_class, nesting) parent_class_name = resolved_parent_class&.first&.name if parent_class_name && fully_qualified_name != parent_class_name parent_name_parts = parent_class_name.split("::") singleton_levels.times do parent_name_parts << "<Class:#{parent_name_parts.last}>" end ancestors.concat(linearized_ancestors_of(parent_name_parts.join("::"))) end # When computing the linearization for a class's singleton class, it inherits from the linearized ancestors of # the `Class` class if parent_class_name&.start_with?("BasicObject") && singleton_levels > 0 class_class_name_parts = ["Class"] (singleton_levels - 1).times do class_class_name_parts << "<Class:#{class_class_name_parts.last}>" end ancestors.concat(linearized_ancestors_of(class_class_name_parts.join("::"))) end elsif singleton_levels > 0 # When computing the linearization for a module's singleton class, it inherits from the linearized ancestors of # the `Module` class mod = T.cast(self[attached_class_name]&.find { |n| n.is_a?(Entry::Module) }, T.nilable(Entry::Module)) if mod module_class_name_parts = ["Module"] (singleton_levels - 1).times do module_class_name_parts << "<Class:#{module_class_name_parts.last}>" end ancestors.concat(linearized_ancestors_of(module_class_name_parts.join("::"))) end end end # Attempts to resolve an UnresolvedAlias into a resolved Alias. If the unresolved alias is pointing to a constant # that doesn't exist, then we return the same UnresolvedAlias sig do params( entry: Entry::UnresolvedConstantAlias, seen_names: T::Array[String], ).returns(T.any(Entry::ConstantAlias, Entry::UnresolvedConstantAlias)) end def resolve_alias(entry, seen_names) alias_name = entry.name return entry if seen_names.include?(alias_name) seen_names << alias_name target = resolve(entry.target, entry.nesting, seen_names) return entry unless target target_name = T.must(target.first).name resolved_alias = Entry::ConstantAlias.new(target_name, entry) # Replace the UnresolvedAlias by a resolved one so that we don't have to do this again later original_entries = T.must(@entries[alias_name]) original_entries.delete(entry) original_entries << resolved_alias @entries_tree.insert(alias_name, original_entries) resolved_alias end sig do params( name: String, nesting: T::Array[String], seen_names: T::Array[String], ).returns(T.nilable(T::Array[T.any( Entry::Namespace, Entry::ConstantAlias, Entry::UnresolvedConstantAlias, )])) end def lookup_enclosing_scopes(name, nesting, seen_names) nesting.length.downto(1) do |i| namespace = T.must(nesting[0...i]).join("::") # If we find an entry with `full_name` directly, then we can already return it, even if it contains aliases - # because the user might be trying to jump to the alias definition. # # However, if we don't find it, then we need to search for possible aliases in the namespace. For example, in # the LSP itself we alias `RubyLsp::Interface` to `LanguageServer::Protocol::Interface`, which means doing # `RubyLsp::Interface::Location` is allowed. For these cases, we need some way to realize that the # `RubyLsp::Interface` part is an alias, that has to be resolved entries = direct_or_aliased_constant("#{namespace}::#{name}", seen_names) return entries if entries end nil end sig do params( name: String, nesting: T::Array[String], seen_names: T::Array[String], ).returns(T.nilable(T::Array[T.any( Entry::Namespace, Entry::ConstantAlias, Entry::UnresolvedConstantAlias, )])) end def lookup_ancestor_chain(name, nesting, seen_names) *nesting_parts, constant_name = build_non_redundant_full_name(name, nesting).split("::") return if nesting_parts.empty? namespace_entries = resolve(nesting_parts.join("::"), [], seen_names) return unless namespace_entries ancestors = nesting_parts.empty? ? [] : linearized_ancestors_of(T.must(namespace_entries.first).name) ancestors.each do |ancestor_name| entries = direct_or_aliased_constant("#{ancestor_name}::#{constant_name}", seen_names) return entries if entries end nil rescue NonExistingNamespaceError nil end sig do params( name: T.nilable(String), nesting: T::Array[String], ).returns(T::Array[T::Array[T.any( Entry::Namespace, Entry::ConstantAlias, Entry::UnresolvedConstantAlias, Entry::Constant, )]]) end def inherited_constant_completion_candidates(name, nesting) namespace_entries = if name *nesting_parts, constant_name = build_non_redundant_full_name(name, nesting).split("::") return [] if nesting_parts.empty? resolve(nesting_parts.join("::"), []) else resolve(nesting.join("::"), []) end return [] unless namespace_entries ancestors = linearized_ancestors_of(T.must(namespace_entries.first).name) candidates = ancestors.flat_map do |ancestor_name| @entries_tree.search("#{ancestor_name}::#{constant_name}") end # For candidates with the same name, we must only show the first entry in the inheritance chain, since that's the # one the user will be referring to in completion completion_items = candidates.each_with_object({}) do |entries, hash| *parts, short_name = T.must(entries.first).name.split("::") namespace_name = parts.join("::") ancestor_index = ancestors.index(namespace_name) existing_entry, existing_entry_index = hash[short_name] next unless ancestor_index && (!existing_entry || ancestor_index < existing_entry_index) hash[short_name] = [entries, ancestor_index] end completion_items.values.map!(&:first) rescue NonExistingNamespaceError [] end # Removes redudancy from a constant reference's full name. For example, if we find a reference to `A::B::Foo` inside # of the ["A", "B"] nesting, then we should not concatenate the nesting with the name or else we'll end up with # `A::B::A::B::Foo`. This method will remove any redundant parts from the final name based on the reference and the # nesting sig { params(name: String, nesting: T::Array[String]).returns(String) } def build_non_redundant_full_name(name, nesting) # If there's no nesting, then we can just return the name as is return name if nesting.empty? # If the name is not qualified, we can just concatenate the nesting and the name return "#{nesting.join("::")}::#{name}" unless name.include?("::") name_parts = name.split("::") first_redundant_part = nesting.index(name_parts[0]) # If there are no redundant parts between the name and the nesting, then the full name is both combined return "#{nesting.join("::")}::#{name}" unless first_redundant_part # Otherwise, push all of the leading parts of the nesting that aren't redundant into the name. For example, if we # have a reference to `Foo::Bar` inside the `[Namespace, Foo]` nesting, then only the `Foo` part is redundant, but # we still need to include the `Namespace` part T.unsafe(name_parts).unshift(*nesting[0...first_redundant_part]) name_parts.join("::") end sig do params( full_name: String, seen_names: T::Array[String], ).returns( T.nilable(T::Array[T.any( Entry::Namespace, Entry::ConstantAlias, Entry::UnresolvedConstantAlias, )]), ) end def direct_or_aliased_constant(full_name, seen_names) entries = @entries[full_name] || @entries[follow_aliased_namespace(full_name)] T.cast( entries&.map { |e| e.is_a?(Entry::UnresolvedConstantAlias) ? resolve_alias(e, seen_names) : e }, T.nilable(T::Array[T.any( Entry::Namespace, Entry::ConstantAlias, Entry::UnresolvedConstantAlias, )]), ) end # Attempt to resolve a given unresolved method alias. This method returns the resolved alias if we managed to # identify the target or the same unresolved alias entry if we couldn't sig do params( entry: Entry::UnresolvedMethodAlias, receiver_name: String, seen_names: T::Array[String], ).returns(T.any(Entry::MethodAlias, Entry::UnresolvedMethodAlias)) end def resolve_method_alias(entry, receiver_name, seen_names) new_name = entry.new_name return entry if new_name == entry.old_name return entry if seen_names.include?(new_name) seen_names << new_name target_method_entries = resolve_method(entry.old_name, receiver_name, seen_names) return entry unless target_method_entries resolved_alias = Entry::MethodAlias.new(T.must(target_method_entries.first), entry) original_entries = T.must(@entries[new_name]) original_entries.delete(entry) original_entries << resolved_alias resolved_alias end end end