module Rworkflow class SidekiqFlow < Flow STATE_POLICY_GATED = :gated MAX_EXPECTED_DURATION = 4.hours def initialize(id) super(id) @open_gates ="#{@redis_key}__open_gates") end def cleanup super() @open_gates.delete end def push(objects, name) pushed = 0 pushed = super(objects, name) ensure create_jobs(name, pushed) if pushed > 0 return pushed end def expected_duration return MAX_EXPECTED_DURATION end def paused? return @flow_data.get(:paused).to_i > 0 end def status return paused? ? 'Paused' : super() end def pause return if self.finished? @flow_data.incr(:paused) rescue StandardError => e Rails.logger.error("Error pausing flow #{}: #{e.message}") end # for now assumes def continue return if self.finished? || !self.valid? || !self.paused? if @flow_data.decr(:paused) == 0 workers = Hash[ { |name, _| !self.class.terminal?(name) && name != :processing }] # enqueue jobs workers.each { |worker, num_objects| create_jobs(worker, num_objects) } end rescue StandardError => e Rails.logger.error("Error continuing flow #{}: #{e.message}") end def create_jobs(state_name, num_objects) return if paused? || num_objects < 1 || self.class.terminal?(state_name) || gated?(state_name) state = @lifecycle.states[state_name] worker_class = if state.respond_to?(:worker_class) state.worker_class else begin state_name.constantize rescue NameError => _ Rails.logger.error("Trying to push to a non existent worker class #{state_name} in workflow #{@id}") nil end end if !worker_class.nil? cardinality = get_state_cardinality(state_name) amount = if state.policy == State::STATE_POLICY_WAIT ((num_objects + get_state_list(state_name).size) / cardinality.to_f).floor else (num_objects / cardinality.to_f).ceil end amount.times { worker_class.enqueue_job(@id, state_name) } end end def gated?(state_name) state = @lifecycle.states[state_name] return state.policy == STATE_POLICY_GATED && !@open_gates.include?(state_name) end def open_gate(state_name) @open_gates.add(state_name) num_objects = count(state_name) create_jobs(state_name, num_objects) end def close_gate(state_name) @open_gates.remove(state_name) end class << self def create(lifecycle, name = '', options) workflow = super(lifecycle, name, options) return workflow end def cleanup_broken_flows broken = [] flows = self.all flows.each do |flow| if flow.valid? if flow.finished? && !flow.public? broken << [flow, 'finished'] elsif !flow.started? && flow.created_at < broken << [flow, 'never started'] end else broken << [flow, 'invalid'] end end broken.each do |flow_pair| flow_pair.first.cleanup puts "Cleaned up #{flow_pair.second} flow #{}" end puts ">>> Cleaned up #{broken.size} broken flows <<<" end def enqueue_missing_jobs queued_flow_map = build_flow_map running_flows = { |f| f.valid? && !f.finished? && !f.paused? } running_flows.each do |flow| state_map = queued_flow_map.fetch(, {}) create_missing_jobs(flow, state_map) end end def build_flow_map flow_map = {} queues = SidekiqHelper.queue_sizes.keys queues.each do |queue_name| queue = queue.each do |job| klass = begin job.klass.constantize rescue NameError => _ nil end if !klass.nil? && klass <= Rworkflow::Worker id = job.args.first state_name = job.args.second state_map = flow_map.fetch(id, {}) state_map[state_name] = state_map.fetch(state_name, 0) + 1 flow_map[id] = state_map end end end return flow_map end def create_missing_jobs(flow, state_map) counters = flow.counters counters.each do |state, num_objects| next if flow.class.terminal?(state) || state == :processing enqueued = state_map.fetch(state, 0) * flow.get_state_cardinality(state) missing = num_objects - enqueued if missing > 0 flow.create_jobs(state, missing) puts "Created #{missing} missing jobs for state #{state} in flow #{}" end end end end end end