module SPARQL; module Algebra class Operator ## # A SPARQL `strafter` operator. # # @example # (strafter ?x ?y) # # @see # @see class StrAfter < Operator::Binary include Evaluatable NAME = :strafter ## # The STRAFTER function corresponds to the XPath fn:substring-after function. The arguments must be argument compatible otherwise an error is raised. # # For compatible arguments, if the lexical part of the second argument occurs as a substring of the lexical part of the first argument, the function returns a literal of the same kind as the first argument arg1 (simple literal, plain literal same language tag, xsd:string). The lexical form of the result is the substring of the lexcial form of arg1 that follows the first occurrence of the lexical form of arg2. If the lexical form of arg2 is the empty string, this is considered to be a match and the lexical form of the result is the lexical form of arg1. # # If there is no such occurrence, an empty simple literal is returned. # # @example # strafter("abc","b") #=> "c" # strafter("abc"@en,"ab") #=> "c"@en # strafter("abc"@en,"b"@cy) #=> error # strafter("abc"^^xsd:string,"") #=> "abc"^^xsd:string # strafter("abc","xyz") #=> "" # strafter("abc"@en, "z"@en) #=> "" # strafter("abc"@en, "z") #=> "" # strafter("abc"@en, ""@en) #=> "abc"@en # strafter("abc"@en, "") #=> "abc"@en # # @param [RDF::Literal] left # a literal # @param [RDF::Literal] right # a literal # @return [RDF::Literal] # @raise [TypeError] if operands are not compatible def apply(left, right) case when !left.compatible?(right) raise TypeError, "expected two RDF::Literal operands, but got #{left.inspect} and #{right.inspect}" when right.to_s.empty? # If the lexical form of arg2 is the empty string, this is considered to be a match and the lexical form of the result is the lexical form of arg1. left when !left.to_s.include?(right.to_s) # If the lexical form of arg2 is the empty string, this is considered to be a match and the lexical form of the result is is the empty string. RDF::Literal("") else parts = left.to_s.split(right.to_s) RDF::Literal(parts.last, :datatype => left.datatype, :language => left.language) end end end # StrAfter end # Operator end; end # SPARQL::Algebra