<% payments.each do |payment| %> <% end %>
<%= Spree::Payment.human_attribute_name(:number) %> <%= Spree::Payment.human_attribute_name(:created_at) %> <%= Spree::Payment.human_attribute_name(:amount) %> <%= Spree::PaymentMethod.model_name.human %> <%= Spree::Payment.human_attribute_name(:response_code) %> <%= Spree::Payment.human_attribute_name(:state) %>
<%= link_to payment.number, spree.admin_order_payment_path(@order, payment) %> <%= pretty_time(payment.created_at) %> <%= text_field_tag :amount, payment.amount, class: 'js-edit-amount align-right editing-show' %> <%= payment.display_amount.to_html %> <%= payment_method_name(payment) %> <%= payment.transaction_id %> <%= Spree.t(payment.state, scope: :payment_states, default: payment.state.capitalize) %>
<%= link_to_with_icon 'save', Spree.t('actions.save'), nil, no_text: true, class: "js-save", data: {action: 'save'} %> <%= link_to_with_icon 'cancel', Spree.t('actions.cancel'), nil, no_text: true, class: "js-cancel", data: {action: 'cancel'} %>
<% if payment.pending? %> <%= link_to_with_icon 'edit', Spree.t('actions.edit'), nil, no_text: true, class: "js-edit", data: {action: 'edit'} %> <% end %> <% allowed_actions = payment.actions.select { |a| can?(a.to_sym, payment) } %> <% allowed_actions.each do |action| %> <% if action == 'credit' %> <%= link_to_with_icon 'reply', Spree.t(:refund), new_admin_order_payment_refund_path(@order, payment), no_text: true %> <% elsif action == 'capture' && !@order.completed? %> <%# no capture prior to completion. payments get captured when the order completes. %> <% else %> <%= link_to_with_icon action, Spree.t(action), fire_admin_order_payment_path(@order, payment, e: action), method: :put, no_text: true, data: {action: action} %> <% end %> <% end %>