%h3= link_to_style_guide('components', 'text_box')
%p Provides uniform styling for input
= text_field_tag 'wl_text_box_blank', nil, class: 'text-box'
= text_field_tag 'wl_text_box_placeholder', nil, class: 'text-box', placeholder: 'Placeholder'
= text_field_tag 'wl_text_box_value', 'Value', class: 'text-box'
= number_field_tag 'wl_text_box_number', 99, class: 'text-box'
%p should style the disabled state:
= text_field_tag 'wl_disabled_text_box_blank', nil, class: 'text-box', disabled: true
= text_field_tag 'wl_disabled_text_box_placeholder', nil, class: 'text-box', placeholder: 'Placeholder', disabled: true
= text_field_tag 'wl_disabled_text_box_value', 'Value', class: 'text-box', disabled: true
= number_field_tag 'wl_disabled_text_box_number', 99, class: 'text-box', disabled: true
%h3= link_to_style_guide('components', 'text_box__multi_line')
%p Increases the height of a #{link_to_style_guide('components', 'text_box', true)}. Typically used with textarea
= text_area_tag 'wl_text_box_multi_line_blank', nil, class: 'text-box text-box--multi-line'
= text_area_tag 'wl_text_box_multi_line_placeholder', nil, class: 'text-box text-box--multi-line', placeholder: 'Placeholder'
= text_area_tag 'wl_text_box_multi_line_value', "Value line 1\nValue line 2\nValue line 3\nValue line 4\nValue line 5\nValue line 6", class: 'text-box text-box--multi-line'
%h3= link_to_style_guide('components', 'text_box__small')
%p Reduces width of a #{link_to_style_guide('components', 'text_box', true)}. Used mostly for short strings of text, or longer numerical values.
= text_field_tag 'wl_text_box_small', 19106, class: 'text-box text-box--small'
%h3= link_to_style_guide('components', 'text_box__wide')
%p Increases width of a #{link_to_style_guide('components', 'text_box', true)}. Frequently used with #{link_to_style_guide('components', 'text_box__multi_line', true)}.
= text_field_tag 'wl_text_box_wide', nil, class: 'text-box text-box--wide'
%h3= link_to_style_guide('components', 'text_box__x_small')
%p Reduces width of a #{link_to_style_guide('components', 'text_box', true)}. Used mostly for sort numerical values.
= number_field_tag 'wl_text_box_x_small', 99, class: 'text-box text-box--x-small'
%h3= link_to_style_guide('components', 'text_box__full')
%p Increases width to fill parent element
= number_field_tag 'wl_text_box_full', 99, class: 'text-box text-box--full'