Sha256: 26217628a4613cb9dfd391c94d180add14a3eb456f1b8123d61406ae138b372f
Contents?: true
Size: 1.35 KB
Versions: 21
Stored size: 1.35 KB
{:versionI"3.2.19 (Media Mark):EF:shaI"-9e2357b9dc3e95a4bdcbd5f7b9b83dd96880236f;F: contents"üo:Sass::Tree::RootNode :@children[ o:Sass::Tree::CommentNode :@value[I"-/* Add percentage of white to a color */:ET: @type:silent;[ : @linei: @options{ o:Sass::Tree::FunctionNode: @nameI" tint; T: @args[[o:Sass::Script::Variable;I" color; T:@underscored_nameI" color; T; @0[o;;I"percent; T;I"percent; T; @0:@splat0;[o:Sass::Tree::ReturnNode : @expro:Sass::Script::Funcall;I"mix; T;[o:Sass::Script::Color ;0:@attrs{ :rediÿ: greeniÿ: blueiÿ: alphai;i; @o; ;I" color; T;I" color; T;i; @o; ;I"percent; T;I"percent; T;i; @:@keywords{ ;0;i; @;[ ;i; @;i:@has_childrenT; @o; ;[I"-/* Add percentage of black to a color */; T; ;;[ ;i; @o;;I" shade; T;[[o;;I" color; T;I" color; T; @0[o;;I"percent; T;I"percent; T; @0;0;[o; ;o;;I"mix; T;[o; ;0;{ ;i ;i ;i ;i;i ; @o; ;I" color; T;I" color; T;i ; @o; ;I"percent; T;I"percent; T;i ; @;{ ;0;i ; @;[ ;i ; @;i;T; @:@templateI"æ// Add percentage of white to a color @function tint($color, $percent){ @return mix(white, $color, $percent); } // Add percentage of black to a color @function shade($color, $percent){ @return mix(black, $color, $percent); } ; T;T; @;i
Version data entries
21 entries across 16 versions & 1 rubygems