module Alchemy module Admin module ContentsHelper include Alchemy::Admin::BaseHelper # Returns a string for the id attribute of a html element for the given content def content_dom_id(content) return "" if content.nil? if content.class == String c = Content.find_by_name(content) return "" if c.nil? else c = content end "#{c.essence_type.demodulize.underscore}_#{}" end # Renders the name of elements content or the default name defined in elements.yml def render_content_name(content) if content.blank? warning('Element is nil') return "" else content_name = content.name_for_label end if content.description.blank? warning("Content #{} is missing its description") title = t("Warning: Content is missing its description.", :contentname => content_name = %( #{content_name}).html_safe end content.has_validations? ? "#{content_name}*".html_safe : content_name end # Renders a link to show the new content overlay def render_new_content_link(element) link_to_overlay_window( render_icon('create') + t('add new content'), alchemy.new_admin_element_content_path(element), { :size => '335x70', :title => t('Select an content'), :overflow => true }, { :id => "add_content_for_element_#{}", :class => 'small button with_icon new_content_link' } ) end # Renders a link to create a new content in element editor def render_create_content_link(element, options = {}) defaults = { :label => t('add new content') } options = defaults.merge(options) link_to( options[:label], alchemy.admin_contents_path( :content => { :name => options[:content_name], :element_id => } ), :method => 'post', :remote => true, :id => "add_content_for_element_#{}", :class => 'button new_content_link' ) end # Returns a textarea ready to use with tinymce def tinymce_tag(name, content = '', options = {}) append_class_name(options, 'tinymce') text_area_tag(name, content, options) end end end end