id definition 01 Discrete Quantity 02 Cumulative Quantity 03 Discreet Quantity - Rejected Material 04 Discrete Quantity - Rejected Material: Disposition Replacement 05 Discrete Quantity - Rejected Material: Disposition Credit 06 Discrete Quantity - Rejected Material: Disposition Pending 07 Cumulative Quantity - Rejected Material 08 Cumulative Quantity - Rejected Material: Disposition Replacement 09 Cumulative Quantity - Rejected Material: Disposition Credit 10 Cumulative Quantity - Rejected Material: Disposition Pending 11 Split Quantity 12 Ship Notice Quantity 13 Collateral Requirements 14 Quantity in Float 15 Quantity in Hold Out 16 Line Thread Quantity 17 Quantity on Hand 18 Previous Week Quantity 19 Unverified Receipts 1A Original Duration (in calendar units) 1B Current Duration (in calendar units) 1C Remaining Duration (in calendar units) 1D Total Float (in calendar units) 1E Free Float (in calendar units) 1F Lag (as in Lag Time - in calendar units) 1G Lead Time (in calendar units) 1H Started 1I Completed 1J Due 1K Time Units 1L Shifts 1M Time units per shift 1N Scrap allowed 1O Calendar Units 1P Resource (Quantity) available 1Q Total Resource (Quantity) 1R Level Resource (Quantity) 1S Late 1T Number of Delinquent Installments 1U Number of Loans 1V Total Number of Mortgagees 1W Total Number of Loan Detail Records 1X Prescription Effective Period 1Y Rate Per Day (RPD) 1Z End Of Month Inventory Prior To Ship 20 Unusable Quantity 21 Cumulative Quantity Shipped Short - Disposition Pending 22 Cumulative Quantity Shipped Short - Disposition Challenged 23 Cumulative Quantity Shipped Long - Disposition Pending 24 Cumulative Quantity Shipped Long - Disposition Challenged 25 OEM Inventory 26 Total Inventory 27 Committed Quantity 28 Quantity Available for Return 29 Projected Available Inventory 2A Commitment Period 2B Number of Borrowers 2C Number of Adjustment Periods 2D Age Nearest 2E Total Other Properties Owned and Financed 2F Age Next 2G Reconsideration Period 2H Flat Extra Premium 2I CO2 Injection Volume 2J Accounts Placed for Collection 2K Changes 2L Companies in Same Activity for a Period 2M Comparison Period 2N Departments 2O Employees Shared 2P Estimated Accounts 2Q Installed Capacity 2R Levels Occupied 2S Registered Brands Distributed 2T Electronic Signatures 2U Bytes 2V Employed at this Location 2W Segments 2X Registered Brands Manufactured 2Y Functional Groups 2Z Transaction Sets 30 Quote Quantity on Inventory 31 Additional Demand Quantity 32 Quantity Sold 33 Quantity Available for Sale (stock quantity) 34 Noncommitted Inventory on Shelf 35 Inventory on Shelf + Work in Progress 36 Distributor Inventory 37 Work In Process 38 Original Quantity 39 Shipped Quantity 3A Total Credits Accepted 3B Total Credits Rejected 3C Total Debits Accepted 3D Total Debits Rejected 3E Total Payments Rejected 3F Total Pre-advices Accepted 3G Total Pre-advices Rejected 3H Total Prenotes Accepted 3I Total Prenotes Rejected 3J Total Post-advices Accepted 3K Total Post-advices Rejected 3L Total Unidentified Transactions Rejected 3M Total Credits Received 3N Total Debits Received 3P Total Pre-advices Received 3Q Total Prenotes Received 3R Total Post-advices Received 3S Total Debits 3T Total Credits 3U Total Transactions 3V Minimum Transfer 3W Maximum Transfer 3X Speed Capacity 3Y Subcontractors 40 Remaining Quantity 41 Number of Batches 42 Number of Checks 43 Talk Paths 45 Cumulative quantity on order 46 Total transactions 47 Primary Net Quantity 48 Secondary Net Quantity 49 Number of Signed Bills of Lading 4A Accounts 4B Agents 4C Authorized Shares 4D Clerks 4E Design Employees 4F Foreign Related Entities 4G Group Employees 4H Issued Shares 4I Laborers 4J Other Employee Type 4K Part Time Employees 4L Related Entities 4M Relatives Employed 4N Salespersons 4O Space Occupied 4P Special Partners 4Q Suppliers' Credit 4R Technicians 4S Trainees 4T Warehouse Employees 4U Shareholders 50 Number of Copies of Bill of Lading 51 Number of Unsigned Bills of Lading 52 Number of Originals 53 Original payment item count. 54 Bank reject item count. 55 Net to pay item count. 56 Minimum Contract Quantity 57 Minimum Order Quantity 58 Payment Cancellation Item Count 5A Aggregate Benefit Period 5B Anticipated Length of Service 5C Approval/Offer Duration 5D Benefit Amount 5E Benefit Period 5F Brothers Deceased 5G Brothers Living 5H Children 5I Citations 5J Claim Period 5K Coverage 5L Elimination Period 5M Elimination Period - Accident 5N Elimination Period - Sickness 5O Employees - Nonowner 5P Employees - Owner 5Q Employees - Part Time 5R Employees - Same Duties 5S Employees - Same Occupation 5T Expense 5U Frequency 5V General Elimination Period 5W Guarantee Period 5X Height 5Y Hours Flown - Aircraft Type/Life 5Z Hours Flown - Aircraft Type/Period 60 Total Authorized Quantity 61 Remaining Authorized Quantity 62 Number of Days Covered by Inventory 63 On Order Quantity 64 Past Due Quantity 65 Previous Month's Usage 66 Minimum Fabrication Quantity 67 Minimum Ship Quantity 68 Maximum Number of Shipments Allowed 69 Incremental Order Quantity 6A Hours Flown - Aircraft/Type Flying 6B Hours Flown - Lifetime 6C Hours Flown - Type Flying 6D Impairment Duration 6E Impairment Frequency 6F Installment Frequency 6G Installments 6H Intended Change Time Period 6I Interim Term Period 6J Involvement Period 6K Loan Rate 6L Maximum Age 6M Maximum Benefit Period - Accident 6N Maximum Benefit Period - Sickness 6O Maximum Benefit Period 6P Medication Duration 6Q Minimum Age 6R Own Occupation Qualification Period 6S Owner's Equity 6T Ownership Change Age 6U Ownership Duration 6V Ownership Percentage 6W Payment Frequency 6X Payments Number 6Z Placement Period Expiration 70 Maximum Order Quantity 72 Minimum Stock Level 73 Maximum Stock Level 74 Damaged Goods 75 Receipts 76 Returns 77 Stock Transfers In 78 Stock Transfers Out 79 Billing Unit(s) Per Pricing Unit 7A Previous Benefits 7B Qualification Period 7C Range Average 7D Range Maximum 7E Range Minimum 7F Relationship Duration 7G Replaced Amount 7H Residence Duration 7I Sisters Deceased 7J Sisters Living 7K Time Frame 7L Time in Country 7M Time Since Hospitalization 7N Time Since Last Application 7O Time Since Last Civilian Flight 7P Time Since Last Insurance Medical 7Q Time Since Last Military Flight 7R Time Since Medical Consult 7S Time Since Medication End 7T Time Since Medication Start 7U Time Since Onset 7V Time Since Surgery 7W Time Since Trip 7X Travel Frequency 7Y Travel Period 7Z Trip Duration 80 Pricing Unit(s) Per Billing Unit 81 Prepaid Quantity Shipped 82 Prepaid Quantity Not Shipped 83 Submitted Quantity Sold 84 Submitted Quantity Returned 85 Lot Size 86 Nonconformance Quantity 87 Quantity Received 88 Beds 89 Operating Beds 8A Visitation Frequency 8B Weight 8C Weight Change Period 8D Work Period 8E Existence Limit Period 8F Shares 8G Directors 8H Minimum 8I Voting Shares Held 8J Outstanding Shares 8K Shares Held as Treasury Stock 8L Shares Subscribed but Not Issued 8M Total Shares of Stock 8N Shares Owned by In-State Residents 8O Shares Owned by Out-of-State Residents 8P Partners 8Q Land Holding 8R Non-Domestic Stockholders 8S Shares Subscribed 90 Acknowledged Quantity 91 Additional Usage Quantity 92 Allotted Usage Quantity 93 Attendant-Handled Quantity 94 Billable Quantity 95 Data Storage Quantity 96 Non-Billable Quantity 97 Non-Urgent Delivery Quantity 98 Overflow Quantity 99 Quantity Used 9A Time Expended 9C Primary Meter Reading Value 9D Engineered Standard 9E Active Maintenance Time 9F Actual Duration 9H Estimated Duration 9J Gross Estimate 9K Finish Offset 9L Start Offset 9M Picture Count 9N Component Meter Reading Count A1 Acceptable Unserviceable Quantity A2 Optimistic Duration A3 Most Likely Duration A4 Pessimistic Duration A5 Adjusted Quantity A6 Accidents A7 Years in School A8 Number of Dependents A9 Years on Job AA Unacknowledged Quantity AB Urgent Delivery Quantity AC Voice Storage Quantity AD Maintenance Units AE Minimum Average Time Requirement (MATR) Units AF Wide Area Telephone Service (WATS)/800 Service Units AG Number of End Users AH Number of Message Recipients AI Number of Operator Credits AJ Daily Adjustments AK Years in this Line of Work/Profession AL Area per Units AN Age at Death AO Verified Receipts AP Order Quantity Multiple AQ Contribution Total AR Loan Repayment Total AS Participant Total AT Actual AU Cumulative Actual AV Budget AW Cumulative Budget AX Number of Insured Lives AY Forecast AZ Forecast at Complete B1 Number of Mortgagors B2 Mortgage Pool Count B3 Requested Amount B4 Approved Amount B5 Additional Amount B6 Pre-op Days B7 Post-op Days B8 Average BA Due-In BB Contractor Cumulative to Date BC Budget At Complete BD Contractor at Complete BE Subcontractor Cumulative to Date BF Age Modifying Units BG Subcontractor at Complete BH Book Order Quantity BI Book Inventory BJ Bedroom Count BK Bathroom Count BQ Backorder Quantity BR Blood Record BW Birth Weight C0 Creditors CA Covered - Actual CB Closing Statement Balance CC Current Days on Market CD Co-insured - Actual CE Covered - Estimated CF Co-insured - Estimated CG Cumulative Gas Volume CH Cumulative Effect of Prior Period Adjustment CI Cumulative Gas Injection Volume CL Cumulative Liquid Injection Volume CN Continuance Duration CO Cumulative Oil/Condensate Volume CP Current Period Imbalance CR Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist (CRNA) Number of Concurrent Procedures CS Current Service Life CW Cumulative Water Volume CY Convictions Sent CZ Total Number of Convictions D1 Billed D3 Number of Co-insurance Days DA Dependent's Age DB Deductible Blood Units DC Dependent Count DD Distributed DE Debited DF Deleted DG Gas Used for Drilling DI Disposed DN Default Notification Response Period DO Days Operated DP Days Produced DR Direct Workers DS Dose DT Dependent Total DY Days E1 Course Segments E2 Degree Segments E3 Employed on this job E4 Employed in this Profession E5 Employed by this Company EA Exclusive Uses EB Nonexclusive Uses EC Use of Extracorporeal Circulation ED Domestic Uses EE Small Business Uses EM Emergency Modifying Units EP Product Exchange Amount EQ Equity Security Holder ER Estimated Remaining Economic Life ES Ending Stock ET Employee Total EW Evaporated Water F1 Off Lease Fuel FA Full Baths FB Furnished Blood Units FC Fuel Consumed or Burned Amount FD Vehicular Radios FE Portable Radios FF Flare or Flash FG Marine Radios FH Pagers FI Conventional Mobiles FJ Trunked Channels FK Mobile Loading Allocation FL Units FM Aircraft Radios FR Units For Sale FS Gas Used for Fuel System FT Forecast to Complete GA Gross Building Area GB Gross Annual Income Multiplier GC Gross Living Area GE Original Term In Years GF Years Remaining GI Gas Injection Volume GL Gas Lift Volume GP Gross Production GQ Government Reporting Quantity GR Gas Receipt Volume GS Gas Sold GT Grade Transfer Amount GU Employee Total First Month of Quarter GV Gas Volume GW Employee Total Second Month of Quarter GX Employee Total Third Month of Quarter GZ Active Listings HA Market Price Change HB Unpaid HC Branches HD Subsidiaries HE Age of Financial Information HF Invoices HG Financial Coverage Period HH Maximum Number of Employees at Location HI Previous Number of Accounts HJ Collection Period HK Disbursement Period HL Seats HM Use of Hypothermia HN Previous Number of Employees HO Use of Hypotension HP Use of Hyperbaric Pressurization HR Use of Hypertension HS Hours II Number of Irregular Interest Payments IN Indirect Workers IP Number of Interest Payments IQ In-Transit Quantity IS Information Provider Standardized Motor Vehicle Penalty Points IT Intertank Transfer Amount JA Activity Codes JB Associates JC Average Employees JD Cooperative Shares JE Estimated Employees at Location JF Estimated Total Employees JG Financial Institutions JH Judgments JI Land Size JJ Liens JK Minimum Employees at Location JL Office Size JM Owner JN Plant Size JO Previous Number of Branches JP Protested Bills JQ Suits JR Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) Filings JS Judicial Stay Duration JT Warehouse Size K6 Drafts KA Estimated KB Net Quantity Increase KC Net Quantity Decrease KD Expenditure Quantity KE Originals KF Duplicates KG Completed Line Items KH Completed Contracts KI Active Contracts Delinquent-Buying Party Caused KJ Active Contracts Delinquent KK Active Contracts Delinquent-Contractor Caused KL Active Contracts Delinquent-Unknown Causes KM Active Line Items Delinquent KN Active Line Items Delinquent-Buying Party Caused KO Active Line Items Delinquent-Contractor Caused KP Active Line Items Delinquent-Unknown Causes KQ Contracts Completed Delinquent-Buying Party Caused KR Contract Completed Delinquent-Contractor Caused KS Contracts Completed Delinquent-Unknown Causes KU Reported Deficiencies KV Line Items Completed Delinquent-Buying Party Caused KW Line Items Completed Delinquent-Contractor Caused KX Line Items Completed Delinquent-Unknown Causes KY Corrective Action Requests-Verbal KZ Corrective Action Requests-Written L2 Guarantee Fee Buyup Maximum L3 Contract Buyup L4 Contract Buydown L5 Guarantee Fee Rate after Alternate Payment Method L6 Guarantee Fee Rate after Buyup or Buydown L7 Buyup or Buydown Rate per Basis Point LA Life-time Reserve - Actual LB Loss Allowance LC Late Payment Period LE Life-time Reserve - Estimated LG Loss or Gain LH Lost Gas LI Liquid Injection Volume LK Corrective Action Requests-Method C LL Corrective Action Requests-Method D LM Corrective Action Requests-Method E LN Aged Active Line Items Delinquent-Contractor Caused LO Lost Oil LP Lease Periods LQ Aged Line Items Delinquent LR Aged Line Items Completed-Contractor Caused LS Oil Condensate Sold LT Tariff Loss Allowance LV Oil/Condensate Volume LW Lost Work Time Actual LX Lost Work Time Estimated LY Length of Residency M1 Matching Equipment M2 Maximum MA Miscellaneous Allowance MD Million Dollar Roundtable Credits ME Minimum Number of Employees MF Manufactured MI Miles MM Maximum Maturity Extension MN Month MO Minimum Order Package Level MQ Maximum Ship Quantity MX Maximum Number of Employees N1 Number of Attacks or Occurrences N2 Number of Dead N3 Number of Living N4 Number of Times N5 Minimum Forecast Quantity N6 Maximum Forecast Quantity NA Number of Non-covered Days NB Number of Units (Housing) NC Number of Claimants ND Number of Late Charges NE Non-Covered - Estimated NF Number of Full-Time Employees NG Number of Nonsufficient Fund Items NL Number of Levels NN Number of Hospitals NO Number of Physicians NP Number of Members NQ Number of Franchisees NR Not Replaced Blood Units NS Number of Stations NT Reports NU Since Last Travel NV Net NW Until Next Travel OC Order Count OD Other Miscellaneous Disposition OF Off Premise Sales Quantity OG Other Gas Disposition OH Other Injection Volume OI Opening Statement Balance OL Original Loan Term ON On Premise Sales Quantity OO Other Oil Condensate Disposition OR Original OT Number of Operating Periods at Failure OU Outlier Days OV Overage OW Other Water Disposition P1 Project Phases P3 Physical Status III P4 Physical Status IV P5 Physical Status V P6 Number of Services or Procedures P7 Prescription Dosage P8 Prescription Frequency P9 Number of People Living at Residence PA Pipeline Adjustment or Allowance PB Pressure Base PC Prior Cumulative Imbalance PD Payment Duration Weeks PE Period of Employment PF Gas Used for Plant Fuel PG Persistency PK Parking Spaces PL Partial Baths PO Percentage of Ordered Quantity PP Purchase of Product PQ Cumulative Quantity Required Prior to the First Scheduled Period PR Requirement Quantity that was Previously Released PS Prescription PT Patients PW Pitted Water PX Prior Units Accepted Q1 Minimum quantity to which tax rate applies Q2 Maximum quantity to which tax rate applies Q3 Quantity Earned Q4 Quantity Carried Forward QA Quantity Approved QB Quantity Dispensed QC Quantity Disapproved QD Quantity Delivered QE Quantity Deferred QF High Fabrication Authorization Quantity QH Quantity on Hold QI Community Service Duration QJ Number of Times Deported QL Jail Sentence Duration QM Probation Duration QN Restriction Duration QO Operating Quantity QP Quantity by Position QQ Suspended Duration QR High Raw Material Authorization Quantity QS Quantity Per Skid QU Quantity Serviced QV Quantity Cancelled QW Quantity Withdrawn QX Qualifying Weeks R3 Estimated Remaining Physical Life R5 Axles R6 Platform Count R9 Fuel RA Refills Authorized RB Replaced Blood Units RC Number of Items Authorized at Store RD Number of Items Authorized at Warehouse RE Gas Returned to Earth RF Number of Items in Stock RG Gas Used for Repressuring or Pressure Maintenance RH Number of Shelf Tags RJ Quantity Available on Shelf RL Gas Returned to Property for fuel RM Room Count RN Units Rented RQ Royalty RS Number of Shelf Facings RT Retail Sales Quantity RW Water Re-injected on Property RY Requirement Quantity S1 Planned Unit Development (PUD) Units S2 Rooms, Finished Area Above Grade S3 Dwelling Area S4 Garage or Carport Area S5 Units for Sale S6 Gross Rent Multiplier S7 Age, High Value S8 Age, Low Value S9 Bedrooms, Finished Area Above Grade SA Shipments SB Solicited SC Bathrooms, Finished Area Above Grade SD Criminal Sentence Duration SE Gross Living, Finished Area Above Grade SF Site SG Swan-Ganz SH Shortage SI Rooms SJ Area of Level SK Gas Shrinkage SL Predominate Age SM Minimum Criminal Sentence Duration SN Age SO Oil Sedimentation SP Days Supply SQ Product Sales Amount SR Effective Age SS Shares of Preferred Stock ST Standard SU Forecasted Scanned Quantity SV Shares of Common Stock SW Sample Amount SX Maximum Criminal Sentence Duration SY State or Province Motor Vehicle Penalty Points T1 Time Units Known T2 Time Units Spent on Duty T3 Total Days on Market T4 Total Rooms T5 Total Number of Units T6 Total Number of Units for Sale T7 Tires TA Tank Allowance TB Oil Theft TC Total at Complete TD Total to Date TE Number of Theatres TG Total Gas Injection Volume TH Theoretical Quantity TI Total Oil and/or Condensate Injection Volume TJ Duration in Current Job TK Total Oil and/or Condensate Disposition TM Total Water Disposition TN Total Beginning Inventory TO Total TP Time in Position TR Trips TS Total Number of Parking Spaces TT Total Production Volume TU Total Adjustments Volume TV Total Gas Disposition TW Total Water Injection Volume TX Total Ending Inventory TY Total Sales Volume UA Units Completed UG Gas Used on Property UL Approximate Number of Units for Sale Projected UO Oil Condensate Used on Property US In-Use UU Used V1 Retention Quantity V2 Available Quantity V3 Transfer Quantity V4 Surveys in Average Rating V5 Vacancies VA Volume Shrinkage Adjustment or Allowance VB Blank Votes VC Cumulative Earned Value VD Scattered Votes VE Earned Value VF Federal Votes VG Gas Vented VH Schedule Variance VI Cumulative Schedule Variance VJ Cumulative Variance VK Estimate at Complete VL At Complete Variance VM Variance Adjustment VN No Votes VP Presidential Votes VR Variance VS Visits VT Votes VV Void Votes VY Yes Votes WA Total number of Workers' Compensation First Reports WB Total number of Workers' Compensation Subsequent Reports WC Total number of Workers' Compensation Combined Reports WD Units Worked per Day WE Limited Quantity WG Weight Gain WL Weight Loss WO Operator's Working Interest WP Number of Producing Wells Remaining on Property or Facility WR Number of Producing Wells Remaining on Royalty Account WT Total Working Interest WV Water Volume WW Weeks Worked WX License Withdrawal Duration WY License Withdrawals Sent X1 Producing Wells XA Total of Issuable Assets XB Total System Backorder Quantity, High Priority XC Total Service Backorder Quantity, High Priority XD Total System Backorder Quantity, Low Priority XE Total Service Backorder Quantity, Low Priority XG On Hand and Due-In XI Installment Payments XJ Other War Reserve Material Requirements Protectable (OWRMRP) Quantity XL Approximate Number of Units Projected XN Approximate Number of Holders XO Circulating Oil XT Protected Quantity XU Reserved XV Requisitioning Objective XX Authorized Retention Level XY Safety Level XZ Backorder Lines YA Total Demand Quantity YB Total Demand Orders YC First Quarter Recurring Demand YD First Quarter Recurring Orders YE First Quarter Non-recurring Demand YF First Quarter Non-recurring Orders YG Second Quarter Recurring Demand YH Second Quarter Recurring Orders YJ Second Quarter Non-recurring Demand YK Second Quarter Non-recurring Orders YL Third Quarter Recurring Demand YM Third Quarter Recurring Orders YN Third Quarter Non-recurring Demand YP Third Quarter Non-recurring Orders YQ Fourth Quarter Recurring Demand YR Fourth Quarter Recurring Orders YS Fourth Quarter Non-recurring Demand YT Fourth Quarter Non-recurring Orders YW Reorder Point Quantity YX Contract Line Item Quantity YY Years Z1 Units Worked Last Day Z2 Units Worked per Week Z3 Units Worked per Quarter Z4 Number Weeks Paid Z6 Unused Accumulated Sick Days ZA Federal Medicare or Medicaid Claim Mandate - Category 1 ZB Federal Medicare or Medicaid Claim Mandate - Category 2 ZC Federal Medicare or Medicaid Claim Mandate - Category 3 ZD Federal Medicare or Medicaid Claim Mandate - Category 4 ZE Federal Medicare or Medicaid Claim Mandate - Category 5 ZF Federal Pension Mandate - Category 1 ZG Federal Pension Mandate - Category 2 ZH Federal Pension Mandate - Category 3 ZI Holding Period ZJ Federal Pension Mandate - Category 5 ZK Federal Medicare or Medicaid Payment Mandate - Category 1 ZL Federal Medicare or Medicaid Payment Mandate - Category 2 ZM Federal Medicare or Medicaid Payment Mandate - Category 3 ZN Federal Medicare or Medicaid Payment Mandate - Category 4 ZO Federal Medicare or Medicaid Payment Mandate - Category 5 ZP Federal Pension Mandate - Category 4 ZR Extended Term ZS Amortization Term