require 'sqlite3' require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'abstract_sql_store') module RdfContext # SQLite3 store context-ware and formula-aware implementation. # It stores it's triples in the following partitions: # - Asserted non rdf:type statements # - Asserted rdf:type statements (in a table which models Class membership). The motivation for this partition is primarily query speed and scalability as most graphs will always have more rdf:type statements than others # - All Quoted statements # # In addition it persists namespace mappings in a seperate table # # Based on Python RdfLib SQLite class SQLite3Store < AbstractSQLStore def initialize(identifier = nil, configuration = {}) super(identifier, configuration) @autocommit_default = false @path = configuration[:path] || File.join(Dir.getwd, "#{@internedId}.db") @db = open(:path => @path) unless @db end # Opens the store specified by the configuration hash. If # create is True a store will be created if it does not already # exist. If create is False and a store does not already exist # an exception is raised. An exception is also raised if a store # exists, but there is insufficient permissions to open the # store. # # @param(Hash) options: Configuration hash # <em>_path_:: Path to database file defaults to a file in the current directory based on a hash of the store identifier def open(options) unless File.exist?(options[:path]) @db =[:path]) executeSQL(CREATE_ASSERTED_STATEMENTS_TABLE % @internedId) executeSQL(CREATE_ASSERTED_TYPE_STATEMENTS_TABLE % @internedId) executeSQL(CREATE_QUOTED_STATEMENTS_TABLE % @internedId) executeSQL(CREATE_NS_BINDS_TABLE % @internedId) executeSQL(CREATE_LITERAL_STATEMENTS_TABLE % @internedId) # Create indicies { asserted_table => { "#{@internedId}_A_termComb_index" => %w(termComb), "#{@internedId}_A_s_index" => %w(subject), "#{@internedId}_A_p_index" => %w(predicate), "#{@internedId}_A_o_index" => %w(object), "#{@internedId}_A_c_index" => %w(context), }, asserted_type_table => { "#{@internedId}_T_termComb_index" => %w(termComb), "#{@internedId}_T_member_index" => %w(member), "#{@internedId}_T_klass_index" => %w(klass), "#{@internedId}_T_c_index" => %w(context), }, literal_table => { "#{@internedId}_L_termComb_index" => %w(termComb), "#{@internedId}_L_s_index" => %w(subject), "#{@internedId}_L_p_index" => %w(predicate), "#{@internedId}_L_c_index" => %w(context), }, quoted_table => { "#{@internedId}_Q_termComb_index" => %w(termComb), "#{@internedId}_Q_s_index" => %w(subject), "#{@internedId}_Q_p_index" => %w(predicate), "#{@internedId}_Q_o_index" => %w(object), "#{@internedId}_Q_c_index" => %w(context), }, namespace_binds => { "#{@internedId}_uri_index" => %w(uri), } }.each_pair do |tablename, indicies| indicies.each_pair do |index, columns| executeSQL("CREATE INDEX #{index} on #{tablename} ('#{columns.join(', ')}')") end end end raise"Attempt to open missing database file #{options[:path]}") unless File.exist?(options[:path]) @db =[:path]) end # Destroy databse # # @param(Hash) options: Configuration hash # <em>_path_:: Path to database file def destroy(options = {}) File.delete(@path) end protected # Escape backslashes and single quotes def escapeQuotes(qstr) qstr.nil? ? "" : qstr.gsub("\\","\\\\").gsub("'", "\\'").gsub('"', '""') end # Where clase utility functions def buildSubjClause(subject, tableName) # case subject # when REGEXTerm # when Array # when QuotedGraph # else ["#{tableName}.subject=?", subject] if subject # end end def buildPredClause(predicate, tableName) # case predicate # when REGEXTerm # when Array # else ["#{tableName}.predicate=?", predicate] if predicate # end end # Where clase utility functions def buildObjClause(object, tableName) # case object # when REGEXTerm # when Array # when QuotedGraph # else ["#{tableName}.object=?", object] if object # end end # Where clase utility functions def buildContextClause(context, tableName) context = normalizeTerm(context) if context # case context # when REGEXTerm # when Array # else ["#{tableName}.context=?", context] if context # end end # Where clase utility functions def buildTypeMemberClause(subject, tableName) # case context # when REGEXTerm # when Array # else ["#{tableName}.member=?", subject] if subject # end end # Where clase utility functions def buildTypeClassClause(object, tableName) # case context # when REGEXTerm # else ["#{tableName}.klass=?", object] if object # end end # This takes the query string and parameters and (depending on the SQL implementation) either fill in # the parameter in-place or pass it on to the DB impl (if it supports this). # The default (here) is to fill the parameters in-place surrounding each param with quote characters # # Yields each row def executeSQL(qStr, *params, &block) @statement_cache ||= {} #@statement_cache[qStr] ||= @db.prepare(qStr) @statement_cache[qStr] ||= qStr puts "executeSQL: '#{qStr}', #{params.join(", ")}" if $DEBUG if block_given? @db.execute(@statement_cache[qStr], *params) do |row| puts "executeSQL res: #{row.inspect}" if $DEBUG yield(row) end else @db.execute(@statement_cache[qStr], *params) end end CREATE_ASSERTED_STATEMENTS_TABLE = %( CREATE TABLE %s_asserted_statements ( subject text not NULL, predicate text not NULL, object text not NULL, context text not NULL, termComb tinyint unsigned not NULL)) CREATE_ASSERTED_TYPE_STATEMENTS_TABLE = %( CREATE TABLE %s_type_statements ( member text not NULL, klass text not NULL, context text not NULL, termComb tinyint unsigned not NULL)) CREATE_LITERAL_STATEMENTS_TABLE = %( CREATE TABLE %s_literal_statements ( subject text not NULL, predicate text not NULL, object text, context text not NULL, termComb tinyint unsigned not NULL, objLanguage varchar(3), objDatatype text)) CREATE_QUOTED_STATEMENTS_TABLE = %( CREATE TABLE %s_quoted_statements ( subject text not NULL, predicate text not NULL, object text, context text not NULL, termComb tinyint unsigned not NULL, objLanguage varchar(3), objDatatype text)) CREATE_NS_BINDS_TABLE = %( CREATE TABLE %s_namespace_binds ( prefix varchar(20) UNIQUE not NULL, uri text, PRIMARY KEY (prefix))) end end