## # Request class for midori # @attr [String] ip client ip address # @attr [Integer] port client port # @attr [String] protocol protocol version of HTTP request # @attr [Symbol] method HTTP method # @attr [String] path request path # @attr [Hash] query_params parameter parsed from query string # @attr [String | nil] query_string request query string # @attr [Hash] header request header # @attr [String] body request body # @attr [Hash] cookie cookie hash coming from request # @attr [Boolean] parsed whether the request header parsed # @attr [Boolean] body_parsed whether the request body parsed # @attr [Hash] params params in the url class Midori::Request attr_accessor :ip, :port, :protocol, :method, :path, :query_params, :query_string, :header, :body, :parsed, :body_parsed, :params, :cookie # Init Request def initialize @header = {} @parsed = false @body_parsed = false @is_websocket = false @is_eventsource = false @parser = Http::Parser.new @params = {} @query_params = Hash.new(Array.new) @cookie = {} @body = '' @parser.on_headers_complete = proc do @protocol = @parser.http_version @method = @parser.http_method @path = @parser.request_url @header = @parser.headers @query_string = @path.match(/\?(.*?)$/) unless @query_string.nil? @query_string = @query_string[1] @query_params = CGI::parse(@query_string) end @cookie = CGI::Cookie.parse(@header['Cookie']) unless @header['Cookie'].nil? @path.gsub!(/\?(.*?)$/, '') @method = @method.to_sym @parsed = true :stop end end # Init an request with String data # @param [String] data # @return [nil] nil def parse(data) # Call parser if header not parsed if @parsed @body += data else offset = @parser << data @body += data[offset..-1] if @parsed end # Set body parsed if body reaches content length if @parsed && (@header['Content-Length'].to_i || 0) <= @body.bytesize @body_parsed = true pre_proceed end nil end # Preproceed the request after parsed # @return [nil] nil def pre_proceed # Deal with WebSocket if @header['Upgrade'] == 'websocket' && @header['Connection'] == 'Upgrade' @method = :WEBSOCKET @is_websocket = true end # Deal with EventSource if @header['Accept'] == 'text/event-stream' @method = :EVENTSOURCE @is_eventsource = true end @method = @method.to_sym nil end # Syntactic sugar for whether a request header is parsed # @return [Boolean] parsed or not def parsed? @parsed end # Syntactic sugar for whether a request body is parsed # @return [Boolean] parsed or not def body_parsed? @body_parsed end # Syntactic sugar for whether a request is a websocket request # @return [Boolean] websocket or not def websocket? @is_websocket end # Syntactic sugar for whether a request is an eventsource request # @return [Boolean] eventsource or not def eventsource? @is_eventsource end end