Given /^I am looking at the progress of a seek bar$/ do on(MainMenuScreen).views on(ViewsMenuScreen).seek_bar end When /^I set the progress indicated by "(.*?)" to "(.*?)"$/ do |how, value| on(SeekBarScreen) do |screen| screen.send "progress_#{how}=", value.to_i end end Then /^the retrieved progress indicated by "(.*?)" should be "(.*?)"$/ do |how, value| on(SeekBarScreen) do |screen| screen.send("progress_#{how}").should eq(value.to_i) end end When /^I set the secondary progress indicated by "(.*?)" to "(.*?)"$/ do |how, value| on(SeekBarScreen) do |screen| screen.send "progress_#{how}_secondary=", value.to_i end end When /^the retrieved secondary progress indicated by "(.*?)" should be "(.*?)"$/ do |how, value| on(SeekBarScreen) do |screen| screen.send("progress_#{how}_secondary").should eq(value.to_i) end end Then /^the retrieved progress max indicated by "(.*?)" should be "(.*?)"$/ do |how, value| on(SeekBarScreen) do |screen| screen.send("progress_#{how}_max").should eq(value.to_i) end end