require 'spec_helper' describe "Sidekiq integration" do let(:file) { File.expand_path('lib/appsignal/integrations/sidekiq.rb') } before :all do module Sidekiq def self.configure_server end end end before do load file start_agent end let(:worker) { double } let(:queue) { double } let(:current_transaction) { Appsignal::Transaction.create(SecureRandom.uuid, {}) } let(:item) {{ 'class' => 'TestClass', 'retry_count' => 0, 'queue' => 'default', 'enqueued_at' => Time.parse('01-01-2001 10:00:00UTC'), 'args' => ['Model', 1], 'extra' => 'data' }} let(:plugin) { } before do Appsignal.stub(:is_ignored_exception? => false) Appsignal::Transaction.stub(:current => current_transaction) end context "with a performance call" do it "should wrap in a transaction with the correct params" do Appsignal.should_receive(:monitor_transaction).with( 'perform_job.sidekiq', :class => 'TestClass', :method => 'perform', :metadata => { 'retry_count' => "0", 'queue' => 'default', 'extra' => 'data' }, :params => ['Model', "1"], :queue_start => Time.parse('01-01-2001 10:00:00UTC') ) end after do Timecop.freeze(Time.parse('01-01-2001 10:01:00UTC')) do, item, queue) do # nothing end end end end context "with an erroring call" do let(:error) {'the roof') } it "should add the exception to appsignal" do current_transaction.should_receive(:add_exception).with(error) end after do begin Timecop.freeze(Time.parse('01-01-2001 10:01:00UTC')) do, item, queue) do raise error end end rescue VerySpecificError end end end describe "#formatted_data" do let(:item) do { 'foo' => 'bar', 'class' => 'TestClass', } end it "should only add items to the hash that do not appear in JOB_KEYS" do plugin.formatted_metadata(item).should == {'foo' => 'bar'} end end describe "#format_args" do let(:object) { } let(:args) do [ 'Model', 1, object ] end it "should format the arguments" do plugin.format_args(args).should == ['Model', '1', object.inspect] end end describe "#truncate" do let(:very_long_text) do "a" * 200 end it "should truncate the text to 100 chars max" do plugin.truncate(very_long_text).should == "#{'a' * 97}..." end end describe "#string_or_inspect" do context "when string" do it "should return the string" do plugin.string_or_inspect('foo').should == 'foo' end end context "when integer" do it "should return the string" do plugin.string_or_inspect(1).should == '1' end end context "when object" do let(:object) { } it "should return the string" do plugin.string_or_inspect(object).should == object.inspect end end end context "without sidekiq" do before(:all) { Object.send(:remove_const, :Sidekiq) } specify { expect { Sidekiq }.to raise_error(NameError) } specify { expect { load file }.to_not raise_error } end end