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E E E E E "  " ! $ & E messageE The E  matcher attempted to set :E  on E  to E 6, but when the attribute was read back, it had stored E V instead. This creates a problem because it means that the model is behaving in a way that is interfering with the test -- there's a mismatch between the test that you wrote and test that we actually ran. There are a couple of reasons why this could be happening: * ActiveRecord is typecasting the incoming value. * The writer method for :E  has been overridden so that incoming values are changed in some way. If this exception makes sense to you and you wish to bypass it, try adding the `ignoring_interference_by_writer` qualifier onto the end of your matcher. If the test still does not pass after that, then you may need to do something different. If you need help, feel free to ask a question on the shoulda-matchers issues list: http://github.com/thoughtbot/shoulda-matchers/issues  E  successful? E ShouldaE MatchersE  ActiveModelE AllowValueMatcherE ErrorE AttributeChangedValueErrorE  matcher_nameE to_sE attribute_nameE modelE nameE  value_writtenE inspectE  value_readE  word_wrapE  attr_accessorE core#define_methodG}'?W 6Rq7Ph