package FFI::Build; use strict; use warnings; use 5.008004; use FFI::Build::Plugin; use FFI::Build::PluginData qw( plugin_data ); use FFI::Build::File::Library; use Carp (); use File::Glob (); use File::Basename (); use List::Util 1.45 (); use Capture::Tiny (); use File::Path (); # ABSTRACT: Build shared libraries for use with FFI our $VERSION = '2.10'; # VERSION # Platypus-Man, # Platypus-Man, # Friendly Neighborhood Platypus-Man # Is He Strong? # Listen Bud # He's got Proportional Strength of a Platypus # Hey Man! # There Goes The Platypus-Man { my $plugins = FFI::Build::Plugin->new; # PLUGIN: require # ARGS: NONE $plugins->call('build-require'); sub _plugins { $plugins ||= FFI::Build::Plugin->new }; } sub import { my @caller = caller; # PLUGIN: import # ARGS: @caller, \@args _plugins->call('build-import', \@caller, \@_); } sub _native_name { my($self, $name) = @_; join '', $self->platform->library_prefix, $name, scalar $self->platform->library_suffix; } sub new { my($class, $name, %args) = @_; Carp::croak "name is required" unless defined $name; # PLUGIN: new-pre # ARGS: $name, \%args _plugins->call('build-new-pre', $name, \%args); my $self = bless { source => [], cflags_I => [], cflags => [], libs_L => [], libs => [], alien => [], }, $class; my $platform = $self->{platform} = $args{platform} || FFI::Build::Platform->default; my $file = $self->{file} = $args{file} || FFI::Build::File::Library->new([$args{dir} || '.', $self->_native_name($name)], platform => $self->platform); my $buildname = $self->{buildname} = $args{buildname} || '_build'; my $verbose = $self->{verbose} = $args{verbose} || 0; my $export = $self->{export} = $args{export} || []; $self->{verbose} = $verbose = 2 if $ENV{V}; if(defined $args{cflags}) { my @flags = ref $args{cflags} ? @{ $args{cflags} } : $self->platform->shellwords($args{cflags}); push @{ $self->{cflags} }, grep !/^-I/, @flags; push @{ $self->{cflags_I} }, grep /^-I/, @flags; } if(defined $args{libs}) { my @flags = ref $args{libs} ? @{ $args{libs} } : $self->platform->shellwords($args{libs}); push @{ $self->{libs} }, grep !/^-L/, @flags; push @{ $self->{libs_L} }, grep /^-L/, @flags; } if(defined $args{alien}) { my @aliens = ref $args{alien} ? @{ $args{alien} } : ($args{alien}); foreach my $alien (@aliens) { unless(eval { $alien->can('cflags') && $alien->can('libs') }) { my $pm = "$"; $pm =~ s/::/\//g; require $pm; } push @{ $self->{alien} }, $alien; push @{ $self->{cflags} }, grep !/^-I/, $self->platform->shellwords($alien->cflags); push @{ $self->{cflags_I} }, grep /^-I/, $self->platform->shellwords($alien->cflags); push @{ $self->{libs} }, grep !/^-L/, $self->platform->shellwords($alien->libs); push @{ $self->{libs_L} }, grep /^-L/, $self->platform->shellwords($alien->libs); } } $self->source(ref $args{source} ? @{ $args{source} } : ($args{source})) if $args{source}; # PLUGIN: new-post # ARGS: $self _plugins->call('build-new-post', $self); $self; } sub buildname { shift->{buildname} } sub export { shift->{export} } sub file { shift->{file} } sub platform { shift->{platform} } sub verbose { shift->{verbose} } sub cflags { shift->{cflags} } sub cflags_I { shift->{cflags_I} } sub libs { shift->{libs} } sub libs_L { shift->{libs_L} } sub alien { shift->{alien} } my @file_classes; sub _file_classes { unless(@file_classes) { if(defined $FFI::Build::VERSION) { foreach my $inc (@INC) { push @file_classes, map { my $f = $_; $f =~ s/\.pm$//; "FFI::Build::File::$f" } grep !/^Base\.pm$/, map { File::Basename::basename($_) } File::Glob::bsd_glob( File::Spec->catfile($inc, 'FFI', 'Build', 'File', '*.pm') ); } } else { # When building out of git without dzil, $VERSION will not # usually be defined and any file plugins that require a # specific version will break, so we only use core file # classes for that. push @file_classes, map { "FFI::Build::File::$_" } qw( C CXX Library Object ); } # also anything already loaded, that might not be in the # @INC path (for testing ususally) push @file_classes, map { my $f = $_; $f =~ s/::$//; "FFI::Build::File::$f" } grep !/Base::/, grep /::$/, keys %{FFI::Build::File::}; @file_classes = List::Util::uniq(@file_classes); foreach my $class (@file_classes) { next if(eval { $class->can('new') }); my $pm = $class . ".pm"; $pm =~ s/::/\//g; require $pm; } } @file_classes; } sub source { my($self, @file_spec) = @_; foreach my $file_spec (@file_spec) { if(eval { $file_spec->isa('FFI::Build::File::Base') }) { push @{ $self->{source} }, $file_spec; next; } if(ref $file_spec eq 'ARRAY') { my($type, $content, @args) = @$file_spec; my $class = "FFI::Build::File::$type"; unless($class->can('new')) { my $pm = "FFI/Build/File/$"; require $pm; } push @{ $self->{source} }, $class->new( $content, build => $self, platform => $self->platform, @args ); next; } my @paths = File::Glob::bsd_glob($file_spec); path: foreach my $path (@paths) { foreach my $class (_file_classes) { foreach my $regex ($class->accept_suffix) { if($path =~ $regex) { push @{ $self->{source} }, $class->new($path, platform => $self->platform, build => $self); next path; } } } Carp::croak("Unknown file type: $path"); } } @{ $self->{source} }; } sub build { my($self) = @_; # PLUGIN: build # ARGS: $self _plugins->call('build-build', $self); my @objects; my $ld = $self->platform->ld; foreach my $source ($self->source) { # PLUGIN: build-item # ARGS: $self, $source _plugins->call('build-build-item', $self, $source); if($source->can('build_all')) { my $count = scalar $self->source; if($count == 1) { return $source->build_all($self->file); } else { die "@{[ ref $source ]} has build_all method, but there is not exactly one source"; } } $ld = $source->ld if $source->ld; my $output; while(my $next = $source->build_item) { $ld = $next->ld if $next->ld; $output = $source = $next; } push @objects, $output; } my $needs_rebuild = sub { my(@objects) = @_; return 1 unless -f $self->file->path; my $target_time = [stat $self->file->path]->[9]; foreach my $object (@objects) { my $object_time = [stat "$object"]->[9]; return 1 if $object_time > $target_time; } return 0; }; return $self->file unless $needs_rebuild->(@objects); File::Path::mkpath($self->file->dirname, 0, oct(755)); my @cmd = ( $ld, $self->libs_L, $self->platform->ldflags, (map { "$_" } @objects), $self->libs, $self->platform->flag_export(@{ $self->export }), $self->platform->flag_library_output($self->file->path), ); # PLUGIN: build-link # ARGS: $self, \@cmd _plugins->call('build-build-link', $self, \@cmd); my($out, $exit) = Capture::Tiny::capture_merged(sub { $self->platform->run(@cmd); }); if($exit || !-f $self->file->path) { print $out; die "error building @{[ $self->file->path ]} from @objects"; } elsif($self->verbose >= 2) { print $out; } elsif($self->verbose >= 1) { print "LD @{[ $self->file->path ]}\n"; } # PLUGIN: link-postlink # ARGS: $self, \@cmd _plugins->call('build-build-postlink', $self); $self->file; } sub clean { my($self) = @_; my $dll = $self->file->path; if(-f $dll) { # PLUGIN: clean # ARGS: $self, $path _plugins->call('build-clean', $self, $dll); unlink $dll; } foreach my $source ($self->source) { my $dir = File::Spec->catdir($source->dirname, $self->buildname); if(-d $dir) { foreach my $path (File::Glob::bsd_glob("$dir/*")) { _plugins->call('build-clean', $self, $path); unlink $path; } _plugins->call('build-clean', $self, $dir); rmdir $dir; } } } 1; __END__ =pod =encoding UTF-8 =head1 NAME FFI::Build - Build shared libraries for use with FFI =head1 VERSION version 2.10 =head1 SYNOPSIS use FFI::Platypus 2.00; use FFI::Build; my $build = FFI::Build->new( 'frooble', source => 'ffi/*.c', ); # $lib is an instance of FFI::Build::File::Library my $lib = $build->build; my $ffi = FFI::Platypus->new( api => 2 ); # The filename will be platform dependant, but something like or frooble.dll $ffi->lib($lib->path); ... # use $ffi to attach functions in ffi/*.c =head1 DESCRIPTION Using libffi based L is a great alternative to XS for writing library bindings for Perl. Sometimes, however, you need to bundle a little C code with your FFI module, but this has never been that easy to use. L was an early attempt to address this use case, but it uses the now out of fashion L. This module itself doesn't directly integrate with CPAN installers like L or L, but there is a light weight layer L that will allow you to easily use this module with L. If you are using L as your dist builder, then there is also L, which will help with the connections. There is some functional overlap with L, which was in fact used by L. For this iteration I have decided not to use that module because although it will generate dynamic libraries that can sometimes be used by L, it is really designed for building XS modules, and trying to coerce it into a more general solution has proved difficult in the past. Supported languages out of the box are C, C++ and Fortran. Rust is supported via a language plugin, see L. =head1 CONSTRUCTOR =head2 new my $build = FFI::Build->new($name, %options); Create an instance of this class. The C<$name> argument is used when computing the file name for the library. The actual name will be something like C or C<$name.dll>. The following options are supported: =over 4 =item alien List of Aliens to compile/link against. L will work with any L based alien, or modules that provide a compatible API. =item buildname Directory name that will be used for building intermediate files, such as object files. This is C<_build> by default. =item cflags Extra compiler flags to use. Things like C<-I/foo/include> or C<-DFOO=1>. =item dir The directory where the library will be written. This is C<.> by default. =item export Functions that should be exported (Windows + Visual C++ only) =item file An instance of L to which the library will be written. Normally not needed. =item libs Extra library flags to use. Things like C<-L/foo/lib -lfoo>. =item platform An instance of L. Usually you want to omit this and use the default instance. =item source List of source files. You can use wildcards supported by C from L. =item verbose By default this class does not print out the actual compiler and linker commands used in building the library unless there is a failure. You can alter this behavior with this option. Set to one of these values: =over 4 =item zero (0) Default, quiet unless there is a failure. =item one (1) Output the operation (compile, link, etc) and the file, but nothing else =item two (2) Output the complete commands run verbatim. =back If the environment variable C is set to a true value then the verbosity will be set to C<2> regardless of what is passed in. =back =head1 METHODS =head2 dir my $dir = $build->dir; Returns the directory where the library will be written. =head2 buildname my $builddir = $build->builddir; Returns the build name. This is used in computing a directory to save intermediate files like objects. For example, if you specify a file like C, then the object file will be stored in C by default. C<_build> in this example (the default) is the build name. =head2 export my $exports = $build->export; Returns a array reference of the exported functions (Windows + Visual C++ only) =head2 file my $file = $build->file; Returns an instance of L corresponding to the library being built. This is also returned by the C method below. =head2 platform my $platform = $build->platform; An instance of L, which contains information about the platform on which you are building. The default is usually reasonable. =head2 verbose my $verbose = $build->verbose; Returns the verbose flag. =head2 cflags my @cflags = @{ $build->cflags }; Returns the compiler flags. =head2 cflags_I my @cflags_I = @{ $build->cflags_I }; Returns the C<-I> cflags. =head2 libs my @libs = @{ $build->libs }; Returns the library flags. =head2 libs_L my @libs = @{ $build->libs }; Returns the C<-L> library flags. =head2 alien my @aliens = @{ $build->alien }; Returns a the list of aliens being used. =head2 source $build->source(@files); Add the C<@files> to the list of source files that will be used in building the library. The format is the same as with the C attribute above. =head2 build my $lib = $build->build; This compiles the source files and links the library. Files that have already been compiled or linked may be reused without recompiling/linking if the timestamps are newer than the source files. An instance of L is returned which can be used to get the path to the library, which can be feed into L or similar. =head2 clean $build->clean; Removes the library and intermediate files. =head1 AUTHOR Author: Graham Ollis Eplicease@cpan.orgE Contributors: Bakkiaraj Murugesan (bakkiaraj) Dylan Cali (calid) pipcet Zaki Mughal (zmughal) Fitz Elliott (felliott) Vickenty Fesunov (vyf) Gregor Herrmann (gregoa) Shlomi Fish (shlomif) Damyan Ivanov Ilya Pavlov (Ilya33) Petr Písař (ppisar) Mohammad S Anwar (MANWAR) Håkon Hægland (hakonhagland, HAKONH) Meredith (merrilymeredith, MHOWARD) Diab Jerius (DJERIUS) Eric Brine (IKEGAMI) szTheory José Joaquín Atria (JJATRIA) Pete Houston (openstrike, HOUSTON) Lukas Mai (MAUKE) =head1 COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE This software is copyright (c) 2015-2022 by Graham Ollis. This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself. =cut