class GitLab::MergeRequest @options = {} attr_accessor :source_branch, :target_branch, :title, :options, :assignee_id, :labels, :issue_iid, :obj_gitlab, :type, :description @labels = [] def initialize(params = {}) @source_branch = params[:source_branch] @target_branch = params[:target_branch] @title = params[:title] @labels = params[:labels] @issue_iid = params[:issue_iid] @type = params[:type] @description = params[:description] @options = params[:options] end def create print "Create Merge Request: ".yellow print "#{@source_branch} into #{@target_branch}\n\n".green assignee_id =["id"] if type != 'hotfix' users = GitLab::User.all print "Users list:\n\n".yellow print "----------------------------\n".blue print "#{"0".ljust(10)} - Empty\n".blue users.each do |user| print "#{user['id'].to_s.ljust(10)} - #{user['name']}\n".blue end print "----------------------------\n".blue print "Choice user ID for assignee:\n".yellow assignee_id = STDIN.gets.chomp print "\n#{assignee_id}, " print "ok!\n".green end url = "projects/#{$GITLAB_PROJECT_ID}/merge_requests" labels = ['merge_request'] labels << type if type @obj_gitlab = GitLab.request_post(url, { source_branch: @source_branch, target_branch: @target_branch, title: @title, labels: labels.join(','), description: @description, assignee_id: assignee_id.to_i }) print "Merge request created with success!\n\n".green end def create_code_review print "Create merge request for code review: ".yellow print "#{@source_branch} into #{@target_branch}\n\n".green users = GitLab::User.all print "Users list:\n\n".yellow print "----------------------------\n".blue print "#{"0".ljust(10)} - Empty\n".blue users.each do |user| print "#{user['id'].to_s.ljust(10)} - #{user['name']}\n".blue end print "----------------------------\n".blue print "Choice user ID for assignee code review:\n".yellow assignee_id = STDIN.gets.chomp print "\n#{assignee_id}, " print "ok!\n".green url = "projects/#{$GITLAB_PROJECT_ID}/merge_requests" title = "WIP: ##{@issue_iid} - Code review #{@source_branch}" @obj_gitlab = GitLab.request_post(url, { source_branch: @source_branch, target_branch: @target_branch, title: title, labels: @labels, assignee_id: assignee_id.to_i }) print "Merge request for Code Review created with success!\n\n".green end end