# c2dm c2dm sends push notifications to Android devices via google [c2dm](http://code.google.com/android/c2dm/index.html). ##Installation $ gem install c2dm ##Requirements An Android device running 2.2 or newer, its registration token, and a google account registered for c2dm. ##Usage *Important*: Version 0.2.0+ decouples auth from sending so the API changed. Please update your code. There are two ways to use c2dm. Sending many notifications: notifications = [ { :registration_id => "...", :data => { :some_message => "Some payload" :another_message => 10 }, :collapse_key => "foobar" #optional } ] C2DM.authenticate!("your@googleuser.com", "somepassword", "YourCo-App-1.0.0") C2DM.send_notifications(notifications) ...or one at a time: C2DM.authenticate!("your@googleuser.com", "somepassword", "YourCo-App-1.0.0") c2dm = C2DM.new notification = { :registration_id => "...", :data => { :some_message => "Some payload", :another_message => 10 }, :collapse_key => "foobar" #optional } c2dm.send_notification(notification) Note that calling *authenticate!* will authenticate all new instances of C2DM. You can override this by passing in your own auth_token: c2dm = C2DM.new(auth_token) ##Copyrights * Copyright (c) 2010-2012 Amro Mousa, Shawn Veader. See LICENSE.txt for details. ##Thanks * [Paul Chun](https://github.com/sixofhearts) * [gowalla](https://github.com/gowalla) ##Other stuff You might want to checkout GroupMe's fork of this gem as well.