# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ The Pygments MoinMoin Parser ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This is a MoinMoin parser plugin that renders source code to HTML via Pygments; you need Pygments 0.7 or newer for this parser to work. To use it, set the options below to match your setup and put this file in the data/plugin/parser subdirectory of your Moin instance, and give it the name that the parser directive should have. For example, if you name the file ``code.py``, you can get a highlighted Python code sample with this Wiki markup:: {{{ #!code python [...] }}} Additionally, if you set ATTACHMENTS below to True, Pygments will also be called for all attachments for whose filenames there is no other parser registered. You are responsible for including CSS rules that will map the Pygments CSS classes to colors. You can output a stylesheet file with `pygmentize`, put it into the `htdocs` directory of your Moin instance and then include it in the `stylesheets` configuration option in the Moin config, e.g.:: stylesheets = [('screen', '/htdocs/pygments.css')] If you do not want to do that and are willing to accept larger HTML output, you can set the INLINESTYLES option below to True. :copyright: Copyright 2006-2012 by the Pygments team, see AUTHORS. :license: BSD, see LICENSE for details. """ # Options # ~~~~~~~ # Set to True if you want to highlight attachments, in addition to # {{{ }}} blocks. ATTACHMENTS = True # Set to True if you want inline CSS styles instead of classes INLINESTYLES = False import sys from pygments import highlight from pygments.lexers import get_lexer_by_name, get_lexer_for_filename, TextLexer from pygments.formatters import HtmlFormatter from pygments.util import ClassNotFound # wrap lines in s so that the Moin-generated line numbers work class MoinHtmlFormatter(HtmlFormatter): def wrap(self, source, outfile): for line in source: yield 1, '' + line[1] + '' htmlformatter = MoinHtmlFormatter(noclasses=INLINESTYLES) textlexer = TextLexer() codeid = [0] class Parser: """ MoinMoin Pygments parser. """ if ATTACHMENTS: extensions = '*' else: extensions = [] Dependencies = [] def __init__(self, raw, request, **kw): self.raw = raw self.req = request if "format_args" in kw: # called from a {{{ }}} block try: self.lexer = get_lexer_by_name(kw['format_args'].strip()) except ClassNotFound: self.lexer = textlexer return if "filename" in kw: # called for an attachment filename = kw['filename'] else: # called for an attachment by an older moin # HACK: find out the filename by peeking into the execution # frame which might not always work try: frame = sys._getframe(1) filename = frame.f_locals['filename'] except: filename = 'x.txt' try: self.lexer = get_lexer_for_filename(filename) except ClassNotFound: self.lexer = textlexer def format(self, formatter): codeid[0] += 1 id = "pygments_%s" % codeid[0] w = self.req.write w(formatter.code_area(1, id, start=1, step=1)) w(formatter.rawHTML(highlight(self.raw, self.lexer, htmlformatter))) w(formatter.code_area(0, id))