#define BUILDING_LIBCURL #include #include #include #include #include #include "mock_curl.hpp" using namespace std; /* * Global error_mode struct implementation. This is needed to test * cURL global and easy initialization, before the client object exists. */ static error_mode test_failure_mode = success; curl_fail_init::curl_fail_init(error_mode mode) { test_failure_mode = mode; } curl_fail_init::~curl_fail_init() { test_failure_mode = success; } /* * libcurl implementations below. We are mocking necessary methods * of the CURL API to ensure that our wrapper is making the calls * to libcurl that we expect. */ /* * Sets up the program environment that libcurl needs. The mock * implementation simply returns successfully, unless we are * specifically testing global initialization failure. */ CURLcode curl_global_init(long flags) { if (test_failure_mode == global_init_error) { return CURLE_FAILED_INIT; } else { return CURLE_OK; } } /* * Reclaim memory obtained from a libcurl call by deleting * a mock curl object. */ void curl_free(void *p) { delete reinterpret_cast(p); } /* * End a libcurl easy handle. The mock implementation simply * calls curl_free to delete the mock curl object argument. */ void curl_easy_cleanup(CURL * handle) { curl_free(handle); } /* * Mock implementation of curl_easy_escape which simply returns a * nullptr. URL encoding the given string is not necessary for * testing. */ char *curl_easy_escape(CURL * curl, const char * string, int length) { return nullptr; } /* * Start a libcurl easy session. The mock implementation simply returns * a new mock curl object, unless we are specifcally testing easy_init * exception handling, in which case we return nullptr. */ CURL *curl_easy_init() { if (test_failure_mode == easy_init_error) { return nullptr; } else { return reinterpret_cast(new curl_impl()); } } /* * Set options for an easy curl handle. We use this method in the mock * implementation to ensure that the correct CURL API calls are being * made. Given a particular CURL option, we store received data from * the varargs parameter in the mock curl object. The data is * then verified in the tests. * * Each option has the potential to fail while being set, which is * covered by a suite of exception tests. If the given test error * option is set, we'll return CURLE_COULDNT_CONNECT for the current * option. */ #pragma clang diagnostic push // This function signature is required to mock curl, so disable a warning generated from it. #pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wvarargs" CURLcode curl_easy_setopt(CURL *handle, CURLoption option, ...) { auto h = reinterpret_cast(handle); va_list vl; #pragma clang diagnostic push #pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wvarargs" va_start(vl, option); #pragma clang diagnostic pop switch (option) { case CURLOPT_HEADERFUNCTION: // Set client::write_header as the function to be called as soon as mock curl has received header data. if (h->test_failure_mode == curl_impl::error_mode::header_function_error) { va_end(vl); return CURLE_UNKNOWN_OPTION; } h->write_header = va_arg(vl, size_t (*)(char*, size_t, size_t, void*)); break; case CURLOPT_HEADERDATA: // Pointer to the context to write the header part of the received data to. if (h->test_failure_mode == curl_impl::error_mode::header_context_error) { va_end(vl); return CURLE_COULDNT_CONNECT; } h->header_context = va_arg(vl, void*); break; case CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION: // Set client::write_body as the function to be called as soon as mock curl has received data. if (h->test_failure_mode == curl_impl::error_mode::write_body_function_error) { va_end(vl); return CURLE_COULDNT_CONNECT; } h->write_body = va_arg(vl, size_t (*)(char*, size_t, size_t, void*)); break; case CURLOPT_WRITEDATA: // Pointer to the context to write the body part of the received data to. if (h->test_failure_mode == curl_impl::error_mode::write_body_context_error) { va_end(vl); return CURLE_COULDNT_CONNECT; } h->body_context = va_arg(vl, void*); break; case CURLOPT_READFUNCTION: // Set client::read_body as the function to be called for mock curl to read the request body. if (h->test_failure_mode == curl_impl::error_mode::read_body_function_error) { va_end(vl); return CURLE_COULDNT_CONNECT; } h->read_function = va_arg(vl, size_t (*)(char*, size_t, size_t, void*)); break; case CURLOPT_READDATA: // Pointer to the context to read the request body from by the READFUNCTION callback. if (h->test_failure_mode == curl_impl::error_mode::read_body_context_error) { va_end(vl); return CURLE_COULDNT_CONNECT; } h->read_data = va_arg(vl, void*); break; case CURLOPT_URL: // Set the mock curl URL as the URL specified in the request. if (h->test_failure_mode == curl_impl::error_mode::set_url_error) { va_end(vl); return CURLE_OUT_OF_MEMORY; } h->request_url = va_arg(vl, char*); break; case CURLOPT_POST: // Set the mock curl HTTP method as POST if (h->test_failure_mode == curl_impl::error_mode::http_post_error) { va_end(vl); return CURLE_COULDNT_CONNECT; } h->method = curl_impl::http_method::post; break; case CURLOPT_UPLOAD: case CURLOPT_PUT: // Set the mock curl HTTP method as PUT if (h->test_failure_mode == curl_impl::error_mode::http_put_error) { va_end(vl); return CURLE_COULDNT_CONNECT; } h->method = curl_impl::http_method::put; break; case CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER: // Set the mock curl list of custom headers to that which was passed in the request. if (h->test_failure_mode == curl_impl::error_mode::set_header_error) { va_end(vl); return CURLE_COULDNT_CONNECT; } h->header = va_arg(vl, curl_slist*); break; case CURLOPT_COOKIE: // Set the mock curl Cookie header to that which was passed in the request. if (h->test_failure_mode == curl_impl::error_mode::set_cookie_error) { va_end(vl); return CURLE_OUT_OF_MEMORY; } h->cookie = va_arg(vl, char*); break; case CURLOPT_CAINFO: // Set the mock curl Certificate Authority path to that which was passed in the request. if (h->test_failure_mode == curl_impl::error_mode::ca_bundle_error) { va_end(vl); return CURLE_OUT_OF_MEMORY; } h->cacert = va_arg(vl, char*); break; case CURLOPT_SSLCERT: // Set the mock curl SSL client cert name to that which was passed in the request. if (h->test_failure_mode == curl_impl::error_mode::ssl_cert_error) { va_end(vl); return CURLE_OUT_OF_MEMORY; } h->client_cert = va_arg(vl, char*); break; case CURLOPT_PROXY: // Set the mock curl proxy to that which was passed in the request. if (h->test_failure_mode == curl_impl::error_mode::proxy_error) { va_end(vl); return CURLE_OUT_OF_MEMORY; } h->proxy = va_arg(vl, char*); break; case CURLOPT_SSLKEY: // Set the mock curl private keyfile name to that which was passed in the request. if (h->test_failure_mode == curl_impl::error_mode::ssl_key_error) { va_end(vl); return CURLE_OUT_OF_MEMORY; } h->client_key = va_arg(vl, char*); break; case CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT_MS: if (h->test_failure_mode == curl_impl::error_mode::connect_timeout_error) { va_end(vl); return CURLE_COULDNT_CONNECT; } h->connect_timeout = va_arg(vl, long); break; case CURLOPT_TIMEOUT_MS: if (h->test_failure_mode == curl_impl::error_mode::request_timeout_error) { va_end(vl); return CURLE_COULDNT_CONNECT; } break; case CURLOPT_PROTOCOLS: if (h->test_failure_mode == curl_impl::error_mode::protocol_error) { va_end(vl); return CURLE_COULDNT_CONNECT; } h->protocols = va_arg(vl, long); break; case CURLOPT_ERRORBUFFER: h->errbuf = va_arg(vl, char*); break; default: break; } va_end(vl); return CURLE_OK; } /* * Perform a cURL transfer. the mock implementation uses this method to * write the response header and body. */ CURLcode curl_easy_perform(CURL * easy_handle) { auto h = reinterpret_cast(easy_handle); if (h->test_failure_mode == curl_impl::error_mode::easy_perform_write_error) { return CURLE_WRITE_ERROR; } if (h->test_failure_mode == curl_impl::error_mode::easy_perform_error) { if (h->errbuf) { strcpy(h->errbuf, "easy perform failed"); } return CURLE_COULDNT_CONNECT; } /* * Fill the read buffer in multiple chunks to better simulate real libcurl. */ if (h->read_function) { size_t bytes_returned; char buf[10] = {}; while ((bytes_returned = h->read_function(buf, 1, 10, h->read_data))) { h->read_buffer.append(buf, bytes_returned); } } static const array VALID_URLS{{ "http://valid.com/", "https://download.com", "https://remove_temp_file.com" }}; /* * If we pass 'valid.com' in the test, return HTTP status 200. Otherwise, return status 404. */ if (h->write_header) { bool is_valid_url = find(VALID_URLS.begin(), VALID_URLS.end(), h->request_url) != VALID_URLS.end(); if (is_valid_url) { string header_content = "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\n" "Connection: keep-alive\n" "Date: Thu, 16 Jul 2015 18:41:08 GMT\n" "Content-Type: text/html;charset=UTF-8\n" "Server: Jetty(7.x.y-SNAPSHOT)\n" "Via: 1.1 vegur"; h->write_header(&header_content[0], 1, header_content.size(), h->header_context); } else if (h->request_url == "http://nonstd-header.com/") { string header_content = "nonstd_header_name:nonstd_header_value"; h->write_header(&header_content[0], 1, header_content.size(), h->header_context); } else if (h->request_url == "http://response-delimiter.com/") { string header_content = "\r\n"; h->write_header(&header_content[0], 1, header_content.size(), h->header_context); } else if (h->request_url == "http://invalid-header.com/") { string header_content = "This is an invalid header"; h->write_header(&header_content[0], 1, header_content.size(), h->header_context); } else { string header_content = "HTTP/1.1 404 NOT FOUND\n" "Connection: keep-alive\n" "Date: Thu, 16 Jul 2015 18:41:08 GMT\n" "Content-Type: text/html;charset=UTF-8\n" "Server: Jetty(7.x.y-SNAPSHOT)\n" "Via: 1.1 vegur"; h->write_header(&header_content[0], 1, header_content.size(), h->header_context); } } /* * For file download. It is OK if exception is thrown if write_body is not set, * that means something went wrong in our code's setup so we want our test to * fail. */ if (h->request_url == "https://download.com" || h->request_url == "https://download_trigger_404.com") { string download_msg = (h->request_url == "https://download.com") ? "successfully downloaded file" : "Not found"; h->write_body(const_cast(download_msg.c_str()), 1, reinterpret_cast(download_msg.size()), h->body_context); if (h->trigger_external_failure) { #ifdef _WIN32 fclose(reinterpret_cast(h->body_context)); #endif h->trigger_external_failure(); } return CURLE_OK; } /* * We set resp_body internally in write_body tests. */ if (h->write_body) { h->write_body(&h->resp_body[0], 1, h->resp_body.size(), h->body_context); } return CURLE_OK; } /* * Unimplemented, as resetting options is not necessary for testing. */ void curl_easy_reset(CURL *handle) { } /* * We throw CURLE_FAILED_INIT to test cURL handle initialization, * and CURLE_COULDNT_CONNECT for all other possible errors. */ const char *curl_easy_strerror(CURLcode errornum) { switch (errornum) { case CURLE_OK: break; case CURLE_FAILED_INIT: return "cURL failed with: CURLE_FAILED_INIT"; case CURLE_COULDNT_CONNECT: return "cURL failed with: CURLE_COULDNT_CONNECT"; case CURLE_OUT_OF_MEMORY: return "cURL failed with: CURLE_OUT_OF_MEMORY"; case CURLE_UNKNOWN_OPTION: return "cURL failed with CURLE_UNKNOWN_OPTION"; default: return nullptr; } return nullptr; } /* * Unimplemented, as we don't allocate many objects to clean up * in tests. */ void curl_global_cleanup(void) { } /* * Add a string to an slist. If list already includes curl_slist * objects, we must traverse the linked list to append the new * object at the end. Otherwise, create a new curl_slist linked * list. */ struct curl_slist *curl_slist_append(struct curl_slist * list, const char * string ) { curl_slist* new_slist_obj = new curl_slist(); new_slist_obj->data = new char[strlen(string) + 1]; new_slist_obj->data = strcpy(new_slist_obj->data, string); if (list) { curl_slist* ptr = list; while(ptr->next) { ptr = ptr->next; } ptr->next = new_slist_obj; return list; } else { return new_slist_obj; } } /* * Unimplemented, as we allocate very little memory for curl_slist * objects in tests. This may have to change if we decide to run * memory checks on unit tests. */ void curl_slist_free_all(struct curl_slist * list) { }