require 'padrino-helpers/form_builder/deprecated_builder_methods' module Padrino module Helpers module FormBuilder # Base class for Padrino Form Builder class AbstractFormBuilder attr_accessor :template, :object, :multipart attr_reader :namespace, :is_nested, :parent_form, :nested_index, :attributes_name, :model_name include DeprecatedBuilderMethods def initialize(template, object, options={}) @template = template fail "FormBuilder template must be initialized" unless template @object = object.kind_of?(Symbol) ? build_object(object) : object fail "FormBuilder object must be present. If there's no object, use a symbol instead (i.e. :user)" unless object @options = options @namespace = options[:namespace] @model_name = options[:as] ||'/', '_') nested = options[:nested] if @is_nested = nested && (nested_parent = nested[:parent]) && nested_parent.respond_to?(:object) @parent_form = nested_parent @nested_index = nested[:index] @attributes_name = "#{nested[:association]}_attributes" end end def error_messages(*params) @template.error_messages_for object, *params end def error_message_on(field, options={}) @template.error_message_on object, field, options end def label(field, options={}, &block) options[:id] ||= nil options[:caption] ||= I18n.t("#{model_name}.attributes.#{field}", :count => 1, :default => field.to_s.humanize, :scope => :models) + ': ' defaults = default_options(field, options) defaults.delete(:value) @template.label_tag(field_id(field), defaults, &block) end def hidden_field(field, options={}) @template.hidden_field_tag field_name(field), default_options(field, options) end def text_field(field, options={}) @template.text_field_tag field_name(field), default_options(field, options) end def number_field(field, options={}) @template.number_field_tag field_name(field), default_options(field, options) end def telephone_field(field, options={}) @template.telephone_field_tag field_name(field), default_options(field, options) end alias_method :phone_field, :telephone_field def email_field(field, options={}) @template.email_field_tag field_name(field), default_options(field, options) end def search_field(field, options={}) @template.search_field_tag field_name(field), default_options(field, options) end def url_field(field, options={}) @template.url_field_tag field_name(field), default_options(field, options) end def text_area(field, options={}) @template.text_area_tag field_name(field), default_options(field, options) end def password_field(field, options={}) @template.password_field_tag field_name(field), default_options(field, options) end def select(field, options={}) @template.select_tag field_name(field), default_options(field, options) end def check_box_group(field, options={}) labeled_group(field, options) do |attributes| @template.check_box_tag(field_name(field)+'[]', attributes) end end def radio_button_group(field, options={}) labeled_group(field, options) do |attributes| @template.radio_button_tag(field_name(field), attributes) end end def check_box(field, options={}) options = default_options(field, options, :value => '1') options[:checked] = true if is_checked?(field, options) name = field_name(field) html = @template.hidden_field_tag(name, :value => options.delete(:uncheck_value) || '0') html << @template.check_box_tag(name, options) end def radio_button(field, options={}) options = default_options(field, options) options[:checked] = true if is_checked?(field, options) options[:id] = field_id(field, options[:value]) @template.radio_button_tag field_name(field), options end def file_field(field, options={}) self.multipart = true defaults = default_options(field, options) defaults.delete(:value) @template.file_field_tag field_name(field), defaults end def submit(*args) @template.submit_tag *args end def image_submit(source, options={}) @template.image_submit_tag source, options end ## # Supports nested fields for a child model within a form. # f.fields_for :addresses # f.fields_for :addresses, address # f.fields_for :addresses, @addresses # f.fields_for :addresses, address, index: i def fields_for(child_association, collection=nil, options={}, &block) default_collection = self.object.send(child_association) collection ||= default_collection include_index = default_collection.respond_to?(:each) nested_options = { :parent => self, :association => child_association } Array(collection).each_with_index.inject( do |all,(child_instance,index)| nested_options[:index] = options[:index] || (include_index ? index : nil) all << @template.fields_for(child_instance, { :nested => nested_options, :builder => self.class }, &block) << "\n" end end def csrf_token_field @template.csrf_token_field end protected # Returns the known field types for a Formbuilder. def self.field_types [:hidden_field, :text_field, :text_area, :password_field, :file_field, :radio_button, :check_box, :select] end ## # Returns the human name of the field. Look that use builtin I18n. # def field_human_name(field) I18n.translate("#{object_model_name}.attributes.#{field}", :count => 1, :default => field.to_s.humanize, :scope => :models) end ## # Returns the name for the given field. # field_name(:username) => "user[username]" # field_name(:number) => "user[telephone_attributes][number]" # field_name(:street) => "user[addresses_attributes][0][street]" def field_name(field=nil) result = field_name_fragment result << "[#{field}]" unless field.blank? result end ## # Returns the id for the given field. # field_id(:username) => "user_username" # field_id(:gender, :male) => "user_gender_male" # field_name(:number) => "user_telephone_attributes_number" # field_name(:street) => "user_addresses_attributes_0_street" def field_id(field=nil, value=nil) result = (namespace && !is_nested) ? "#{namespace}_" : '' result << field_id_fragment result << "_#{field}" unless field.blank? result << "_#{value}" unless value.blank? result end ## # Returns the child object if it exists. # def nested_object_id is_nested && object.respond_to?(:new_record?) && !object.new_record? && end ## # Returns the value for the object's field. # def field_value(field) @object.respond_to?(field) ? @object.send(field) : '' end ## # Returns a record from template instance or create a record of specified class. # def build_object(symbol) @template.instance_variable_get("@#{symbol}") || end ## # Builds a group of labels for radios or checkboxes. # def labeled_group(field, options={}) options = { :id => field_id(field), :selected => field_value(field) }.update(options) options.update(error_class(field)){ |_,*values| values.compact.join(' ') } selected_values = resolve_checked_values(field, options) variants_for_group(options).inject( do |html, (caption,value)| variant_id = "#{options[:id]}_#{value}" attributes = { :value => value, :id => variant_id, :checked => selected_values.include?(value) } caption = yield(attributes) << ' ' << caption html << @template.label_tag("#{field_name(field)}[]", :for => variant_id, :caption => caption) end end private def is_checked?(field, options) !options.has_key?(:checked) && [options[:value].to_s, 'true'].include?(field_value(field).to_s) end def variants_for_group(options) if variants = options[:options]{ |caption, value| [caption.to_s, (value||caption).to_s] } elsif collection = options[:collection]{ |variant| field_values(variant, options) } else [] end end def resolve_checked_values(field, options) selected_values = Array(options[:selected] || field_value(field)) if options[:collection] _, id_method = *field_methods(options) do |value| (value.respond_to?(id_method) ? value.send(id_method) : value).to_s end else selected_values end end def field_methods(options) options[:fields] || [:name, :id] end def field_values(object, options) field_methods(options).map{ |field| object.send(field).to_s } end def field_name_fragment if is_nested fragment = parent_form.field_name.dup << "[#{attributes_name}" fragment << "][#{nested_index}" if nested_index fragment << "]" else "#{model_name}" end end def field_id_fragment if is_nested fragment = parent_form.field_id.dup << "_#{attributes_name}" fragment << "_#{nested_index}" if nested_index fragment else "#{model_name}" end end def error_class(field) error = @object.errors[field] if @object.respond_to?(:errors) error.blank? ? {} : { :class => 'invalid' } end def default_options(field, options, defaults={}) { :value => field_value(field), :id => field_id(field) }.update(defaults).update(options).update(error_class(field)){ |_,*values| values.compact.join(' ') } end end end end end