/* Copyright (c) 2012-2017 The ANTLR Project. All rights reserved. * Use of this file is governed by the BSD 3-clause license that * can be found in the LICENSE.txt file in the project root. */ #include "misc/MurmurHash.h" #include "atn/PredictionContext.h" #include "SemanticContext.h" #include "atn/ATNConfig.h" using namespace antlr4::atn; ATNConfig::ATNConfig(ATNState *state_, size_t alt_, Ref const& context_) : ATNConfig(state_, alt_, context_, SemanticContext::NONE) { } ATNConfig::ATNConfig(ATNState *state_, size_t alt_, Ref const& context_, Ref const& semanticContext_) : state(state_), alt(alt_), context(context_), semanticContext(semanticContext_) { reachesIntoOuterContext = 0; } ATNConfig::ATNConfig(Ref const& c) : ATNConfig(c, c->state, c->context, c->semanticContext) { } ATNConfig::ATNConfig(Ref const& c, ATNState *state_) : ATNConfig(c, state_, c->context, c->semanticContext) { } ATNConfig::ATNConfig(Ref const& c, ATNState *state, Ref const& semanticContext) : ATNConfig(c, state, c->context, semanticContext) { } ATNConfig::ATNConfig(Ref const& c, Ref const& semanticContext) : ATNConfig(c, c->state, c->context, semanticContext) { } ATNConfig::ATNConfig(Ref const& c, ATNState *state, Ref const& context) : ATNConfig(c, state, context, c->semanticContext) { } ATNConfig::ATNConfig(Ref const& c, ATNState *state, Ref const& context, Ref const& semanticContext) : state(state), alt(c->alt), context(context), reachesIntoOuterContext(c->reachesIntoOuterContext), semanticContext(semanticContext) { } ATNConfig::~ATNConfig() { } size_t ATNConfig::hashCode() const { size_t hashCode = misc::MurmurHash::initialize(7); hashCode = misc::MurmurHash::update(hashCode, state->stateNumber); hashCode = misc::MurmurHash::update(hashCode, alt); hashCode = misc::MurmurHash::update(hashCode, context); hashCode = misc::MurmurHash::update(hashCode, semanticContext); hashCode = misc::MurmurHash::finish(hashCode, 4); return hashCode; } size_t ATNConfig::getOuterContextDepth() const { return reachesIntoOuterContext & ~SUPPRESS_PRECEDENCE_FILTER; } bool ATNConfig::isPrecedenceFilterSuppressed() const { return (reachesIntoOuterContext & SUPPRESS_PRECEDENCE_FILTER) != 0; } void ATNConfig::setPrecedenceFilterSuppressed(bool value) { if (value) { reachesIntoOuterContext |= SUPPRESS_PRECEDENCE_FILTER; } else { reachesIntoOuterContext &= ~SUPPRESS_PRECEDENCE_FILTER; } } bool ATNConfig::operator == (const ATNConfig &other) const { return state->stateNumber == other.state->stateNumber && alt == other.alt && ((context == other.context) || (*context == *other.context)) && *semanticContext == *other.semanticContext && isPrecedenceFilterSuppressed() == other.isPrecedenceFilterSuppressed(); } bool ATNConfig::operator != (const ATNConfig &other) const { return !operator==(other); } std::string ATNConfig::toString() { return toString(true); } std::string ATNConfig::toString(bool showAlt) { std::stringstream ss; ss << "("; ss << state->toString(); if (showAlt) { ss << "," << alt; } if (context) { ss << ",[" << context->toString() << "]"; } if (semanticContext != nullptr && semanticContext != SemanticContext::NONE) { ss << "," << semanticContext.get(); } if (getOuterContextDepth() > 0) { ss << ",up=" << getOuterContextDepth(); } ss << ')'; return ss.str(); }