RSpec.describe Schema::Value do describe '#each' do subject(:value) { } it 'creates an each rule with another rule returned from the block' do rule = value.each do value.key?(:method) end expect(rule).to match_array( [:each, [ :payments, [:val, [:payments, [:predicate, [:key?, [:method]]]]]] ] ) end it 'creates an each rule with other rules returned from the block' do rule = value.each do value.key(:method) { |method| method.str? } value.key(:amount) { |amount| amount.float? } end expect(rule).to match_array( [:each, [ :payments, [ :set, [ :payments, [ [:and, [ [:key, [:method, [:predicate, [:key?, []]]]], [:val, [:method, [:predicate, [:str?, []]]]] ]], [:and, [ [:key, [:amount, [:predicate, [:key?, []]]]], [:val, [:amount, [:predicate, [:float?, []]]]] ]], ] ] ] ]] ) end end describe '#rule' do subject(:pills) { } it 'appends new check rule' do pills.key(:red, &:filled?) pills.key(:blue, &:filled?) pills.rule(:destiny) { pills.rule(:red) | pills.rule(:blue) } expect( match_array([ [ :check, [ :destiny, [ :or, [ [:check, [:red, [:predicate, [:red, []]]]], [:check, [:blue, [:predicate, [:blue, []]]]] ] ] ] ] ]) end end describe '#not' do subject(:user) { } it 'builds a negated rule' do not_email = user.key(:email, &:str?).first.not expect(not_email.to_ary).to eql([ :not, [ :and, [ [:key, [:email, [:predicate, [:key?, []]]]], [:val, [:email, [:predicate, [:str?, []]]]] ] ] ]) end end end